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I have to post this because all my life being left handed was not a real issue and I never thought twice about it until a couple weeks ago when I was in a job training and we had to do the physical portion of the non-violent crisis intervention techniques and I went to be in the role of the client in a move called strike , which is exactly what it means. I go at the person with my left hand and they had no clue what to do and said, "why are you using your left hand?" I nearly hit the floor and I had to explain the fact that I was left handed...der..right, so the rest of the group like panicked like I was contagious and needed to be quarentiened and everyone was like well can you use your right for this? *Face hit wall* I just said aloud, " um...uh..you do realize that there are going to be clients who are left handed too, right?" I said "if a client comes at you with their left hand are you going to, in the middle of a real attack ask that they use their right hand because you were caught off guard and can't do the move right?"  I was like you guys realize that there are going to be other left handed people who may come at you?" than, even though we were told a few days prior to this that people who have had brain injuries, strokes, etc... will have a weaker side and they will start using the stronger side after this even if they were right handed their entire life they will start using the left if it's stronger it is now their dominant side.

Right?  Makes sense to me. They can have total paralysis on one side and have no choice.  You would think people would understand the logic of me using my left in the exercises but nope, we did kicks and I used my left leg and again caught the people off guard and they are like well why you use your left leg! I said again,  I'm not the only person who uses the left and I'm trying to explain the stuff and finally one person with a brain (a rec therapist intern) said..."because that's her dominant side"! They still acted like they didn't get it so I stopped trying to explain perhaps they will learn when a lefty teaches them in real life. 

Anyway, Here is some random left handed knowledge: 


Edited by kat
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Was about to upvote but hufpo is crap.

Anyway I'm slightly ambidextrous myself.  I only write with my right hand, which probably looks like how you wright with your right hand but it's still better than my left.  Although for shooting pool I've always shot left handed (left arm on the back, right arm on the front.)  Admittedly that was partly by mistake because I probably thought it was just a gigantic pencil but doing it the other way just feels weird now.  I've also always pissed with my left hand, although that might be a bit TMI.  Not sure if it was learned behavior or instinct.

I shoot left handed though because I'm left eye dominant.  I'll switch it up and shoot with either though but I prefer the left eye, even if this is a thing:


I personally know two other people who shoot left handed as well.  One of them started a business called South Paw Draw for that reason.  I like that the Glock Gen 4 has the ability to switch the mag release to the right side.  They probably make slides that will eject to the left as well, but I haven't seen them.  Anyway that's partly the reason for the safety glasses (other than the possibility of a round hitting another round and blowing up in what is or was your hand.)

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/20/2016 at 8:37 AM, Scary Guy said:

Was about to upvote but hufpo is crap.

Anyway I'm slightly ambidextrous myself.  I only write with my right hand, which probably looks like how you wright with your right hand but it's still better than my left.  Although for shooting pool I've always shot left handed (left arm on the back, right arm on the front.)  Admittedly that was partly by mistake because I probably thought it was just a gigantic pencil but doing it the other way just feels weird now.  I've also always pissed with my left hand, although that might be a bit TMI.  Not sure if it was learned behavior or instinct.

I shoot left handed though because I'm left eye dominant.  I'll switch it up and shoot with either though but I prefer the left eye, even if this is a thing:


I personally know two other people who shoot left handed as well.  One of them started a business called South Paw Draw for that reason.  I like that the Glock Gen 4 has the ability to switch the mag release to the right side.  They probably make slides that will eject to the left as well, but I haven't seen them.  Anyway that's partly the reason for the safety glasses (other than the possibility of a round hitting another round and blowing up in what is or was your hand.)

What Gen 4 do you own? I'm torn between a 17 and a 19 myself.

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On 1/14/2017 at 4:32 PM, zurgous said:

What Gen 4 do you own? I'm torn between a 17 and a 19 myself.

34 (the long one)

I'm thinking about selling it though and getting the same in a .40 if they have it.  Lone Wolf Arms makes conversion barrels for .357 and 9mm.  You can convert down but not up (for obvious reasons).

Then again it was my first gun ever so I kind of want to hang on to it too...

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  • 4 years later...
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  • 1 month later...

I'm right handed for the most part, although I can bat left handed and I do shuffle cards and brush my hair left handed.


My oldest son is left handed and I couldn't teach him to tie his shoes... my niece managed to teach him in less than 5 minutes.

There's a store in my local mall that sells a bunch of things that are made for left handed people.  Can openers, scissors, pencils, notebooks, and a bunch of other things.

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  • 2 years later...

i can write and draw left handed

i am right handed by force

i was born ambidextrous like my brother

my parents made me use my left hand teaching me to write

they said the world is made for righties indeed it is for the most part

my left hand just works better at some things

and i noticed that

most things are made for righties.

i do sports better with my left hand


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Which hand you favor, while there's a definite preference for the corresponding dominant half of your brain (genetic), is actually more about habituation.  I'm not sure what handed I'm supposed to be, but I'm right eye dominant, so I'm guessing it's right handed.  My mom, however, was a southpaw, and had hoped that I would be, too.  She used to take whatever I was holding in my right hand and switch it to my left.  Being a defiant little shit, I would angrily switch it back.  Yet over the years I noticed that if you take the time to "teach" your left hand to do things, you develop some cool abilities.  When I was in massage school, I taught everything to my left side that I learned with my right.  This makes it MUCH easier when standing on either side of the massage table to duplicate the same motions for both sides.  It also comes in handy using tools to repair stuff, etc.  (I just have to "remind" my left not to mirror image, which it is want to do writing, because screws still are threaded only one way!)

I guess the whole point of my reply is to highly recommend taking the time to teach your "weak" hand to do what your strong hand can do.  At this point in life it'll be more difficult, but not impossible.  (I began my massage career as I was turning 60.)  It sure makes life a lot easier in the long run.

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11 hours ago, Stu said:

I just have to "remind" my left not to mirror image, which it is want to do writing, because screws still are threaded only one way!

That's a joke right?  There's a reverse screw in the lift on my split keyboard so that when I rest my hand on that side of it it doesn't unscrew itself.  Also tires and I'm not sure what else because my brain is fried.

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4 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

That's a joke right?  There's a reverse screw in the lift on my split keyboard so that when I rest my hand on that side of it it doesn't unscrew itself.  Also tires and I'm not sure what else because my brain is fried.

I was speaking generally, Mr. Literal!  😄

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