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Apparently its , Hillary, Bernie or Donald?

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Like it or not looks like we are stuck (almost always) with the two party system for now.   The only realistic candidates seem to be Hillary , Bernie or Donald?   


I guess I have to go with bernie.  


Voting for someone that has no chance to win, seems to be the same as not voting, and not voting means "I'll vote for whoever wins and take no part" well , that means we are taking part, just the lazy way.  It should feel more like an obligation as  a citizen rather than an "option" (voting) but unfortunately it isn't like that , the voting turnout is pathetic every year.   (sad to say I've not voted , often).    

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I choose Hillary. I don't know much about Bernie's actual stance on anything. I don't trust Trump to try to run this country like a business then blow it on foreign policy. At least Hillary's been there. Should prove interesting to say the least.

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Voting for someone simply because who you want doesn't stand a chance is saying "I condone your bullshit two party system system." Hell even if you do want the rebloodlican or democrypt, that is what you are saying.

Voting for anyone but Demopublicans or Republicrats is saying "I reject you and your bullshit two party system"

Republicans and Democrats are just the wings of the same bird of prey, so go ahead, vote for one of them and cast a vote for making things worse.

I'm writing in John McAfee.

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On 5/9/2016 at 10:15 AM, Trene4000 said:

I choose Hillary. I don't know much about Bernie's actual stance on anything. I don't trust Trump to try to run this country like a business then blow it on foreign policy. At least Hillary's been there. Should prove interesting to say the least.

You don't want hillary unless I'm reading your personality wrong.  Shes long be anti-gay marriage, she was for don't ask don't tell,  she voted for the patriot act (bernie was one of the brave few that knew it was a sham AND VOTED AGAINST IT, most were to scared for their political lives, even though they knew it was a sham to vote against it post 9/11).  She's long been cozy with the wall street thieves (bernie is a vocal critic).   Then when it came time to renew that POS act, and everyone who should have known better was in a position to vote against it (finally and still keep their carrers) she voted for it again.   Biggest piece of pork bill that comes to mind. 


Bernie is fire breathing for a constitutional amendment to get political contributions back to something realistic, hillary gives lip service to it but really is only even in the running due to "PAC Money" (bernie is too but he is against PAC money).  


Foreign policy wise  Hillary is a strong pro-military spending pro-attack hawk.  Bernie is about as far the opposite you can be and still get elected.


My one big-ish problem with bernie is he is the most pro-more-gun control of the lot, but I think most people voting for democrats would view that as a plus. 


Either is better than Donald though, way better.


But in a backwards sort of way, Donald winning would screw things up so bad, that it MIGHT wake up the american populace and actually get somet things fixed after dons wall street theive pals fuck us AGAIN and destroy scientific and technical progress for another 4 years (after bush's 8 years). 

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