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Fake friends have you ever had any?

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I had one who fucked me over in more ways than one. I met this 'feces' about 3 years ago and at first I thought 'feces' was a cool guy who I believed was my friend until 'feces' decided to fuck with my emotions, personal life and family. I won't get into details but the people who are my TRUE friends know what this 'feces' did to me. 'Feces' only acted as my friend when 'feces' wanted something done. When times got rough for him 'Feces' completely was oblivious to the fact that I was the only one there for 'feces'. 'Feces' used me..destroyed my trust in people and in general made me look at people who I believe are my friends in a different light. I guess I now have a bad judge of character well thank you fucking Piece of dog shit I hope you rot now child molester!

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Whats more is 'feces' wants back in my life after I told him straight up to stay away from me and never come near me again. About a month ago at CC there was a small incident that almost ensued into a full out brawl with my brothers backing me up 100% and telling this child molester to leave me alone and go on with his life. Now this 'feces' seems to think I'm gonna forgive and forget all the things he has done to me. Well he can go shit in his hat if he believes that. He now calls my house at all hours of the night and is not allowed nowhere near my property or we have the green light to call the cops. 'Feces' has left me no other alternative but to resort to violence if he doesn't stop harrasing me. He has brought out my demonic side, a side that I'm afraid to see. You fight with the bull you get the horns.

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This bitch PRETENDED to be my friend to get rides....and weed

at first I was being nice, but then I caught on when one night she had me drive her to her man's house because she THOUGHT he was cheating on her.....so she put sugar in his tank. I did not know this was her motive at first....

Days later, she then called me out of Nowhere, and started to accuse ME of cheating WITH him?!?!?!?! I was like WTF?!?! :blink Where did that come from, especially since I was engaged at them time for Gods sake?!

Later I decided I did not want to hang with this crazy bitch, so I dissed her calls, and one day she e-mailed me some really nasty and horrible things OUT OF NOWHERE! so.... We had an e-mail war....she called be a "Honkey!" and White Trash! and other racial crap.

I kept telling her how stupid she was.

She was crazy too.....I saw her go off on her man a few times, and she is just Off the hook.....She had some problems and was one of those "I'm entitled" people. Go my my braids and nails done, drive the best car, nices clothes and crap even though I don't work type snot.....MAN She was a meanie

Not that ALL people that get braids and nails done are like this.....it's the attitude...(Have to throw that in so I don't seem like I am generalizing)

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Sorry you have had such a hard time with this person...It is difficult to find good people these days, but they are out there :)

It has been years since I've had to deal with a psycho "friend" - I managed to weed the horrible ones out years ago.

I still have one female acquaintance who really only calls when she needs something or is having a crisis. She is the high drama/paranoid type so I deal by not telling her anything remotely personal or by being busy when she is in "Queen Psycho Mode." However, there are other friends of mine who like the drama and come whining to me whenever they have problems with her *sigh...no real escape eh?*

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Sorta...I have had people that only seemed to care about themselves (e.g. drug addicts that stole from me, friends who only hung out with me on "their" terms, etc.) but I don't think in their minds they were ever "faking" the friendships...I think they were just really self-absorbed and/or had other problems that had nothing to do with me. So, I kind of think that while they may genuinely be friends,they just aren't that that high quality of friends...you know?

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Guest Game of Chance

Sorta...I have had people that only seemed to care about themselves (e.g. drug addicts that stole from me, friends who only hung out with me on "their" terms, etc.) but I don't think in their minds they were ever "faking" the friendships...I think they were just really self-absorbed and/or had other problems that had nothing to do with me. So, I kind of think that while they may genuinely be friends,they just aren't that that high quality of friends...you know?


Agreed. I have met so many people over the years, but there are only a select few that I consider true friends. For better or for worse, I've become more careful about who I let into my life.

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Its hard, but you have to try and not let others negative garbage drag you down and try not to think about it to much, as thats exactly what it will do. Vengence/Spite/Hate rarely has any positive outcomes other than creating more drama. Just try to move away from them as best you can and focus on positive things as much as you can.

There are some very good actors out there, but over time it becomes easier and easier to spot the user/vampire/psycho types.

We will never be able to escape them totally but it does get easier.

"Real" friends are out there, they just arent as abundant as we might like.

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