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Troy and Draco non traditonal work discussion

Troy Spiral

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1 hour ago, Draco1958 said:

Don't think of it as you suck.  Think of it as being just one out of the thousands of people who have hit a temporary hard time.  And think of it as knowing how many people care and want to help not because you suck but because we care and many of us have been there and got help.  So we show our appreciation by helping others knowing that one day if we need help, you would do what you could to help.

Thanks draco.  My problem is its not as temporary as I thought it was going to be.  Its been like 10 years.  I've gotten a LOT better, but I still failed 7 times (and the last two fairly recently) to go back to work.  My brain just can't deal with deadlines (and the insomina is so bad it makes me unreliable as hell, and I HATE unreliability).  I had several alternate ideas that I've tried.  Right now a few of them MIGHT be decent, but the stuff with my mom is really taking its toll. More than I realized until just today.  

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On ‎11‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 3:32 AM, Troy Spiral said:

Thanks draco.  My problem is its not as temporary as I thought it was going to be.  Its been like 10 years.  I've gotten a LOT better, but I still failed 7 times (and the last two fairly recently) to go back to work.  My brain just can't deal with deadlines (and the insomina is so bad it makes me unreliable as hell, and I HATE unreliability).  I had several alternate ideas that I've tried.  Right now a few of them MIGHT be decent, but the stuff with my mom is really taking its toll. More than I realized until just today.  

Have you considered trying to find a job where you work at home and use your computer to log onto the company site and do the work that way.  A friend was dating a lady who did transcription for a doctor.  Ha would record it on his computer.  She would log on and type what he recorded onto files and that way the doctor had his recorded notes types out and she did it from home.  Might be worth considering since she did it at night and made decent money.

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18 hours ago, Draco1958 said:

Have you considered trying to find a job where you work at home and use your computer to log onto the company site and do the work that way.  A friend was dating a lady who did transcription for a doctor.  Ha would record it on his computer.  She would log on and type what he recorded onto files and that way the doctor had his recorded notes types out and she did it from home.  Might be worth considering since she did it at night and made decent money.

Yeah ive scoured the internet trying various things. ive tried at least 9 - 10 differnt kinds of online work. For various reasons my brain just couldnt handle them (if it could id at least do massage terapy which im trained in as my 'second try' at getting a job after the car accident i went to school for it,  hoping it would be calm enough for the ptsd to not kick in) or the pay was so shitty (Not even close to minimum wage anyway) trading cards is a better use of my energy longer term the youtube videos could turn into something but with all the crap that has been going on the last few months i havent been able to give either any serious attention.

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Just split this off to not spam up marblez thread to much.  I'm still open to online work, but I think trading the collectables and (eventually) the youtube channel strategy is pretty valid.  The card trading gets me out of the house and forces me to be a little social but not too social because you are focused on the card game (magic the gathering) and the trading, and youtube (longer term) is a valid way to make decent money, just have to have some time / energey that isn't taken up by life drama , sickness or now juggling stuff I've never really had to deal with before with my mom.   Time I need time.  *shakes fist at universe*  


Although the card trading is going to be depressing when I do start back up becasue the last few months have caused my collection to take a huge hit value wise because I wasn't able to trade things away at the right time.  Really frustrating.  

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I just got into mystery shopping...I signed up for these surveys to try and make money but they don't seem to be working and all of a sudden they started sending me checks which I know is a scam obviously so I even called and reported it, but then I got a weird email from this company and its actually mystery banking.  I did an assisignment this week they pay 35 dollars plus mileage and a 15 dollar incentive fee if it's not late so thats 50 bucks. The thing is though the assignments are few and far between. 

Then there is an organization that hires people to do go out and do investigation for housing discrimination.  You basically would be a decoy. It's for a equal rights in housing organization.  They need men and women of all races for these projects.  I'll find the information and post it.

Also,  if you become a job spotter, through indeed.com, I do this ccurrently and while you don't make actual money you earn gift cards for amazon they add up nice.

One more thing...I was curious if maybe your mom was eligible for chore services?  You could be her provider and make a little money with that if her doc will complete the paperwork required.

I been looking into all types of side hustles being that I'm having issues with employment due to a couple issues mainly lack of consistent and reliable transportation for the type of jobs I have experience with and a shitty driving record messing up my background checks than there's that damn state Social Work exam which I have to take and am not prepared and my supervision paperwork was done incorrectly and now I have to go bug my old employer again...grrr, why can't people just do things right? At this point  I seriously even applied at Walmart to try and have some kind of income. I'm overqualified they won't call, I'm going have to start lying on job apps at this rate or leave Michigan.  There are states where my degree is still useful that don't require the BS that Michigan does. I get called everywhere except here but the issue is I lack $$$ to be able to up and move and don't want to ask anyone I know if I could stay with them for like a few granted I have an actual friend or family member in said location. 

 I'm living on my little bit of retirement that I had to cash out. I had no choice and that was barely enough to pay bills really.  


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Sorry to hear that last part Kat  *hugs*  :(  Sucky situation.  Years ago I had to cash out of my almost 50k 401k , and was stupid and kept living as if I still had a job ate that all up fast.  Wish I had a time machine. 

I did sign up for a TON of secret shopper stuff (bobbi does them on and off) I even started the certification process to do Best Buy audits , took the piss test (and paid for it)  and started watching the videos / reading for it....(fairly decent money , but complicated)... its just so crazy stressful (the ones that actually pay decent money money) you basicly have to be a secret agent and memorize a back story then fill out paperwork explaining everything, that hits like half my key PTSD triggers.  :(  Its the same problem as always, if i could do that, I'd just go back to work and make real money.   =/  

I think it would be a decent option for people that don't have the same triggers that I do. 

I'm surprised I'm even being "social" right now, I'm just like in a semi apathetic , super anxious, on and off depression but trying hard  stay positive and not let myself go into the troy bear cave again, its scary this time because I know I pretty much will not survive if I go off the deep end again, too much practice to screw it up if i "go there" again. 

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On 11/5/2016 at 10:31 PM, Troy Spiral said:

Sorry to hear that last part Kat  *hugs*  :(  Sucky situation.  Years ago I had to cash out of my almost 50k 401k , and was stupid and kept living as if I still had a job ate that all up fast.  Wish I had a time machine. 

I did sign up for a TON of secret shopper stuff (bobbi does them on and off) I even started the certification process to do Best Buy audits , took the piss test (and paid for it)  and started watching the videos / reading for it....(fairly decent money , but complicated)... its just so crazy stressful (the ones that actually pay decent money money) you basicly have to be a secret agent and memorize a back story then fill out paperwork explaining everything, that hits like half my key PTSD triggers.  :(  Its the same problem as always, if i could do that, I'd just go back to work and make real money.   =/  

I think it would be a decent option for people that don't have the same triggers that I do. 

I'm surprised I'm even being "social" right now, I'm just like in a semi apathetic , super anxious, on and off depression but trying hard  stay positive and not let myself go into the troy bear cave again, its scary this time because I know I pretty much will not survive if I go off the deep end again, too much practice to screw it up if i "go there" again. 

I get extremely frustrated trying to do paperwork personally. I completely over think everything and make it all more difficult than it should be. 

I am just going to take any job at this point.  I will keep you posted if I see anything else.

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