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What is your favorite series?

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I could tell you but I wont. See I have a secret addiction, that is to say an addiction to secrets. If I told you then my addiction could become less fed by you and others knowing them. It would be bad for me and make things way less magical for you.

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Game of Thrones  TV

(Probably The Walking Dead and Westworld are next in line) Neither show is about what you think on the surface. 

A Song of Ice and Fire Novels (and the sourcebooks and the maps).

The Silo Series (Hugh Howey...  gonna be turned into a movie any minute now)

Ready Player One only has 1 book out so far but there is another coming. 


(if forced to pick a "favorite") Not sure I really 100% have one.  I've got SO MUCH that I like that picking one is like picking my favorite arm. Not Counting Game of Thrones (more the novels, but the show is amazing). I don't mean amazing like Robotech I mean amazing like if Shakespeare was still alive and spoke normal English and had a HUGE budget, Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is what he would have come up with. 


Twilight Zone (the original back & white show),  Battlestar Galactica 2.0  (TV), The Prisoner (amazingly advanced for its time), Rescue Me (underrated, very impressive), The Wire, The Shield.  All A+ stuff.  I could go on like this for two pages. 



I don't really have a favorite book "series" other than A Song of Ice and Fire (which you can read like 5 times and find something new every time) used to like DragonLance a lot but I wouldn't go around saying it's my favorite.  The Eisnehorn Trilogy set in the hands down best sci-fi universe (Warhammer 40k). Most books that are really good are one-off books that come to mind.


/end Fluff


/Important stuff far more important than any of that fluffy nonsense we all worship


How Do We Know What Is Really True - The Magic of Reality (Illustrated kind of expensive I can let anyone borrow it, its a 'young adult" book. ) Sad this book even needs to exist but its important. 


How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (at least the first section, it's in 3 sections and the first part is like basic stuff we should already know but don't the world would be a better place)

The Definitive Edition of Anne Franks Diary (big shock who this is written by)


Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel  (survivor of Nazi Auschwitz Concentration Camp and other than Win Friends is a universally recommended book by pretty much everyone that is serious about non-fluff) 


All must-reads for every human on the planet.

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