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Young people have no clue this is not normal. Trump & friends are the worst scum to be in the white house in American history.  (Andrew Jackson held the title as arguablily the worst president in history previously its take over 100 years to produce this monster). 






If you don't know that is an MLK reference please stop whatever you are doing and actually take the time to listen to his 'I have a dream speech. Which, every time he gave it he knew it might be his last speech ever. (Sadly, reasonably accurate.)


If you have been under a rock this is the latest public display of disgust at the trump administration. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave by a restaurant owner in Lexington Virginia.


=======>     Road trip to Lexington Virginia to eat at The Red Hen! ❤️ We have not had this sort widespread of public outrage (litterally) since the public shaming of loyalists during THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. If you are still supporting Trump wake up. This is the rich destroying America. History is watching.  <======


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We have not seen unemployment this low in over 40 years.

Less people are living off of the governments extortion.

Jobs are coming back to America.

Our rights of association are improving.


But the people who call an evil socialist dictator right wing because he is right of Stalin who killed even more people that Hitler also call me (a left leaning libertarian) right wing because I believe it is evil to force some one who is physically harming no one to do anything.

The same people who want to imprison those like me because we Know facts don't give a shit about feelings and feelings are only a fact for the individual.

The very same people who want to execute me because I wont hesitate to point out that prosecuting someone for thought crimes is simply immoral.


I also know that the problem isn't simply "THE RICH" the problem is crony capitalism and forced socialism and crony capitalism is exactly what you find in every single failed socialist and communist experiment. As for the socialist go lightly, every single one is going down hill only being slowed by what little democracy the ruling class hasn't been able to eliminate.


I say fuck equality of outcome I want equality of opportunity. There is only one way to have equality of outcome and that is to practice eugenics. You can have something that seems to be that way but the socialists in control will reduce 99.9% of the population to dirt poor and the 0.01% in control will live like monarchical gods.

And I can never have equality of opportunity as long as the government keeps pointing their guns at me saying I cant do things that harm no one.

Did I ever relate to you all about how I was threatened with imprisonment for mowing lawns even tho I was paying the extortion we lovingly call taxes?


But you really want to know who is to blame? The new priest class that never had to deal with reality, sitting in their ivory towers ignoring the proven failures of their theories and keep on teaching them to self entitled shit bags as if they where factual gospel wile those with a functioning brain cell know gospel don't fact. And these fuctards keep us fighting amongst ourselves preventing us from cleaning up the government.


Let me put it like this.

All of you fake ass liberals are driving us straight to a cliff and the only thing you fucking conservatives are good for is demanding an occasional pit stop to make sure the car can go over at an optimal speed. And if you think it is ok to enact violence on me to steal a portion of my hard earned money to give it to a lazy mooch be it an individual or a corporation then I don't have to call you a piece of shit because you already know you are a worthless excuse for a human being.


And now for the next guilt trip! No never mind, you cant force those with Inattentional blindness to see any more than the truly blind.

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