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GRG Life UpDate

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Lots and lots of you know me.. and a lot of you dont give a shit about me anymore... and hey, thats ok! (no, really, Im ok with it... you do you.)

Since Ryuu passed in 2013, my life has been a whirlwind of events. my roommates and I (same roommates Ive been living with since 2008) moved to CA, because one of them got a great job.

Well, the company went bankrupt, because one of the owners is quite delusional. So while waiting for another job (in the same field) to get back to... lets call him BJ, money ran out, and all of us ended up being homeless. 

I have been engaged since last year. Me and... lets cal him Wolf, were living in his car for the last 5 months.

We got screwed over by a friend, and are now back in MI... the other roommates are also back in MI, but we don't live with them. We live with some very nice folks, in Algonac/Clay Twp. 

I have also been diagnosed with some new illnesses. one of which is eating away at both of my kneecaps (I ended up in the ER, because of it, and its in the advanced stages in my left and is advancing in my right)

I may or may not be back here.... but for those who dont want to be facebook friends but still care, here is whats been going on the last few years.

My other hairless cat, ZahZah is doing well. She misses Ryuu, eventho they didn't know each other long... and Wolf and I are trying to get back to some semblence of normalcy and also trying, desperately, to get our bank account out of the red, and also just survive in general.

I dont hope for pitty. I dont even hope for comments. I just wanted to make a post. Despite a lot of the bad memories, I do actually miss it here. Gods only knows why cuz I sure dont lol

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Sorry to hear about all the bad things happening to you and them around you.  Sorry to hear also about your illness.    That's horrible.   :(  Very sorry to hear it.     I've lost several pets over the years right now I have none, at least not at my house.  Its very upsetting losing them.  Very sorry to hear about you having to live out of a car.  :(   My own blood is trying to kill me, the genetic blood disorder that half my family has finally hit me.  I have blood clots in both legs and one lung plus a heart filter.  (apparently I'm just lucky they formed there and not in my heart or brain or I wouldn't be typing right now).  Plus my mother who I live with now since my car accident, is still in the hospital after having a heart attack and a stroke.  I try to go see her every day that I can and try to juggle all the stuff around the house, half of which I don't even know what to do, as mom always took care of it.  (dad died a few years ago). 


This place is still called DGN but its not the DGN you remember.  It might as well be a different  board.  The drama you are (I think, its been so long) are referring is non existent anymore , just as most of the people (if not all) are non-existent on DGN as well, replaced by newer people, but now veterans, as the time period you are refering to is  years ago. 


Like all message boards the makeup of the place rotates over time, the vast majority of people that were around when you were active are no longer active except a very few.  This has been going on since 2001 (when the board started) I'd guess 80% of any message boards makeup is totally replaced by new people in say 3 years.  DGN might have a bit longer just due to its more "people centric" focus rather than say a board about some hobby, it is not an easy task most boards don't even try to keep the drama out but was always what we tried to do even though its impossible to keep it ALL out, especially when I personally was extremely mentally ill for a long time right around the time we hit our peak activity.  :(   Not that  keeping drama away is even needed these days.    The board is a lot more "quiet" now and there is zero real drama at least as far as whatever you are referring to, which as best as I can remember you were around at the peak of DGN activity when we had 500+ posts a day and the on again off again drama was not easy to manage.  It's a much smaller , more close group.  

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We are friends on Facebook, Troy. I have been following what's been going on with you, very closely. I really do hope things get better for you. I know your mom isn't doing so hot and I'm pretty sure it's because of how neglectful the place is, that she is staying at. 

I'm rooting for you and her!

Yeah... as far as drama goes I was here for it. I was partially the center of it. Lost a lot of people out of my life who I thought were my friends... Come to find out they only kept me around to laugh at my life because they all thought I was foolish and whatever else... so I left. Coming back like once a year To check messages and what not.

Message boards really are starting to fade in popularity and it makes me sad because of how useful they can be. 

I know some of this may seem off topic. But I wanted to open a dialog and have. So I'm happy how this thread is going. 

I think I will return from my hiatus.

Also, I wish i were closer so I could attend a DGN Gathering. but an hour's drive is just too far. We broke af... And rely heavily on donations. I am sure you can relate to that lol 

There are quite a few people whom I miss and wouldn't mind seeing.


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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Moe Falcon said:

Broke as f.. describes the best of us, as far as I see it, but if life were fair we'd all be rich and thin.

No kidding. :/

I just wish we weren't starting over 100% with debt  to the bank. thankfully our bank allows us to pay it back when we want, without interest. but still.

In a better world, I wouldn't be sick and struggling just to go up and down stairs... of course, if I weren't sick, I'd be thin... so your point still stands lol

Life sucks right now. struggling to eat and pay bills. when just 9 months ago, we weren't doing either of those things. It's frustrating how fast shit can go sour.

Thankfully, I still have use of my hands, and my hats are good quality. sadly, everyone else is just as broke as we are and hats are cheaper at walmart. :/ but even if no one buys them... I can still make them, and it's sorta like therapy to me...

Anyways... not all of that was in response to you particularly. lol I just tend to ramble a lot more than I use to... which is saying something.

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6 hours ago, sekhmet2002 said:

I'm sorry for all you experienced years ago and in your personal life. As Troy said, there isn't any drama now. I, too had been involved in some a few years back and left the board to let it go away. I came back recently as well. I'm glad you came back. :)

Man... most of the drama I went through didn't even happen here. it happen on Facebook and involved a lot of dgners. people who I thought were my friend. who I cared deeply for... And turns out I wasted my time and energy because they either secretly hated me, or just kept me around to laugh at (not my words)

I left because I was hurt. this was the first community I joined, when I first moved to MI, in 2007. And some of the people here, who I thought were my friends, were the first friends i made here... so being here was hard. 

I was afraid to come back, for a long time... But eh... who knows. maybe something great will come of it. :)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
autocorrect is an asshole
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On 11/16/2016 at 7:55 AM, GothicRavenGoddess said:

Yeah... as far as drama goes I was here for it. I was partially the center of it. Lost a lot of people out of my life who I thought were my friends... Come to find out they only kept me around to laugh at my life because they all thought I was foolish and whatever else... so I left. Coming back like once a year To check messages and what not.

Message boards really are starting to fade in popularity and it makes me sad because of how useful they can be. 

I know some of this may seem off topic. But I wanted to open a dialog and have. So I'm happy how this thread is going. 

I think I will return from my hiatus.

Hugs. I swear I understand this 💯!

True colors have shown through darling. People get what they give. Glad you were strong enough to get away the negativity.

Edited by kat
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I exist in spite of drama.  Conflict and differences in opinion are how we grow as people.  Either you're strong enough to stick it out or you let them win.

NEVER let them win.


(or they ban you for years over dumb shit and peer pressure.  In any case you survive though and I suppose that's better than the alternative.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/2/2016 at 8:29 PM, Moe Falcon said:

I'm hoping butthurt and feels and the dreaded mob mentality don't exist in the banning process.. but I read my horoscope too..

There hasn't been any drama here in quite a while. The group of people on here get along quite well as you already know. :)

Edited by sekhmet2002
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