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Random Acts of Kindness 5.0 - Post, This Means You

Troy Spiral

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DGN Random Acts of Kindness 5.0




Make A Wish List

Post the link here!

Keep it updated!



Try to keep it in the 10 items  range.  It's hard to pick something from a list of 5000 items. No clue what you "value".  







Additional Info:



If you go in your wishlist and in the upper right corner there is a little "email" button that is the link you want to show us. Don't forget to click on "actions" and update your shipping info.


Wish List Instructions for Amazon Newbies (Suggested)

Chrome Addon that lets you add items from any website to your amazon wishlist.  (Any website that supports/allows it)



The most common way to make wishlists is on Amazon's page here, people can buy items right off it, and they don't need your address as amazon keeps it private.



Many of us are broke but when we are not we enjoy giving gifts.  We all should.  


Even if you DON'T enjoy it , do your homework it's good for ya! 


On Gratitude < =

On The Joy of Giving <=

Happiness Increases From Giving When There’s A Social Connection <=





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On 12/4/2016 at 8:08 AM, phee said:

I have been told to post a list... so here goes.


Mackie 32/8 mixer

Pay my bills

Better Medical insurance

Pay my bills again

Car repairs

A more compelling reason to get up in the morning.

Well you tried.  Heh.  I have all these needs to but I couldn't really put them on an amazon wishlist....  except the mackie mixer.  I'd make the list for you if I could.   But more simple things like something you need  for the house that costs say 20 bucks , which would take pressure off of the money you need for bills is how I think about "money for bills".  Like the food item I have on my list if someone gave me food (and some have thank you!) its just that much left over for bills.  It could just be say new silverware or a big ass (pun incoming) load of butt wipe.  

although my list does include some things that would cheer me up that isn't itself a traditional "need" but is a need emotionally or both (items that cover both are the best) and give me a reason to get up (again just as an example).  

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On 12/6/2016 at 8:40 AM, TronRP said:

Now I understand your way of thinking.  When I came up with the idea behind the concept, it was to have people provide others with a way to help them moneywise so they could have a little extra cash on hand to pay bills or buy things they normally would not be able to due to shortage of funds.  You see it as lightening the load to take the stress off of funds one currently has.  I really had not thought of it in that manner before.

Seeing it from your perspective really makes it difficult for me to make a list given that things I generally tend to "need" are of the immediate nature and I do not usually "want" for much.  I am an impulse buyer so, when shopping, I tend to pick up necessities and the occasional, "Ooh I like that" items at the same time.


Well that's just my philosophy on how I make the list and it helps me put things (indirectly) on the list.  I'm guessing that same philosophy would work for others too.  But in the end its just a wishlist of stuff  you'd like to have, what that stuff is and how someone decides to make that list is up to them.  I was just explaining about the sort of "hard to put on a list" things phee was talking about.  There is also the "ooh shiney!" *add to list* system.   just as valid.

I swear I never thought of this as a discussion thread, but it always turns into one. lol  People don't know what they want? Not even like 2 things?  Hell.  I  NEED PENS... i could put that and colored markers or trash bags on the list.  Just make a list.  I dunno... someone might like my little ponies or that Anker Drive game or an adapter kit for some car part... whatever.  A secondary reason for making a list is , just so people have some slight clue what you want and/or the more people that actually do the dang list just makes it easier for a someone that might be shy about posting a list less shy about it.  

Oh... Duh here is mine:

House Spirals Wishlist 
Link: http://a.co/cPohSt7




Although in my particular case I agonize over what to put and not put on the list, as for me in one way or another there is at least mild life-saving effect from every single thing on my list in one form or another.

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Mine is still updated regularly.  Calms me down sometimes to window shop and figure out "what is it that I actually WANT (not counting good health and such like that) ... which isn't that many things once I really think about it."  Well other than you know...  MY GOD DAMN STORE TO BE DONE AND PROFITABLE SO I CAN GET ABOVE POVERTY lol or at least enough patreon subscribers so I can keep working (its ready to launch and works just needs some polish, Kickstarter, and  gofundme aren't a good fit.  Scared to death my computer is going to die before I get things going.  It runs on hampster power and its been  getting worse for a year, I've replaced everything that is cheap-ish and took the whole thing apart and put it back together twice.   Its the motherboard, plus this POS pc is so shitty it doesn't even run the graphics editing stuff I need to update the website properly, have to use the shitty software.  But, so far so good. *keeps fingers crossed*. 

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