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How Did Your Day Go?


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On 4/25/2018 at 9:04 PM, Oz_ said:

Today was pretty good all things considered. One rewarding part of my job is that I make people's day better by rescuing them from subpar internet and cable services, and making their phones work again. Maintaining basic modern amenities, that's my business. I still can't figure out how other guys complete the same job in less time without cutting major corners, but I take pride in not only how what I construct works, but how it looks as well. I also like saving people money if at all possible, especially when doing so makes a sale for me. Didn't get one today, but in the last two days I've gotten a total of $50 in tips. That's pretty cool.

Especially now, as opposed to say 10 years ago when people didn't use the internet as much as they do now.  :)

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So far my day has been okay. We have no school, but I know that quite a few of my friends use school to escape from home, so now I'm kind of worried and saddened. However, I did get a good sleep for once and things around home are rather calm and quiet :bunny:.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Day was long at work stuck cleaning dining floors to make it look decent for 2 hours moving tables and chairs between taking customers orders then home to find out pc issue was something stupid but easy to fix now just trying to relax LOL

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11 minutes ago, Nitewolf said:

Day was long at work stuck cleaning dining floors to make it look decent for 2 hours moving tables and chairs between taking customers orders then home to find out pc issue was something stupid but easy to fix now just trying to relax LOL

Relaxing is a skill.  Hang in there, brother. :) 

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36 minutes ago, Nitewolf said:

last night wasn't to bad ending as found a plastic tote full of old Disney vhs tapes in great condition

I need to hang out where you guys do...:hrhr:

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Chronic mental breakdowns/anxiety/panic attacks all day with lapses of reasonable calm spread throughout to make it bearable. Accomplished little. Disappointed even myself. Then, after all that, wind up getting in an argument with my MIL and get reminded again of one of the main causes of my total disappointment with the world at large. Somehow, at the moment, I'm in a relatively decent mood, but probably only because I'm really high...

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On 5/30/2018 at 11:10 AM, Nitewolf said:

last night wasn't to bad ending as found a plastic tote full of old Disney vhs tapes in great condition

Bobbi's house is a graveyard were VHS tapes go to die.  There is one whole wall of just sort of 'random' movies (horror heavy but a lot of other things)  then a whole other half-wall of Disney VHS...   guess what... she has no VHS player.  lol 

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I need f960c57c89baeb492c175f2817d2c234.jpgsleeeeeeeeep. Not the normal "omg I'm so tired". This has been a new level for a few months now, it's not that I can't fall asleep (that isn't easy but it's doable) the quality of the sleep is total ass. Yes, I've tried every natural cure and the doctors won't give me actual sleep meds due to all the shit I'm on for the PTSD. OTC stuff works (sorta) but after a few days of that I start feeling depressed for zero reason at all, its the dang sleep meds. I've been working on fixing my "sleep hygiene" for 3 months, has helped a little but honestly, I'm so tired I see things randomly that I know aren't there. Nothing specific just like motion I know the sleep deprivation is causing.

I have work to do, and I literally can't do it.  If I can pull 1 hour out of my ass a day that is a lot.  The rest is me just sorta zombified with the ability to speak. This has to change.  I keep trying but nothing is working yet.  RAGE. 

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40 minutes ago, Troy Spiral said:

Bobbi's house is a graveyard were VHS tapes go to die.  There is one whole wall of just sort of 'random' movies (horror heavy but a lot of other things)  then a whole other half-wall of Disney VHS...   guess what... she has no VHS player.  lol 

We have a few boxes of VHS tapes here.  We may have an extra working VCR hanging around.  No remote but would work for playing the tapes.  Will look and see.

Edited by Draco1958
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It's like I upset the universal Karma gods because I thought about hooking up one of my gaming consoles.


A couple of hours ago, Piano Keys almost got me with a steady stream of projectile vomit.  I was saved by a misplaced 64 oz bottle of V8 Splash.  After I cleaned that up, I decided to hook up my Xbox which I haven't played on since 2012.  After about a half hour into Jet Set Radio Future, Kali came through on a mission.  I wasn't sure what was wrong so I appeased her with treats.  Right about that time, I got an intercom call that I had a package.  A few minutes after that, the entire house was overrun by cats losing their minds and the smell of poop coming from somewhere.


I decided I would go get my package once everyone calmed down.  However, on my way to the kitchen, I was greeted by a doorway of explosive diarrhea and a spot on the kitchen floor where one of the girls had slipped in it.  As I proceeded to clean that up, I could tell Kali was about to go revenge pee on something because the litter was full of what looked like puddy.  Just in case, I had already folded up my futon, but I still didn't want her out of my sight unsupervised.


So I was cleaning poop and following the cat...it was getting pretty grosse.  I decided to pause for a few minutes to clean my hands when I noticed Kali was gone.  She suddenly reappeared in front of the fridge and just sat looked at me.  I could tell she did something.  I jumped up from cleaning the litter and ran to check the living room and sure enough, she nailed my indoor shoes big time.  There was so much pee it had drenched the carpet and spread over to one of the kitty bed cushions where some of it had already soaked in.  I did a quick clean and headed back to finish the kitchen.  By the time I finished all the cleanup, I knew the worst was over and I could now go retrieve my package.


That all took from 7:30pm until 11pm.  oy

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Today went pretty good, all things considered. My first customer had good taste in music, was listening to All That Remains and Cradle of Filth during my install. Got rained on for a good part of the day but thankfully I'm equipped with a decent raincoat. Thankfully there was no lightning so I was able to do everything I had to without fear of that. Last job of the day was surprisingly easy, very thankful to God for that. Came home in a decent mood. Didn't feel like cooking for some reason so took wife out to Red Apple. 

Came home to a message from a young friend that I had cautioned against the type of person he had described his current love/lust interest to be, informing me that I was right and he now resented her. I was surprised at how quickly things had shifted. The example from my life experience involved several years of betrayal and adding insult to injury, he had come full circle in only a week! I congratulated him on avoiding the soul-sucking damnation manifest in enslavement to infatuation. Then we talked about his favorite metal band, Anaal Nathrakh (which I love to misspell as "Anal Neckbrace" and such, just to tweak him), and he got me to agree to listen to a playlist he constructed to "fully immerse" me in their "greatness". I was a good sport and listened through it. Only skipped two songs. They're not bad but I don't like the occasional high pitched manic screams that seem to be simply that, manic screams, not vocals. When he's not doing that, the music is pretty decent. I suggested to him bands such as Mortician and Borknagar, sensing similarities from various songs.


Now it's damn near 1am, and I still haven't played a fucking video game. I'm a Facebook junkie, no doubt...

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