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What is the best Horror Movie ?

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What is the best horror movie?

I know for some people this is like picking a favorite child.   But,  think about it for a few minutes.  Also, try to think of movies you actually know are good rather than what I do sometimes is "I remember it being really good" but since i haven't seen it in 20 years it might just be some sort of shitty memory issue.  lol


Feel free to list a few, but just for the sake of the idea of the post , try to keep it to a minimum.  Maybe 5 max ish?    Try NOT to list movies that "should" be on the list, due to their pedigree but actually ones you really think are extra good.  5 star + type ones. 

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For a decent scare, Mama is a favorite that has no gore. Just a good old fashioned scary movie. I like the message of Saw however the sequels were pretty much crap. My personal favorite is Hellraiser however it is not the "best" movie out there. I appreciate the horror movies that are different somehow and not just a gorefest. Sinister and Silent Hill are personal favorites as well. Silent Hill gets very gorey, especially at the end, but is still fun in my opinion.

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To me the best horror has nothing to do with horror at all.  As a skeptic I don't believe in a lot of things without evidence, so not much scares me but I suppose one has to be able to suspend their disbelief when watching certain things.  One of my favorite movies where that is required is Event Horizon.  John Dies at the End was just funny but also worth mentioning for the complete suspension of disbelief section.

I also really like Alien since it is plausible that could happen one day in the future.

Texas Chansaw is also a classic, requires no suspension of any disbelief.  House of 1,000 Corpses was a nice tribute to that I thought.  Motel Hell was cheesy but good.  Anyway humans are the scariest monster because we actually exist and some humans are just evil as hell for no other reason than it amuses them.  I should add American Psycho to this list too.

Also there's the computer A.I. gone wrong section that I almost forgot about.  Virus, Hardware, and Fortress are all prime examples of that specific type of horror.

Zombie / vampire movies where the catalyst is a virus rather than something supernatural are great also.

Also a mention to Tucker and Dale vs. The Evil, because that was funny as hell and the only suspension of disbelief required is that those kids are actually that dumb.

Pretty sure I went way past the five movie limit, but I don't like to limit myself.  #sorrynotsorry ;) 

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This is a hard one for me, I can't just give ONE movie that credit. I'll give you my top 5.

1.) The Exorcist- The movie is not only got some creep factor, obviously scary but it's not for Regan it's the acting in it and how amazing the mood and cinematography was.

2.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (73)- It's an indie classic! It almost felt like a snuff film,  so well crafted. The violence feels real and the B-Roll of the house is creepy as fuck!

3.) Return of the Living Dead- That's on my top 5 favorite movies, it's just fucking fun!

4.) John Carpenter's The Thing- Between the acting, great special effects that hold up, amazing gore, it's just a damn good movie.

5.) A Nightmare on Elm Street- That one speaks for itself. It's scary, atmospheric, just well done! 

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I won't relist obviously things others have listed that I agree with but I will like their post:devil:

Evil Dead.

Alice, Sweet Alice

Someone mentioned House of 1000 corpse's I have to add Devil's Rejects as well.

Wicker Man

House of Wax

Only 5, huh? OK: (


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On 3/27/2016 at 1:48 AM, Draco1958 said:

For me, the original Halloween is one of the best.  It uses subtlety instead of gore, suspense and music combined.  Another one I like is John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness.  Another movie using music and suspense instead of gore.

I do really like the sort of movie you describe Halloween as.  I know I've seen it but its been SO long I can't remember it really.. at all I don't think.   Prince of Darkness has been on my list of "to watch" movies forever, I just keep not getting to it.    Might have to bump it up a few notches.  Also thinking about watching sort of "The classics" either 1. Again or 2. Ones I never saw in the first place.  (Halloween would fall in here I think).

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On 3/27/2016 at 5:27 AM, sekhmet2002 said:

For a decent scare, Mama is a favorite that has no gore. Just a good old fashioned scary movie. I like the message of Saw however the sequels were pretty much crap. My personal favorite is Hellraiser however it is not the "best" movie out there. I appreciate the horror movies that are different somehow and not just a gorefest. Sinister and Silent Hill are personal favorites as well. Silent Hill gets very gorey, especially at the end, but is still fun in my opinion.

Hrmm.  Never even heard of "Mama" will have to google it. 

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On 3/28/2016 at 0:04 AM, Irrationalmonster said:

This is a hard one for me, I can't just give ONE movie that credit. I'll give you my top 5.

1.) The Exorcist- The movie is not only got some creep factor, obviously scary but it's not for Regan it's the acting in it and how amazing the mood and cinematography was.

2.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (73)- It's an indie classic! It almost felt like a snuff film,  so well crafted. The violence feels real and the B-Roll of the house is creepy as fuck!

3.) Return of the Living Dead- That's on my top 5 favorite movies, it's just fucking fun!

4.) John Carpenter's The Thing- Between the acting, great special effects that hold up, amazing gore, it's just a damn good movie.

5.) A Nightmare on Elm Street- That one speaks for itself. It's scary, atmospheric, just well done! 

Yeah that's all great stuff.   Believe it or not I just saw TCM about 2 years ago.   ( I actually googled Living Dead movies to get them straight in my head.    The two distinct franchises I didn't even realize were a thing.   *adds a whole bunch of shit to the to be watched list*

Return , was done by Dan O'Banion who did Dark Star , which isn't a masterpiece but its groundbreaking and many special effects guys point to as a key inspiration, surprising both are done by the same guy. 

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I honestly don't get Hellraiser.  The novella/Short story thing was pretty good.


I know most of the films well enough to quote some of them, but I'd not call any of them "great film" , not even the first one.  

They are all B movies or sophomoric.  Not to say I can't enjoy B movies, but that's not how (especially the first movie) seem to be presented... "quality films".   Acting? Bad/Mediocre,  Effects?  Mediocre. Story?  Mediocre... why am I not getting it.  Plus they are not BAD ENOUGH to be just fun schlock films for fun.  Its obvious they are TRYING to be actual A (or close to it) list films. 

There is  :

Pinhead is cool

The box is cool

"The World" idea is cool.

I did enjoy the one that had the toymaker featured prominently in it,  (Hellraiser: Bloodline) .  Hellraiser:III COULD have been epic, but you know, they didn't let me direct it   hah.   This does get a few extra brownie points for the long as hell ash hanging from the guys cig as hes having sex with the blonde girl.  LOL.  


I had highish hopes for both Deader and Inferno but .. big shock... nope.  lol

I've seen them all except for 2.  One intentionally (the GF like boycotts Revelations it due to Doug Bradly not being in it) and we just somehow accidentally have not watched  Hellworld... the cyber-ish one.  


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4 hours ago, kat said:

I won't relist obviously things others have listed that I agree with but I will like their post:devil:

Evil Dead.

Alice, Sweet Alice

Someone mentioned House of 1000 corpse's I have to add Devil's Rejects as well.

Wicker Man

House of Wax

Only 5, huh? OK: (


I've seen a grand total of ... er.. One of these movies.  I have to get my act together. 

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The Thing

Rebecca  (far better than psycho IMHO)

Silence of the Lambs

The Shining



(from a "quality film" standpoint Alien is better than aliens, but aliens is a good time, alien is more of a artsy suspense movie, which I love, but being intellectually honest, aliens  for me hands down).


Shortest list I could come up with.   Was hard not to put The Shining and Alien/s on there but I tried to just pick 3.  

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As far as Hellraiser goes, my order goes 2, 1, then the rest.  Everything after 4 was crap too and even that kind of sucked for reasons I won't get into (plotholes?  more like plotcraters.)  I used to hang out on the Cenobite.com forums too a long time ago when +ripps was running things.  I remember talking to him one time, found out he was from A2 and liked NIN but that's another story.

I heard recently they're remaking Hellraiser, with Clive writing it and Doug reprising his roll as Pinhead.  I do hope it comes to fruition and doesn't suck but I'm sure if they're involved it will get the justice it deserves.

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I loved Martyrs, last one I've seen that I consider a favorite. Haven't seen any new horror movies in a longgggg time, I don't get the chance to watch movies much anymore.  I'm slacking for sure.

As for "horror movies that are hard to stomach" I'm suprised nobody has mentioned "A Serbian Film".  My roommate at the time and I got shitfaced wasted on beer to get through most of it comfortably.

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