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How Did Your Day Go?


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How was your day? Anything good happen? Anything bad? Did you accomplish something you had been meaning to do? Did your plans fall apart? Think of this like a kind of group journal, but with more love and support than a piece of paper.

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Well I did slave labor most of the day.  But the plague I had seems pretty much gone.  I'm just back to my normal semi-shitty.   hah  Spent a long time trying to figure out how to come up with some money to put into this slow as hell saving I'm trying to do.  Came up with maybe 10 more bucks a month.  Its kind of silly though since my bills are > income "saving" just means "robbing peter to pay paul" but I like paul better so.  F peter. 

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20 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

I went to a friend's house and watched movies and ate snacks.

Friends and snacks are always good. :thumbup:

1 hour ago, Troy Spiral said:

Well I did slave labor most of the day.  But the plague I had seems pretty much gone.  I'm just back to my normal semi-shitty.   hah  Spent a long time trying to figure out how to come up with some money to put into this slow as hell saving I'm trying to do.  Came up with maybe 10 more bucks a month.  Its kind of silly though since my bills are > income "saving" just means "robbing peter to pay paul" but I like paul better so.  F peter. 

I'm glad you're feeling better!

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I couldn't sleep last night so I got some of today's tasks done last night and then slept in the morning. I needed to switch back over to nocturnal mode anyways because I work Thursday night.

I made breakfast for dinner because I wanted to make cinnamon bun pancakes. They're kind of a pain but worth it. And the kids actually ate their whole dinner. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. :thumbsup:

Edited by RosyBlue
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I've been running non-stop since we left the Red Apple Thursday night.  I never got the chance to get back to my taxes, but Thursday, I did clean up the glass from my neighbor's fallen shutters, did security checks, got the garbage out and took care of the pets.

Friday, I gave my nephew a life lesson in paying attention to what is being said TO YOU, did the house cleaning, played fetch with Tawny, passed out for 2 hours, brought in the mail and packages that arrived, ran errands to CVS, America's Best, Sears, PetSmart, Jo~Ann's Fabrics and Meijer, made it home by 10:30pm and spent the next 5 hours emptying the truck, going through packages, putting everything away, washing the dishes and playing fetch with Tawny for an hour.  During that time, I had a long talk with my nephew about why he acts the way he does.

By the time I made it to bed, it was 3:58am Saturday morning.  I was not physically able to get out of bed until 12pm.  Once that happened, the day never stopped.  I got over to the HomeHouse and set up the Snack Bar for lunch, had a heart to heart with the boy, started the laundry, ate some food, had a mini dance party, threw everyone in the truck and made another run to America's Best since the next set of glasses had come in, got home by 6:30pm, finished the last load of laundry for the HomeHouse, prepared 3 weeks worth of med-packs, set the boy up with a spelling word assignment, started on my own laundry, switched out the feeder in the nursery for a larger one, brought up one load of laundry and finally sat down to dinner and a game of fetch at 9pm.

It is now a little after 10pm and I am contemplating whether to do more laundry, work on taxes, or take a break...decisions, decisions...

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On 3/2/2017 at 1:46 AM, RosyBlue said:

I couldn't sleep last night so I got some of today's tasks done last night and then slept in the morning. I needed to switch back over to nocturnal mode anyways because I work Thursday night.

I made breakfast for dinner because I wanted to make cinnamon bun pancakes. They're kind of a pain but worth it. And the kids actually are their whole dinner. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. :thumbsup:

OK...I know you meant your kids actually ate their whole dinner, but since I read in images, this was the first thing that came to mind...



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I wasn't even 9am yet and this day has gotten off to a rocky start.  I go to set breakfast and the ceiling is leaking.  A seal in the bathtub sprung a leak.  At least that's fixable.  But a kid with lazy behavior...that's another matter.  

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Well, since this is the end of my day, I'll post now lol.

On Thursday the rest of the overnight crew and I found out that my store is getting rid of overnights. So the topic of conversation all night was about who's staying and going to days, some are angry at upper management, some are angry at the store manager, some chose to not care about their work because they're about to lose their jobs. It was truck night so my back is killing me.

Anyone know of a way I could get a job doing coding? I have no experience but I want to learn and I'm capable of understanding it.

I can has sleeps now?

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Really good until I got to the shipper in Warren. Dispatch always gives me the wrong pickup number and I'm stuck waiting for hours. I'm about ready to drive back to the terminal and refuse to ever come back to this customer again. *deep breaths*

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  • 2 weeks later...


Got crap sleep. Sold some collectables to a guy down the street thinking I would use the money for an oil change, forgot about a bill that is incoming and a higher priority.  Bah.  Lol.  Saw the therapist , that went fine, it usually does.  Tripped over some junk in my room and landed in a pile of clothes and stuffed animals so it worked out ok.  Have slave labor to do around the house, not done with it all yet. 

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4 minutes ago, Troy Spiral said:

Sick most of the day.  Opened up blank card stock tron sent me (for The Gathering cards yay!).  Most of my energy was burned doing slow (dizzy , stress headaches) slave labor heh. 

...tron...what speaketh thou, this tron...?

You must mean like some Keebler elves or something.



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Woke up to a fight with Mike. Managed to convince my sick daughter to eat and take some medicine then her and I both fell back asleep. Woke up with just enough time to eat, get ready, and go do a little grocery shopping before heading out to babysit for my bestie. I had fun with her kids, ate chicken marsala, and played with rats.



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4 hours ago, RosyBlue said:

Woke up to a fight with Mike. Managed to convince my sick daughter to eat and take some medicine then her and I both fell back asleep. Woke up with just enough time to eat, get ready, and go do a little grocery shopping before heading out to babysit for my bestie. I had fun with her kids, ate chicken marsala, and played with rats.



:( and :)  and cute. 

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