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How Did Your Day Go?


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6 minutes ago, kat said:

Lol. Dude, I was in the car minding my business, sitting at a stoplight but he was over there on Mack and St. Antoine ish panhandling, stopping cars. He probably has more money than I do. I swear someone motioned him and he got excited and ran to the car and they handed him a business card and I watched his face go from happy to wtf in 1.5 seconds. 

WHAT!!! You were literally up the street from me.  We could have gone to Greektown for some dinner or something.  Oh...yeah...and that guy...he should have been glad they didn't throw him in the vehicle and take off.  For a while, homeless and homeless looking people were being kidnapped from the areas near Downtown Detroit.  Because they were "homeless", no real investigation came out of it.  I supposed whomever was doing it realized they were moving too many people too fast and slowed their pace down. Now panhandlers are making a comeback in droves. 

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22 minutes ago, TronRP said:

WHAT!!! You were literally up the street from me.  We could have gone to Greektown for some dinner or something.  Oh...yeah...and that guy...he should have been glad they didn't throw him in the vehicle and take off.  For a while, homeless and homeless looking people were being kidnapped from the areas near Downtown Detroit.  Because they were "homeless", no real investigation came out of it.  I supposed whomever was doing it realized they were moving too many people too fast and slowed their pace down. Now panhandlers are making a comeback in droves. 

I was working down there. I have to go to three different clinics during the week,  Eastern Market, Warren and Southgate.  The printer ran out of ink so I was going to grab some.  Apparently they don't supply the doctor with supplies and we go in yesterday morning and the head doctor put a wall up, took the doc I work for office space over, and  staff didn't even put his space back together, his keyboard was gone,  his trays were thrown on his desk like someone literally just tossed them, there was drywall dust everywhere like they just didn't even clean up and there was a big ass pocket knife left in clear view on his desk...in an office for people with psychiatric problems. I mean, wtf? I handed it to staff and was like um, this is a probably a bad idea being left here! 

Seriously though what they did to him was so rude. I was pissed for him. 

Edited by kat
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50 minutes ago, kat said:

I was working down there. I have to go to three different clinics during the week,  Eastern Market, Warren and Southgate.  The printer ran out of ink so I was going to grab some.  Apparently they don't supply the doctor with supplies and we go in yesterday morning and the head doctor put a wall up, took the doc I work for office space over, and  staff didn't even put his space back together, his keyboard was gone,  his trays were thrown on his desk like someone literally just tossed them, there was drywall dust everywhere like they just didn't even clean up and there was a big ass pocket knife left in clear view on his desk...in an office for people with psychiatric problems. I mean, wtf? I handed it to staff and was like um, this is a probably a bad idea being left here! 

Seriously though what they did to him was so rude. I was pissed for him. 


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...and now my gallbladder apparently is all fucked up.  They aren't sure if they have to rip it out or just get rid of the stones and 'unidentified' matter.   At least it's something other to worry about than bills and the never-ending PTSD anxiety/depression/nightmares related stuff.  God damn it I wish I could just go back to work.  I literally never worried about money once I got my career going (Good money and non-expensive tastes works well).  Now i can't justify buying a book or two I've been waiting for a year for.  Well, maybe things will turn around.  I'm still a workaholic just no one can see it.  Can't tell you how upsetting being a leech on society is.  But I'm still trying.  I feel like a real human Snuffleupagus. :)

Still tired 24/7 but I've been just ODing on caffeine to try and get SOMETHING freaking done (Long term that is not a fix since i've tried this before and the eventual anxiety becomes too massive and then crash.  Couple hours of chores and time on housespiral.com   still not profitable but it's getting better.  If I had just started this month it would be profitable its just the learning curve was so high on the more psychological aspects of it and what actually works vs what 'looks good' is something only testing and testing and testing can tell you in a particular niche. But most of all is just ENERGY. rawrrrrr WTB energy. 

*tries to finish the cards before he passes out*

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Yesterday ... got figurative ass fucked at work. Was the only disher (evenings at work we have two on shift) on hand and instead of it being the usual 45/50 minutes after close to do the few other dishes, put them away, take out any last minute trash and put the bag of linen (towels/aprons), and clean up before taking off for the night; it was an hour and a half.

Today ... productive. Up at the unusual time of 9. Mowed the lawn/did the edging, put together my new bed frame (sweeping all the stuff that had gathered under the bed as well), and laundry. And toss in chilling during this time as well. Got a thing at 7 tonight before the Gathering.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow. I have had a busy day already. Woke up and did exercises, cleaned the girls, swept the carpet, cleaned part of the kitchen, got stuff ready to go out for recycling, washed up, fixed the kid's brunch, ate breakfast and watched the Pokemon Movie "The Power of Us" all before 9am.  Around 9:15 a.m., I got the chance to talk with my brother, he came by to hang for a minute.  After that, I started working on organizing paperwork.  Around 11:30 a.m., I checked in at the HomeHouse, dropped off medpacks, laid out the itinerary for my nephew's participation in the Chess Championship at Oakland Center tomorrow morning and then made a CVS run.  Got back home and ate lunch around 1:30 p.m.  Now I'm contemplating working on my taxes or taking a nap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This morning, I got on the road by 6:15am and made it to Farmington Hills in record time for my 7am appointment.  This time, they only had me in service for a couple of hours and the technician commended me for taking good care of my vehicle.  Although the maintenance only took 2.5 hours (this time), I royally passed out after I finally made it back home.  It has been a while since I've had to ride in morning rush hour traffic.  So heading back into the city took about 90 minutes and I was already exhausted from the ordeal at The Red Apple last night with my torn abdominal tendon.


However, while I was out, I had received a very long text message just as I was leaving Farmington Hills, so I didn't get the chance to read it until I was parked outside the HomeHouse.  Apparently, the boy has finally fed up the last and final teach that was actually on his side.  He decided he would run his school day the way he wanted to because he was afraid that the teacher would tell him no, and he couldn't do what he wanted to.  As far as I'm concerned, I already informed all his instructors that he will be repeating the 8th grade regardless of the fact that now he's trying to get his act together in the last few months of Middle School.  They kept passing him from grade to grade because he attended Summer School one year and then he would suddenly get all his main work done in the final days of class.  What he doesn't realize is that High School is nothing like Middle School and he can't pull these same stunts.  He didn't take anything seriously and is currently testing at a 4th grade level on the national database.  He also did not test into any of the Test-In High Schools in the area.  I made a joke about them having to bus him downriver off the boondocks just to find a school that might take him.


Then I had to run a quick errand to CVS.


So by the time I made it into the house, it was after 11am.  I had already had a 7 hour day.  Not that that's a very long day, but when you are already tired, it felt like 2 days.  I passed out before I ate lunch.  So now lunch is my dinner as I am sitting here contemplating how to handle tomorrow with Cass Tech going on a field trip to Microsoft and putting the boy to work in the yards.


Bon Appétit

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Hope you feel better. And yeah, high school's not at all like junior high. He might become a river rat if he ends up downriver. lol


Yeah, sounds like a full day in six hours. If I didn't have my nephew's first birthday party tomorrow, I'd offer to come with you for the trip for support.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, today didn't go anyway that I thought it would.  I did get the chauffeuring done, but I was totally not prepared for 2 of our neighbors, stoned out of their gourds, coming over and asking to borrow my lawnmower (while on their way to the store) which I had to basically yell at them just to get them to understand that it was not working properly.  Me and another neighbor got them to leave without incident,  But after they got back from the store, one of the guys was sitting in a parked car with the door open, crying, "Hey man...come back, come back man..." over and over again.  The second guy had gotten lost after he walked across the street to take a whiz on an abandoned house.  It was pitiful listening to them call to each other...20 feet away from each other.


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  • 1 month later...

Today was busy as usual.  Started off with overnight bill pays that blurred into chauffeuring to an early morning doctor's appointment in Warren.  Then we were on the hunt for a gas station as my gas indicator light came on about 2 miles heading in to the doctor's office, much to my surprise.  The interesting part was trying to physically get to a gas station due to all of the unmarked road construction happening on the service drive.  We finally pull into a Mobil that was forcing customers to use the more expensive gas regardless of advertising the lower cost gas.  I Pumped $4.45 worth and pulled out.


After finally filling up at a BP about 2 miles away, we made our way to our favorite lunch stop...unfortunately we were a half hour later than normal and ended up waiting an extra 25 minute for our order (we usually beat the lunch rush...this time we were in the lunch rush).  Normally, we are in and out of the drive thru in 15 minutes or less (start to finish).  But it was all good because we had the Monchichis with us so we all shot the breeze while waiting for them to bring the food out.


After returning to the compound, I did security checks and started prepping the areas for garbage, recycling and bulk pickup scheduled for Friday morning.  By this time, it was nearly 2pm, everyone ate lunch and then took a break/nap for a bit.  Since we are "legally" not supposed to put the bulk items out until after 6pm, me and the boy went out about 6:45pm to start moving and situating all of the trees and bagged up branches to the curb.  However, when I first got out front, on my way to go get my little helper, I noticed some bags were already on the curb.  Apparently, earlier, without saying anything to me, the boy had decided to run out beforehand and move all of the bags, he had filled, to the curb and went back in.  So when I got to the HomeHouse to get him at the time I told him we were supposed to start working together to move everything out of the yards, he was sitting at the table, eating dinner.  I made him get up, come out and get to work the way I had said we would.  We finished about 7:30pm and I figured we could call it a night.


However, after I wrapped up everything around 8pm and was getting to get some dinner, I realized I hadn't checked the area that the boy had supposedly cleaned up himself.  Unfortunately, I had taken it for granted that he had done a good job working on his own and, therefore, it didn't dawn on me to check behind him.  So when I called around 8:45pm to find out what he did with all of the large pieces of trees that couldn't fit into the bags, it turns out, he just left them sitting out back.  So I made him go back out and move them to the curb.  This time I was there to check his progress.  With that done, at 9pm, I was finally able to call it a day and shut down for the night.


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Slow but steady at work. Flipped between dishes and portioning out rice (we have rice as part of some of our dishes. Granted we have at least 2 batches made during the week, rice is cooked through the day on Sat that I know of), and brought some restock stuff up from our storage area. It was better than our two hour (or more) rush yesterday. 


Yesterday had been "go major with a sweep and a mop downstairs" from the on duty shift supervisor; of which I got sweeping done before we got our truck order in. I changed gears to putting truck away before going back up to start knocking out dishes (around 10:30, and change over to all day menu). I think it had work up to that two hour rush then. Then bust ass with keeping up with dishes til a half hour before I left for the day. 

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  • 1 month later...

Too busy.

I had to fight through muscular pain to get the kids fed.  I have been looking for lost documentation, verifying an account that locked me out for no reason, doing an online chat with representative regarding bill pay policy, making sure the baby sister had proper identification for the kids, paying multiple accounts and trying to stay sentient enough to have intellectual conversations.  My brain is fried right now and all I want to do is take a nap since the kids are with their aunt for the next few days.

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Busy as usual at work (flip flopping between dish and prep when our one prep person had to leave due to a damaged toe from yesterday. Have a feeling her toe's broken.). Came home long enough to eat food from work and get the (new) bike loaded into the car and to Greenfield Village where they had a member's only twilight bike ride.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hectic day.  Got the kids ready for the first day of school with bus fare, a breakfast snack and school supplies.  Then I got Trene to her EEG appointment which, unfortunately, had testing that caused her to suffer a seizure, but fortunately, I was able to calm her down and talk her out of it.  Afterwards, I picked up lunch and some meat to put with dinner.


After we got back to the house, Trene and I watched some saved programs while we ate lunch.  I started dinner because I had a feeling I would be very busy when the kids got back in from school.  And I was definitely correct there.  I spent the next 5 hours going over class assignments, signing documents, serving dinner, cleaning up, running back and forth and making sure the kids keep an open line of communication so we can all stay prepared as school begins making more demands on the family. 


It was a very exhaustingly emotional and hectic day indeed. 😶

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