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If I decided to throw a movie night..

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Interested? Yes.... you appear to live pretty close to me.... although the likelihood of me being able to actually go usually requires the stars to align in a very specific way that is rare.


5 Kids, family with medical issues all make committing to anything.... not so easy. 

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Sounds good to me, just depends on the when/where/how stuff.   Can library's stay open late?   We could roll it into some sort of dual event even with The Gathering, just start the "red apple" part a bit earlier then move the party over to a (reasonably) close  place.

or not, just spitballing ideas. 

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Ok so some ideas :

Bracket all this with the fact that at least for the next few months I'm fucked in terms of anything over the weekend.  Too broke, too much stuff to do, and that's the only time I "make" any money, even though its a joke. for me its huge.  So I'm stuck with weekdays (or maybe sunday).



Just doing it right after a shortened  Gathering night would be the simplest if there is somewhere to have it.  Like 9 to 1 or some such.  This might not be enough time.  A different day might be better.   I have no clue where we could have it in that area near there, I'm assuming there must be somewhere.  This would require a few people to basically just show their faces at the red apple for a minute and have to go work on setting things up.   I assume one of them would be me. 



Gotta give people some significant time.  1-2 months+ I'd guess.  Otherwise it'll just be a flop, not that flops are horrible. Could slowly turn it into a once a month or once a season type thing, it won't be a flop forever.  Just how the first one goes sets the tone for the rest.



 What do we show?  How is this decided?   Since we are only going to have time for probably like 2 movies at most  if we do it the above way that's especially an issue.  



 Someone has to take the lead on anything like this, I assume this would be Monster since that's implied even in the topic.  I can help but we'd have to be dedicated to it.  My schedule is F-ed at the moment even worse than normal.


I like the idea, and can help promote it , especially if its attached to DGN in some vague (or not so vague) way.    I'd be more gung-ho and would be probably already trying to get things rolling if I didn't have all this real life BS in my way. 

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I wrote this way back when we weren't able to post. Sorry for the tardiness...

DGN shouldnt be involved with a movie night unless it is legal. Unless it is at someones home,  it won't be legal without a license for public presentation. The license plus any room rental fees plus any food and beverages will be very cost prohibitive. 

Immediate suggestions include having it at someone's home (not mine you freaks) or renting a theater at Emagine Canton. I say Emagine canton because they have a theater with only  25 seats. At $10 per seat it is reasonable that they might charge only 250 for the showing. They might even include use of the party room.

As an aside, provided we are willing to pay for expensive drinks/food and have something to show that we have the ability to show legally... Sidetracks in ypsi has some nice rooms that might make it a decent choice. 

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35 minutes ago, Marblez said:

I wrote this way back when we weren't able to post. Sorry for the tardiness...

DGN shouldnt be involved with a movie night unless it is legal. Unless it is at someones home,  it won't be legal without a license for public presentation. The license plus any room rental fees plus any food and beverages will be very cost prohibitive. 

Immediate suggestions include having it at someone's home (not mine you freaks) or renting a theater at Emagine Canton. I say Emagine canton because they have a theater with only  25 seats. At $10 per seat it is reasonable that they might charge only 250 for the showing. They might even include use of the party room.

As an aside, provided we are willing to pay for expensive drinks/food and have something to show that we have the ability to show legally... Sidetracks in ypsi has some nice rooms that might make it a decent choice. 

Too true, however...

The Ape Man, Atom Age Vampire, Attack of the Giant Leeches, Black Dragons, The Brain That Wouldn't Die, Carnival of Souls, and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe are just a tiny sample of what is in the public domain.

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I'm not sure there is much chance of any legal issues as long as someone buys the movies, which for me isn't a trivial cost but if I had a job it would be. It's sort of like bingo and soon to be Marijuana and bullshit were like churches have gambling fundraisers, no law enforcement gives two fucks. Not that I'd encourage any 'real lawbreaking'


Monsters idea of showing a or some movies at a library would be a non issue unless the library says they have an issue, which from personal experience I know they dont.


Ive been to movie nights at the Westland library several times, hell libraries are like the new blockbuster. You can show the movies they have there even, which in this case all tend toward 'classic horror'.


They also have protector equipment there. Good enough to project to a large outdoor canvas even (which they also have) no clue about the logistics.

I pm ed monster, not sure if he died or what. Not sure how to contact him off board. 

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