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How Did Your Day Go?


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Spent six hours between DGN proper, DGN FB and The Clash Royal HS clan.  I'm trying to look at it as productive but all I seem to be thinking about is what I DIDN'T get done.  Got some wash done.   For like the first time in history my mom is happy about her smartphone that I talked her into like 2 years ago due to some things I helped her with so that's a positive. 

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Today was a good day. Yesterday sucked. Today was much, much better. My car wouldn't stay running yesterday. Today it started and stayed running. I took it up to AutoZone to get the codes checked, nothing new. Bought a bottle of fuel injector cleaner because I'm hoping it's just very gunked up. Then we (the kids and I) went for a short drive on the freeway to get the cleaner stuff moving through the system. Then shopping at Aldi. I actually had money to get all of the groceries I needed. It was nice to be able to get that many groceries. When we got home the ice cream truck was going by and I happened to have cash so I got us ice cream. Why don't ice cream trucks take cards already? All they would need is one of those card reader things you attach to a phone. After that my new bed, sheets, and computer case/power supply showed up. I'm so happy to finally have a bed to sleep on. I made a yummy dinner that the kids actually ate! :jamin Got a new pillow, studied, showered, and bedtime.

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Having a heart attack doing a ton of stuff (mostly medical bs). Continuing to scour every last expense i can to maybe... some crazy how take advatage of my moms offer to pay half of whatever I can come up with for a new computer. (Its been on my list for like 2 years but the prices keep changing and other options keep popping up.)

I should, some crazy how have about 500 by the end of the month if everything goes right which is stll 200 short,  (1400 is about as cheap as I can get everything as i can figure out) my mom is getting tired of waiting though and thinks im not trying hard enough (lame). *heads back to the alley to suck some more guys off to make money* man this is ahem... hard.

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Study, study, study. All I did all day was study and hang out with the kids. I finished all the questions on the app I'm using to study and I'm at 73% I'll keep going through until I'm at or close to 100%. I took the quiz at the end and I only got 63%. :803530406161:More studying tomorrow.

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I got some stuff done, which always makes me happy and I got to spend time with my besties.

However, I feel like I'm in a sinking boat and trying to get the water out before I sink. I hate that feeling. It would be nice if things could calm down but I know I have to work at it to get it that way.

"The way out is through."

I'm really starting to want to get that as a tattoo, but no money for tattoos.

More studying and then bedtime.

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Yesterday was too busy.  Started with me shooing away a racoon, the size of the family dog, eating the cat food in the nursery.  Then taking care of one of the young cats with diarrhea, which took a bit of time to handle, then feeding all the fur babies and checking on Baby Gray's healing dog bite.  After that, did security checks and finally made it to Lowe's to pick up more paint for the work at Moe's house.  Left her place around 10pm and walked into a mountain of recycling at the HomeHouse...took care of it...then got to my house where Tawny decided to ransack all of the areas with stuff she wanted to play with.  I had to clean up batteries, the dish scrubber and a cat toy (that I put away for later)...all waiting for me at the door as I walked in.  Then I found the other toy at the kitty litter.  I found dead leaves...they ones Tawny likes to eat...laying on the Tatami mat inform of my futon and the toy mouse she plays fetch with laying in the foyer.  Good thing I wasn't away much longer...the collateral damage from the areas where the stuff came from, that she collected, had me shaking my head, but I got everything cleaned up before I managed to get in a bit of dinner by 11:45pm.

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To my utter shock and amazement.. Chris took a real interest in the family/household today.  O.O and although the minions showed their ass (How much they deeply miss Tron) and argued all day long, screaming about chores, fussing at me.. they got it together and it all got done,.  Including.. because he was so sad she felt poorly for the dust, he personally got out the pledge and the shelves shine. (IKR? O.O) It's sad they are worthless until I scream, but after Chris made dinner (not picked up fast food) the house is silent and nobody had to die... today.. Feel better Tron. 

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On 7/25/2017 at 11:44 PM, Moe Falcon said:

To my utter shock and amazement.. Chris took a real interest in the family/household today.  O.O and although the minions showed their ass (How much they deeply miss Tron) and argued all day long, screaming about chores, fussing at me.. they got it together and it all got done,.  Including.. because he was so sad she felt poorly for the dust, he personally got out the pledge and the shelves shine. (IKR? O.O) It's sad they are worthless until I scream, but after Chris made dinner (not picked up fast food) the house is silent and nobody had to die... today.. Feel better Tron. 


Yeah, the dust situation was my own fault, but wha....:blink:

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Well I just almost killed myself on my way home from work but luckily I found a shop who had to tell me..you almost killed yourself driving this because the wheel hub bearing broke off which busted the sway bar and the drum so he said he can get it at least safe and driveable for 160 bucks...I got like maybe 60 to my name but I won't have food, also I just started working Monday so naturally my lucky self always seems to be in a raining than pouring situation so I have to somehow find a way to get money to fix my car because the bus don't run at 330 and it don't run in Trenton anyway. Sooooo....I'm fucked...wow. For real? Again? I am ready to blow my brains out. Glad I don't own a gun.

Edited by kat
*Spindle, not sway bar.
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1 hour ago, kat said:

Well I just almost killed myself on my way home from work but luckily I found a shop who had to tell me..you almost killed yourself driving this because the wheel hub bearing broke off which busted the sway bar and the drum so he said he can get it at least safe and driveable for 160 bucks...I got like maybe 60 to my name but I won't have food, also I just started working Monday so naturally my lucky self always seems to be in a raining than pouring situation so I have to somehow find a way to get money to fix my car because the bus don't run at 330 and it don't run in Trenton anyway. Sooooo....I'm fucked...wow. For real? Again? I am ready to blow my brains out. Glad I don't own a gun.

And I used to think Murphy's Law was my middle name growing up...I'm gonna have to do some serious positive vibe meditation for you.

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My friends husband brought me 160 dollars down today so I can go get my car done first thing tomorrow. My cousin is picking me up at 715am at my moms en route to work and dropping me off at the shop, which opens at 8 am. I will wait there for the car, pay them the money and cross my fingers that the car is done by 1030 so I can make it for my 11am interview in Dearborn Heights. Everything will be great. Just a minor setback but moving forward now. 

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1 hour ago, kat said:

My friends husband brought me 160 dollars down today so I can go get my car done first thing tomorrow. My cousin is picking me up at 715am at my moms en route to work and dropping me off at the shop, which opens at 8 am. I will wait there for the car, pay them the money and cross my fingers that the car is done by 1030 so I can make it for my 11am interview in Dearborn Heights. Everything will be great. Just a minor setback but moving forward now. 

That puts you near me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I'm a firm believer of "Everything happens for a reason", but today took the cake.

I had several errands to run today: Dr. Appt, Post Office, Med Run and Cat Food Pick up.

After returning from a doctor's appointment in Southfield, I took Trene to my favorite Mc Donald's for lunch.  I was worried because their drive thru service has gone downhill in the past 2 months, but they are still better than the ones near us.  And sure enough, after returning home we discovered they had messed up Trene's order.  They substituted Sriracha sauce for Sweet BBQ sauce (BIG DIFFERENCE) so I had to brave going home traffic to return it.  The good thing is they are good about fixing their mistakes with no hassle at this particular McDonald's.  So I go back through the drive thru and they took the messed up order and gave me a new one.  And like before, I checked it...they messed up again.  This time I was still in the parking lot so I was able to go inside.  I showed the messed up order to the cashier, but I informed him that I would keep it so they didn't have to keep making free food for me and that I wanted to place a new order of the same burger.  I checked it before I left the building...success!

When I got back to the house I gave Trene her order and nuggets I ordered for the kids (just in case they didn't like the Egg Strata we picked up at the Milano Bakery for dinner), but by this time, it was too late to go to the post office, however, I still needed to pick up Trene's meds.  So I mentioned that I had better not go back to my house or I might end up staying and since we now had so much food, I said I would try to make myself eat the messed up burger and drink the free Coke they gave me.  I put the extra food in the truck and headed for CVS.

When I got to CVS, I had to go inside (instead of using the drive thru) due to the fact that now I had to pick up a bag of cat food due to the fact that my "Repeat Order" seems to be running late this month and I ran out of dry cat food Monday morning (although the cats did not seem to mind eating cans of meat).  So since Trene's meds were originally ready on Sunday, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone, thus, I did the CVS run for meds and dry cat food today after the doctor's appointment (due to the McDonald's incident, the Post Office run was a bust).  Once I had parked, I noted that none of the ice had melted in the free Coke so I moved it to a cup holder out of the sun.  All I could think was, "Wow, that's new, all you ice friends would've been melted by now."  I jumped out of the truck and headed inside.

When I got the the counter, the pharmacist informed me that another one of Trene's meds was coming up for refill if I wanted to wait for it.  I agreed.  After picking up the meds and buying the pet food I headed out to the parking lot, past a guy that was sitting on the ground alongside the wall just outside the door.  It sounded like he said hello, so I greeted him in turn.  I hopped in my truck and began the routine med check.  Sure enough, a mistake!  I was down by half an entire pill order and that was no good so now I had to go back inside to fix this.  I felt bad having to walk back past the same guy sitting there because I didn't hear what he had side to me the first time so I felt like I had blown him off.

When I got back to the counter again, the pharmacists realized the error and immediately corrected it.  When I walked out and headed to my truck, the man sitting outside saw me and said nothing.  I realized he was panhandling.  Once I ensured my order was correct, I couldn't bring myself to just drive away.  Something was nagging at me and all I could think was I wish I had something to give him.  Then I remembered the burger I was going to force myself to eat.  I pulled my truck up next to where the man was sitting, I leaned out the door with the McDonald's bag and asked, "Is this OK?"  He waved me forward saying something I couldn't comprehend.  I told him it was a burger and he pulled out some money saying he really had needed something like a dollar to get something to drink.  I said unfortunately I didn't carry money to give to him.  I stepped back to the truck and saw the cold Coke with the straw still wrapped next to it.  I grabbed them and headed back to the guy and asked if this was OK.  He motioned me forward again this time saying clearly, "Thank you, thank you."

I left feeling so thankful that I had left the food in the truck and had not tried to force myself to eat it so it wouldn't go to waste.  Then all I could think was that was a long way to go to insure I had something to help that guy out with today...:hrhr:

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/15/2017 at 7:28 PM, TronRP said:

OK, I'm a firm believer of "Everything happens for a reason", but today took the cake.

I had several errands to run today: Dr. Appt, Post Office, Med Run and Cat Food Pick up.

After returning from a doctor's appointment in Southfield, I took Trene to my favorite Mc Donald's for lunch.  I was worried because their drive thru service has gone downhill in the past 2 months, but they are still better than the ones near us.  And sure enough, after returning home we discovered they had messed up Trene's order.  They substituted Sriracha sauce for Sweet BBQ sauce (BIG DIFFERENCE) so I had to brave going home traffic to return it.  The good thing is they are good about fixing their mistakes with no hassle at this particular McDonald's.  So I go back through the drive thru and they took the messed up order and gave me a new one.  And like before, I checked it...they messed up again.  This time I was still in the parking lot so I was able to go inside.  I showed the messed up order to the cashier, but I informed him that I would keep it so they didn't have to keep making free food for me and that I wanted to place a new order of the same burger.  I checked it before I left the building...success!

When I got back to the house I gave Trene her order and nuggets I ordered for the kids (just in case they didn't like the Egg Strata we picked up at the Milano Bakery for dinner), but by this time, it was too late to go to the post office, however, I still needed to pick up Trene's meds.  So I mentioned that I had better not go back to my house or I might end up staying and since we now had so much food, I said I would try to make myself eat the messed up burger and drink the free Coke they gave me.  I put the extra food in the truck and headed for CVS.

When I got to CVS, I had to go inside (instead of using the drive thru) due to the fact that now I had to pick up a bag of cat food due to the fact that my "Repeat Order" seems to be running late this month and I ran out of dry cat food Monday morning (although the cats did not seem to mind eating cans of meat).  So since Trene's meds were originally ready on Sunday, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone, thus, I did the CVS run for meds and dry cat food today after the doctor's appointment (due to the McDonald's incident, the Post Office run was a bust).  Once I had parked, I noted that none of the ice had melted in the free Coke so I moved it to a cup holder out of the sun.  All I could think was, "Wow, that's new, all you ice friends would've been melted by now."  I jumped out of the truck and headed inside.

When I got the the counter, the pharmacist informed me that another one of Trene's meds was coming up for refill if I wanted to wait for it.  I agreed.  After picking up the meds and buying the pet food I headed out to the parking lot, past a guy that was sitting on the ground alongside the wall just outside the door.  It sounded like he said hello, so I greeted him in turn.  I hopped in my truck and began the routine med check.  Sure enough, a mistake!  I was down by half an entire pill order and that was no good so now I had to go back inside to fix this.  I felt bad having to walk back past the same guy sitting there because I didn't hear what he had side to me the first time so I felt like I had blown him off.

When I got back to the counter again, the pharmacists realized the error and immediately corrected it.  When I walked out and headed to my truck, the man sitting outside saw me and said nothing.  I realized he was panhandling.  Once I ensured my order was correct, I couldn't bring myself to just drive away.  Something was nagging at me and all I could think was I wish I had something to give him.  Then I remembered the burger I was going to force myself to eat.  I pulled my truck up next to where the man was sitting, I leaned out the door with the McDonald's bag and asked, "Is this OK?"  He waved me forward saying something I couldn't comprehend.  I told him it was a burger and he pulled out some money saying he really had needed something like a dollar to get something to drink.  I said unfortunately I didn't carry money to give to him.  I stepped back to the truck and saw the cold Coke with the straw still wrapped next to it.  I grabbed them and headed back to the guy and asked if this was OK.  He motioned me forward again this time saying clearly, "Thank you, thank you."

I left feeling so thankful that I had left the food in the truck and had not tried to force myself to eat it so it wouldn't go to waste.  Then all I could think was that was a long way to go to insure I had something to help that guy out with today...:hrhr:

Now that there is a quality post.  Yes, I did read all that heh.  What a bunch of pains in the asses all added together. 

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Worst day since I was in the hospital last.  I've had a lot of hope due to the e-commerce thing I figured out I could do without the PTSD kicking my ass.  The e-commerce business I've been working on literally somewhere between 4 and 14 (no shit) hours a day EVERY damn day for  2+ months (even worked on it today for like 7, although it was really bummed out and not very productive) is probably fucked.   The whole idea, due to guessing what, big shock...    money.     I signed up for this e-commerce training seminar many months ago, after agonizing over it for days and days with credit.  (Bad I know) but it really seemed worth it.   It turned out, I wouldn't use the word scam, but really not what was promised.

It was billed almost like an associates degree style level of education along with "step by step assistance"  and the big promise was if you bust your ass you'll make the  $366 back before even the end of your second week in.  Well, that's not true, at least no for me.  I've not made a dime yet.  Even though I know the overall concept is sound, I just haven't gotten lucky / have things polished enough yet (its really a hell of a lot more complicated than it might seem, you basically have to become a psychologist, a web expert and a marketing expert all at once, and learn the technical aspects of a billion different "funnels" and how to set it all up and then market it. 

My whole sort of "hope for the future" is wrapped up in this, but things are so tight that I have my finances figured out down to about $20 accuracy.  I got a refund from that shitty course months ago, which just now the credit card company re-billed me and it caused a cascade all the way through a bunch of boring details to wipe out my bank account (to literally zero dollars, like... no shit ZERO dollars.  I can run everything on a shoestring budget but not on zero.  (plus there are two more payments of 366 coming if I cant "win" the dispute, which talking to the capital one it sounds like I'm fucked as they have a mountain of BS about their refund policies and such that they sent in to get the charge re-sent. 

Been as low as I've been in a long time.  Almost thinking about going to the hospital. But that won't work because then I'll come home to an angry mother, who needs all this slave labor done (she doesn't believe mental issues are all that real) and that will just put me over the edge again.  (and mom is no help with money, she basically is taking it to the grave with her if I outlive her I'll get it then)

To top that off as predicted, The Gathering is going to shit apparently. 

Christ, I wish I was still working, I've never stressed out about mone perpetually in my life. I always lived below my means and always worked my ass off and that just made the financial side of life almost a non-issue. All the people I helped money-wise have all disappeared from that time period (not that I was expecting anything but, really I had all these "business friends" that seemed like close friends, they are all gone every last one)  This almost suicidal thinking based on money just screams LOSER.  GET A JOB.  Well, I've tried 7 times.  GRRRR screw it all. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went out to drive for Uber Saturday night/Sunday morning. Sat for an hour waiting for a call during a time that I should have gotten several rides by then. There was even a surge at that time. Surge meaning higher rates because there are more requests than drivers available. Still nothing. After an hour of nothing I got a rider who had to go pretty far which is great for me. They were really nice and not sloppy drunk. They even tipped me a couple of bucks which is way more rare than you would think. After getting back to downtown there was a really big surge. I got a call right away. I waited for the usual amount of time. I texted him telling him I had about one minute and I would then have to cancel. He never showed up. I could have been driving and making money the whole time, but no, he never showed up. I cancelled him and there was still a decent surge rate so I was happy for that and went and waited on this rider for the usual amount of time. I also texted him, as I had the other guy, and never got a response. Of course he never showed up and I had to cancel him too. So now the surge is pretty much over and I'm down a lot of money. I finally get a small surge on a call that was pretty far away, but I did it. Ended up he only had to go maybe 3 miles. That means I only get $4.00. Woohoo, I'm rich! I really feel like I should have just stayed home and gotten some work done on the e-commerce store with Troy. Ugh.

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