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How Did Your Day Go?


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One long day that is still going starting about 30 hours ago.  Must... Not ... Give ... Up.   This IS going to work, just Rome wasn't built in a day.   Crazy stressed out trying to juggle all the things I'm new too with the  DGN/HouseSpiral  Shop.  New not because I haven't already spent 1000 hours on it, but because having more than like one order a day is not typical and it's showing me cracks in the matrix.  Which I guess is a good thing long term, but short term its rough, more because of the no sleep than because of the challenges involved in optimizing an idea. 

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Cant stay out of bed for longer than like 30 minutes. Months of little sleep (even for me) plus near constant stress (again even by my standards) is finnally 'converting' into more obvious physical symptoms. But what eles can I do? Im on a time bomb and my life isnt going to un-fuck itself.

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On 12/2/2017 at 9:01 PM, Troy Spiral said:

Cant stay out of bed for longer than like 30 minutes. Months of little sleep (even for me) plus near constant stress (again even by my standards) is finnally 'converting' into more obvious physical symptoms. But what eles can I do? Im on a time bomb and my life isnt going to un-fuck itself.

I'll be there to take care of the website portion. Hopefully that takes some of the stress away. I know that there is still so much to do...on both fronts. Hang in there and take care of yourself. 

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Felt like I was on the ball today.  I got some cleaning done.  Setup the schedule for the next few days.  Hung out with the kids and the fur babies.  Prepped dinner and cleaned up.  And still had time to actually sit down and take my time and eat dinner.  :biggrin:

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  • 2 months later...

Worst Valentine's Day ever. I donated platelets today and had a bad reaction to the process. I came very close to passing out twice and threw up twice. They had to cover me in cold wash cloths and have me breathe in a paper bag. The process takes 2.5 to 3 hours but they had to stop me with 20 minutes left since I almost passed out again. I wasn't expecting it to be that difficult. I've been dizzy, nauseous, and weak all day. All I can do is lay down. Just getting up to go the bathroom was exhausting. I've felt like crap all day and I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't finish. I still donated most of the platelets I would have but I wanted to finish.

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49 minutes ago, RosyBlue said:

Worst Valentine's Day ever. I donated platelets today and had a bad reaction to the process. I came very close to passing out twice and threw up twice. They had to cover me in cold wash cloths and have me breathe in a paper bag. The process takes 2.5 to 3 hours but they had to stop me with 20 minutes left since I almost passed out again. I wasn't expecting it to be that difficult. I've been dizzy, nauseous, and weak all day. All I can do is lay down. Just getting up to go the bathroom was exhausting. I've felt like crap all day and I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't finish. I still donated most of the platelets I would have but I wanted to finish.


Sorry you feel ill, but thanks to this post, I was able to educate myself on something new.  Years ago I heard they were going to try doing the platelet removal, but it had not been perfected.  Now I was able to research this process with actual field results. 

I do hope you make a full recovery. :happy:

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6 hours ago, TronRP said:


Sorry you feel ill, but thanks to this post, I was able to educate myself on something new.  Years ago I heard they were going to try doing the platelet removal, but it had not been perfected.  Now I was able to research this process with actual field results. 

I do hope you make a full recovery. :happy:

Thanks. I'll be fine, it was just a bad reaction. I hope I don't dissuade anyone on here from donating.

The machine they use is pretty neat. I was watching it do it's thing occasionally. I got to see my donation too. The platelets are kind of a pale yellow color. The lady who was taking care of me was nice enough to explain things to me.

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18 hours ago, RosyBlue said:

Worst Valentine's Day ever. I donated platelets today and had a bad reaction to the process. I came very close to passing out twice and threw up twice. They had to cover me in cold wash cloths and have me breathe in a paper bag. The process takes 2.5 to 3 hours but they had to stop me with 20 minutes left since I almost passed out again. I wasn't expecting it to be that difficult. I've been dizzy, nauseous, and weak all day. All I can do is lay down. Just getting up to go the bathroom was exhausting. I've felt like crap all day and I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't finish. I still donated most of the platelets I would have but I wanted to finish.

Glad you are ok.  One of my roommates does that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Considering this past week of BS, our day here started off with getting a flat tire.  Now, the car was going in the shop tomorrow morning so we were hoping the front tires would hold since we are buying 2 new tires for the front plus getting an alignment.  But no, we blow a tire.  So after putting on the spare a mile later the doughnut spare pops.  And last week we had to buy a tire, the car was overheating due to a connection that vibrates loose causing radiator fluid to leak(then it tightens again in an endless cycle) then my cat died and now this crap.  So now after buying a tire we have to get a spare just in case the other front tire decides to die before tomorrow.  Makes one wonder if it is worth fighting anymore or if it would be better to surrender and fade away.

Edited by Draco1958
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The further saga of owning a car.  Today we found out we can't get the front end alignment until we get another $400 in additional repairs done first.  Lots of front end parts need to be replaced first and we will need to get the rear brakes done soon also.  FML

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Both of my kids lost their shoes for the millionth time, which meant we spent 15 minutes of our morning looking for shoes and had to scramble to get ready. I'm sick of it so they lost tech (tv, tablet, and video games) for the day. Which gave them plenty of time to clean their rooms. 

While they were at school I finally went and worked out. I only lasted 12 minutes on the elliptical machine but that beats my previous record of 5 minutes. :laugh::confused: 

I got my Easter shopping done. We celebrate Easter a little differently. We don't believe in a god so Easter is a spring celebration. Along with the usual candy I got them bunny related stuff, cherry tomato seeds, strawberry plants, soil, starter peat pellets and a greenhouse, and 2 large pots for the plants to go in. Teaching the kids how to grow food is important to me and it's become an Easter tradition. 

My belly has been messed up so I got mushroom soup from Pekin Tokyo for my lunch. 

When the kids got home they were not happy about having to clean their rooms but they got a lot done. 

I managed to successfully use my pressure cooker to make dinner without blowing up the house. It was chicken and rice with carrots, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and spices. 

I've been trying various kinds of beer to see what I like and the one I tried tonight was definitely a nope. It's called Train Wreck. 

Since my belly is still healing I'm taking my magic combo of lots of ibuprofen and lots of Benadryl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same as every day for the last month.  Trying not to pre-jump off a cliff due to very little sleep freaking out about the 1000+ hours I've put into housespiral.com and might likely have to shut down just due to not enough time (read: money) to get all the kinks out, there are a crazy number of moving parts and while you are working on things and figuring out how to do things efficiently bills rack up and even though there is money coming in its not (yet) in the black.  Still working on it every day but it's not the 12 hours a  day I wish I could put in, because of my damn health. It wouldn't be a problem at all if I was still working. But since I'm so utterly totally broke even like 200 bucks means I'll have to just shut the whole thing down.  Which might happen at the end of the month.  I'm even more worried about how I might react.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Busting my ass on the website like I always do.  Still not profitable.  Dang insomnia just destroys my time!  It's so maddening.  Intellectually I'm motivated to work 24/7 but my body is like "haha... isn't that precious that he thinks that... *blam exhausted, unable to focus on anything technical or that demands a lot of thought*"   RAGE.     

It's slowly becoming better and closer to profitability. But, it's SO slow that it scares me.  Its like I'm mosses and I can see the promise land and know it exists but may not ever get there.  Not that I'm giving up it's just really frustrating/scary.  *pretends to be the little engine that could*




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Exactly the same as above except I'm not just behind on housespiral.com work I'm also behind on 3 cards and real-life stuff now too.  yay.

This sleep crap needs to get fixed.  Have another sleep study next week.  I've got my diet reasonably under control now (specifically for this dead tired all the time thing)  I'm doing some level of exercise every day that I can.  More drugs or herbs or roots isn't going to fix the problem as I can fall asleep, its just the sleep quality is garbage.   I even have this 'game' on my phone called sleep town, where you set it for a target awake and bedtime, and if you start it within 2 hours of your target sleep time and stop it within 10 minutes of your wake time it finishes building your 'sleep town' and you get a new building.    Slowly builds a little town one day at a time. Yes its silly, but having a somewhat regular sleep/awake time is a big thing on the list of how to fix sleep problems. 

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Today was pretty good all things considered. One rewarding part of my job is that I make people's day better by rescuing them from subpar internet and cable services, and making their phones work again. Maintaining basic modern amenities, that's my business. I still can't figure out how other guys complete the same job in less time without cutting major corners, but I take pride in not only how what I construct works, but how it looks as well. I also like saving people money if at all possible, especially when doing so makes a sale for me. Didn't get one today, but in the last two days I've gotten a total of $50 in tips. That's pretty cool.

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