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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

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On 4/9/2017 at 11:13 PM, TronRP said:

Reuters - WORLD NEWS | Wed Apr 5, 2017 | 3:39pm EDT: "Thousands of Serbs protest against big election win for PM Vucic"

Not to sound callous, but basically Trump's presidential election in another country.  Almost like it's becoming a trend. 

Its a clear trend.  Commented on by everyone from The Nation, PBS to Fox and Sky news.  The world still takes its queue from america even though that is changing increasingly.   Scum around the world still like how we do things apparently.

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Oh my freakin' goodness, this can't be real!!!  Plus possible jail time for LAUGHING!!!!!



The GOP Celebrates Its One-Third Of A Healthcare Victory

"Published on May 5, 2017
The GOP held a 'massive beer bash' to celebrate something that's only partially accomplished."


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House Republicans Drank Your Sorrows Away

"Published on May 6, 2017
Cases upon cases of beer were rolled into the Capitol following the House's passing of the healthcare bill. But the regrettable choices happened earlier on in the day."


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I can't believe we will be saying goodbye to 146 years of tradition.


Stephen Colbert's Quest For The Greatest Show On Earth

"Published on May 6, 2017
In the final month of its farewell tour, Stephen joins The Ringling Bros. Circus to see what it would take to inherit their title of 'The Greatest Show on Earth.'"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Stephen Has An Unpopular Opinion On Trump's Budget

"Published on May 24, 2017
Stephen stance on the White House's proposed slashing of the food stamp program and children's health insurance program is somehow radical in 2017."


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Trump's Gone... Party At The White House!

"Published on May 20, 2017
Escaping his plummeting approval rating at home, President Trump is heading across the pond to some other countries that view him unfavorably."

I had no idea Pres. Trump is 70 years old.  Possibly the reason NATO speeches were required to be 4 minutes or less during his visit.

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Jon Stewart Ribs Stephen For His Recent Language

"Published on May 10, 2017
Stephen's former boss comes by to catch up on current events, and says he's pretty sure comedians and Presidents shouldn't be held to the same standards of conduct."

Starting at minute 6:07 I truly applaud. :clap:

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Trump's Israel Visit Aims To Promote Lasting 'Peach'

"Published on May 23, 2017
Stephen takes a look at the White House's second presidential stop abroad and second-millionth typo."

Face it, there is just no help for this administration.  And yet, all I can think of are all the people who posted "Countdowns" to the end of Obama's presidency.  Well, I hope they are happy with what they got. :dry:

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Stephen Puts The CBO's '23 Million' Estimate Into Perspective

"Published on May 26, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office predicted the House's healthcare plan would cover 23 million fewer Americans over the next ten years."

Ouch and ouch...:X

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Trump Was The Laughingstock Of NATO

"Published on May 27, 2017
Handshakes that never end and shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro had some world leaders chuckling amongst themselves."

I find myself cringing every time the media is about to play a speech by Pres. Trump. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stephen Raises Money For Less Fortunate Airplanes

"Published on Jun 6, 2017
Infrastructure Week 2017 gets off to a bang courtesy of Donald Trump and the alt-Wright Brothers."

Be afraid...be very afraid...:sofa:

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Stephen Finally Gets To Covfefe About Covfefe

"Published on Jun 6, 2017
Stephen was away on vacation but can pretty much sum up last week in a single word, albeit imaginary."

This presidential administration just needs to quit...:X

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Stephen Digs Into James Comey's Opening Statements

"Published on Jun 8, 2017
James Comey's prepared statements were released Wednesday afternoon, just in time for Stephen to give some pregame coverage of Washington's Super Bowl."

Oh My Goodness...:blink:

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Guess Who's Comey To Dinner?

"Published on Jun 9, 2017
Stephen might have mentioned the biggest congressional testimony of the century once or twice in Thursday's monologue."


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Obama Got Dragged Into Georgia's Special Election

"Published on Jun 21, 2017
A pro-Trump group used snippets from President Obama's audiobook to Frankenstein an attack ad. Though, to be fair, Frankenstein's monster was far more coherent."


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GOP Senators Won't Let Us See Their New Healthcare Bill

"Published on Jun 17, 2017
The Senate healthcare bill joins Area 51 as a top secret American entity that only government officials can lay eyes upon."


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With all the craziness regarding Health Care, I have to throw this in there for a bit of Stress Relief. 



Stephen Cares About Your Health (For Money)

"Published on Jun 22, 2017
Much like Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand 'Goop,' Stephen's wellness symposium 'Covetton House' will pamper you for the low price of your net-worth."


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2017 at 11:01 AM, TronRP said:

With all the craziness regarding Health Care, I have to throw this in there for a bit of Stress Relief. 



Stephen Cares About Your Health (For Money)

"Published on Jun 22, 2017
Much like Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand 'Goop,' Stephen's wellness symposium 'Covetton House' will pamper you for the low price of your net-worth."



"By definition, alternative medicine has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work.

Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work?

'Medicine'" ~ Storm by Tim Minchin

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like...my heart totally went out to reporter Jared Yates Sexton who works so hard and "Labored over this".



Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own 'Deepthroat'

"Published on Jul 12, 2017
Unlike Watergate, it didn't require the services of a secret informant to uncover wrongdoing in Trump's administration. Just a son."

:rofl: I declare...you can't script this stuff!!!

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Andy Serkis Becomes Gollum To Read Trump's Tweets

"Published on Jul 12, 2017
No better voice could embody Trump's maniacal, power-hungry ranting than 'War for the Planet of the Apes' star Andy Serkis' famous character."


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These last two videos by Stephen Colbert only show what many Americans see, that Trump does not deserve to be President.  The Republicans and Trump followers keep harping on how Hillary should be prosecuted over her emails so I wonder if they feel the same about Trump Jr..  Since the emails prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he intended to receive illegally gotten info about Hillary and was willing to use it to sabotage her campaign Don Jr. should be prosecuted.  It is against federal law for any campaign to receive donations or any assistance to their campaign.  And since Jr. planned to accept the information and use it means he planned on performing an illegal act and should spend time in prison.  Conspiracy to commit the act is just as bad as doing the act.  Can't wait for the spin and deflection coming over this.  Be prepared to hear a slew of Hillary this and Hillary that to justify his actions.  To deflect away from this.  I am not saying Hillary hasn't done wrong.  What I am saying is that Trump and his family are just as dirty if not more.  How can a Presidential candidate claim he is for the working person yet brag that he files bankruptcy on his casino to avoid paying 3 contractors and say the deserved to go bankrupt and the business's go under.  And yet he got elected.  This pattern of thought scares me as to what people are thinking when they put a businessman in charge of the country who's first actions are to give breaks to companies so they make more profit which will not be rolled back into the companies in order to hire more people.  Reagan tried it and it failed.  Seems no one learns from past mistakes.

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