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God Damn Tickets + Toledo + Friday "morning"

Troy Spiral

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So I got a ticket in Toledo, to pay it, I have to show up on a day I'm never In toledo,  (not to mention have not enough money to pay what I now know is a HUGE money grab by the toledo courts) as there is nothing special about this ticket , its just a car accident , between two cars.  But you can't pay it online, they won't even tell you a guess as to how much it will cost over the phone, and it doesn't matter if you live in california (guy actually told me that)  you have to show up , in person, in front of a judge, for him to "decide" how much to charge you.   So right there by definition is more money... asshats. 

Plus its stressing me out like crazy, and making me feel like a huge leech since I have to get a ride (duh car accident, two car collision? good thing I don't live in california at least) but have to get a ride   (probably from the GF Bobbi).  


Plus pay some insane ticket that I'm not exactly sure where the money is going to come from.  I've had 180 dollar tickets in michigan for like a big series of nothings, but at least I didn't have to go to a downtown madhouse court and wait like a douchebag for some ass to tell me how much I get to pay (plus court fees I'm sure)  170 bucks to my name.   Thats you know, supposed to be partly for bills, I'll be in shock if my entire checking account can even cover the nut.  FU Toledo.   UGH.     


This is all supposed to happen on Friday at 1 PM ... well , u know they say to show up then, god knows when they'll actually get around to calling me up.   *freaks out*

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Ok everybody here is how it works. Noon to 6pm broken down into 10 minute block at 5 bucks a block. Troy gets called during one of your blocks then you get 25% of the total and he gets the rest, he gets called during one of my block and I get 110%.

If you loose and don't pay up then you get the grand prize of me and my 6'4" ex-necto bouncer little brother showing up on your door step screaming NEE!

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