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How Did Your Day Go?


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With the exception of all of the unmarked road work locations, today went pretty much the way it was planned out...for the most part.

The day started off with seeing the Monchichis off to school.  Since I had set their snack up the night before, I didn't have to call for a pick up this morning.  A few hours later, I chauffeured Trene to a doctor's appointment in Southfield followed by a brief stop at Cass Tech for paperwork review by the girl's counselor.  Then we hit McDonald's for a late lunch and the Milano Bakery & Cafe to pick up dinner.  And since, last night, the boy had said he had a football game at school today, we decided to drive by to pick at him.  I honestly thought he had mixed up "game" with "practice" since he just joined the Junior Varsity Football Team last week and I couldn't believe they would put him in a game before he had his first practice.


And this is where the day careened off the rails. 


Trene and I arrived at the football field at the boy's school to see if he was actually participating in a game.  However, just as we walked into the gates, Varsity was leaving the field triumphant due to the opposing team forfeiting today's game.  I asked the  Varsity and Junior Varsity coaches if they had seen the boy and the head JV player actually took the time to go inside the locker room and school to look for him.  At the same time Varsity players were calling for him on the field.  The boy was nowhere to be found.  I spoke with the JV coach to get a better understanding of what the boy was supposed to be doing as far as preparation for the team.

After we all came to the conclusion that the boy probably went home, for some unknown reason after sounding excited about playing his first game, Trene and I headed out for the HomeHouse.  At that time, we received a call from the girl who was asking if we were "swinging back" by Cass Tech.  We were 11 miles away in going home traffic.  At that moment, it felt very unlikely as I had already drug Trene all over multiple cities for the past 3 hours so I knew I needed to get her home.

As we pulled onto our street, on the corner, I saw a kid with a football helmet in his hand, getting ready to cross the street.  I yelled, "There the boy is right there!"  I pulled up behind him and told him to get his behind into the truck because JV was on the field right now.  We turned around and headed back to his school.  Once we arrived, I rushed him onto the field, took him straight to the JV coach and told him the boy would be there for the rest of the game.  I punched him in the arm for not being where he was supposed to be and smacked him in the head as I left the field for putting everyone through all of this.  But I was happy with him for owning up to his mistake for leaving the school without consulting his coach and he had thanked me for taking the time to bring him back to the school.

By the time we left the field for a second time, Trene agreed to ride down, one more time, to pick the girl up from school.  By the time we reached Cass, the majority of the roads had cleared up and we were able to make it home in record time.  I got the ladies settled in and prepared dinner, but it kept feeling like I should head back up to the field to make sure all was well.  And sure enough, I caught up with the boy waiting at the second bus stop.  He had to walk from the school because the first bus never arrived to meet up with the transfer route.  And I had passed the bus, he should have been on, when I first left the house.  I was hoping he was on it, but I continued up the street and he came running out of the bus stop as I was sitting at a red light.  I told him to jump in because I couldn't turn because of the road being closed to Northbound traffic due to road construction.  We discussed today's events and the upcoming schedule for his afterschool activities as we drove back to the house.  Once we got home, I had him get cleaned up while I prepared his dinner. 

I spent the next couple of hours going over paperwork, fafsa, schedules, making sure everyone had everything they needed, cleaned up after dinner and headed to my place.  I got settled in and finally ate dinner.


That was a very eventful 15 hours. 😅

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Today went well.  I started the day off seeing the Monchichis off to school then paid multiple accounts to get them out of the way early.  Took a nap, then got down to business.  I did a walk-in to the Social Security Administration to ensure the girl's paperwork was accepted by a physical person.  I left there and picked up dinner from Detroit's Finest.  I decided to pick up a few things in the local shopping plaza so I went to Dollar General to see what they had in inventory.  I cracked up because of the Christmas decorations already shelved...not much for Halloween or Thanksgiving, but definitely Christmas. 🤣

I felt a little bad after both kids were home from school because I had to put my foot down about things I had been threatening to do as far as consequences for not taking care of their responsibilities.  The boy kept forgetting what to do and the girl did just enough to make things look done.  So I had to take the TV away like I said I would. 😞

I made sure everyone had dinner and the boy got his uniform cleaned, then I headed out to do security checks.  I was so drained by the time I got back in, I wasn't sure if I would be able get some dinner in before I passed out.  Happily, I was able to eat and then took time to write this.  So that brings me to 11:40 pm. 😊

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I did a late night run to Meijer and made it back to the HomeHouse by 1:30am.  At 2:08am, I treated the cat with Frontline Plus to take care of an ongoing flea infestation.  I finally got to bed around 4:30am.  I saw the boy off to school by 6:40am and got in a 4 hour nap.  After getting ready, I made it to PTC on opposite ends of the city and got the boy signed up for an upcoming Robotics course at his school.  The girl and I visited a couple of food stops: ZZ Market & Grill which offers Cass student discounts and Sala Thai in Eastern Market which was suggested by a Cass instructor.  We made it home by 6:22pm and got everyone dinner.  I made it back in to my just in time for "The Masked Singer" by 8pm.

Very happy to be relaxing now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took care of getting the girl to the travel bus this morning for pick up for the school's senior class trip to Cedar Point which left a little past noon.  Then I made a food run, returned to the HomeHouse to do yard maintenance.  Got everyone fed and did chores.  Now I just have to wait for them to let us know when the kids will be arriving back at the school.  The trip slip said 10pm, but you never know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally getting settled back in.  We all went down to the school for the Senior meeting, but much to our surprise, there was no meeting so I decided to drive everyone around the city since we were already down in Midtown.  Then we breezed by the Roostertail and Sinbad's to get some photos of the buildings.  Around 7:15pm, I dropped the Monchichis off at Youth Group and I brought Trene back home and made sure she was comfortably settled in (since she had a Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Injection earlier today) before I started my security checks.

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  • 5 months later...

Why, just why...

This morning, GFL finally picked up the recycling for the first time since February 7th and the pickup guy dumped trash all over the street that has actually stayed trash free since I cleaned it on Tuesday.  I rushed right out at 8 o'clock this morning and cleaned everything up before anymore vehicles had the chance to spread the trash up the street.  Then one thing led to another and what was supposed to be a quick run out and back in, turned into a full day of family, yardwork, petcare, recycling prep for next pickup and dropoff and security checks.  I finally made it back in around 9:28pm after giving the kids a playful scare.  Now I have one hour to get my monthly affidavit done before I can call it a night.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Today was pretty much as planned.  I had ordered groceries to be delivered, and they were on time.  I cleaned all the old plastic containers/lids, mixing bowls, serving ware and such out of the kitchen cabinets.  Basically took down everything from the top of the cabinets (the stuff that doesn't fit IN the cabinets).  Got rid of a big box by posting it in the facebook group for my city.  Then I opened the enormous box of Tupperware I bought, and put all that away.  I rather like having better quality kitchen stuff now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Around 4pm this afternoon, I came to a realization and texted this to my siblings:


Sent 4:20pm

"I just realized that I've had a nearly 16 hour day already... thanks to the neighbors waking me up at 12:30 this morning. Couldn't get back to sleep so I did computer work until 5am, did neighborhood check, removed my hanging gutter, cut back my hedges, picked up the neighbors' party trash from in front of my house then did trash pick-up all the way to Mack and St. Jean. I had to take my time walking home because the arthritis in my hip started acting up, but I managed to get home, got everything put away, picked up the recycling and lunch from the HomeHouse and made it in to eat by 3pm."


My arthritis flares up after I've been on my feet for 8 hours. so I was a little caught off guard when I started the trash pickup around 1:15pm and pain started shooting through my hip.  Although it was only midday, I had already hit my limit.  My body shut down for about 90 minutes sometime between 4:35pm and 6:50pm.


However, I'm feeling much better now and like I actually accomplished something today.

smeyat 061213.png

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  • 1 year later...

Busy day.

Started the day doing security checks.  Trimmed grass until the lightning started around 8pm.  Packed everything away 5 minutes before the downpour started.

Took a bath.  Made dinner.  Eating while watching TV.  Then I'll wrap up the day handing the online school log.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

So, a drop off at the recycling center led to a drive around WSU (due to freeway closures) which then led to us getting back just in time to say hi to a neighbor (who recently moved away) which was followed by a 3 hour trash cleanup session with the boy, followed by a discussion with reps from "People's Platform".  After all that, we broke down boxes from supply deliveries and I put out more recycling (for pick up).


Very exhausting day...I need a nap.

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  • 6 months later...

This day started with a 3am housework cleaning session that lasted until 6:30am where I got back in just in time to feed the outside fur babies and pull out all of the bins for curbside trash and recycling pickup.


I did my morning workout, got cleaned up, ate a light breakfast and did some Duolingo.  By this time, it was just after 9am, so I fingered I would take a nap since my delivery order was not due to arrive until sometime between 1pm and 5pm.


I blinked and woke up to the intercom at 10:07am.  Apparently, my afternoon delivery was arriving in 30 minutes and FedEx had just dropped of part of it.  Needless to say, I was up and out in 15 minutes.


From 10:30am until 7:50pm, it was deliveries, yardwork, pickups and area cleanups.


I got in, took a bath, took care of the girls, gave the boy his marching orders for tomorrow, laid down and nearly passed out when I remember that I have to log his attendance for today.


It's now 10:35pm and I'm going to wrap up the day right after finish his timesheet log.

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  • 1 month later...

Day started with one of the Tuxedo Girls throwing a hissy fit.

Sister called to calm cat down.


Emergency doctor visit.


Come home to the Boy with an attitude.

Gas run.

Cut all front lawns and 2 side lots.

A friend paid a visit to the neighborhood to see their old house and hang for a bit.

Zero Turn Mower's drive belt had a catastrophic failure with 3 backyards left to go.

Finished neighbor's yard with my battery operated lawn mower.

Wrapped up yardwork by 8:5pm.

Washed up.

Got dinner.

Practiced on Duolingo.

Played Empires & Puzzles.

Wrapped up inside work.

Took a break.

Reflected on the day's events.


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Exhausting and damn good. I hired Juan who used to work along with me when I was at Morrow's shit circus hillbilly dope show of a company up until last year. I had spoken out very highly to Mr. Jimmy Hoops, The Bearded Baseball Sized Gauged Earring Dangling Ding-a-ling Spectacle... El Presidente Hoops realized I hadn't sugar coated shit, and was impressed here on day one enough to give Ol' Juan a $3/per hour raise on the amount he had agreed to start him off at. Then after work he told me he found out his wife back home had gotten a raise at her job today as well, so indeed there was much rejoicing altho being dead ass exhausted, to sum that up, it's going well on the road. My drastic change ups at last year's end are beginning to beat fruit and more blue faced dollar bills.

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1 hour ago, gwen said:

i get so tired sore and exausted by the end of the day now. everything hurts. this getting older thing, sucks. i am thinking..i deserve a calm day out on the water and I am not going to let any superstitious nonsense about michigan magical 'burmuda' triangles, get me down!

Don't worry one day you'll stop, as will I, as well we all.  :P

I think I'd gladly deal with more physical pain though if it eased some of the emotional scars.

My day will be good, but that's only because my future days will be worse.  Hanging out with a friend who is moving up state.  Thanks Detroit for scaring off another one!

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, TronRP said:

Not as expected, but too tired to beef about it. 


Same with the 'not as expected'. I planned on doing a relatively deep clean of the bedroom, yet played cheuffeur to the sister and helped set up an event at the church she's apart of. Hopefully I'll get to the bedroom next Friday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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