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were you wearing gloves?

that would have been my 1st suggestion, even before the black widows were encountered.


Ordinarily, when touching really gross stuff, I put on a pair of rubber gloves. But I forgot today. This was a sort of spur-of-the-moment thing, and didn't stop to think about it.

Would have been wise. I touched some REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY gross, unidentified matter today. Much of which smelled dead.

You should see that damned shed, though. Fine job if I do say so myself.

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you missunderstand

you mentioned spraying the spid's

i sudjested Fire in a can.

homemade Napalm or agricultural flamer


lol even though i took it the wrong way it was funny :grin

Yeah Fire might work good too, but i would still wait a day or two. :blink

LOL to freakin funny boy have i smilled allot today atthis site.


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I've read that you can make napalm from gasoilne and styrofoam.

Strange. Posting that just now...reminds me of a Gregory Corso Poem-

Okay, back to work.


if you want to make garbage.

I suggest stuff like Oj eggs coffee kerosene High phosphorus laundry detergent :devil

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Your in NC? I love it there. Was just. Oh, and although spiders are supposed to be one of my so called 'totems' I am still having a hard time dealing with them.

So, I'm cleaning out the lean-to garage connected to the woodshop. Basically a big, open-front garage with a slant roof.

OMFG!!! This thing is SWARMING with black widows!scare.gif

Yes, I'm being careful - basically cleaned off a 4-foot hoe and am using it to pick stuff up and move it around from a distance. Makes the going slow, and miserable in this humid heat. But no way I'm touching anything with my hands.

Gads, I hate this state. Hmm... seems like only 0.5 seconds since I last thought that...

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Your in NC?  I love it there.  Was just.


I know, which is why in your thread/post where you say you'd love to live in NC, I responded " NO YOU DON'T".

You want the feel of NC for some time, head for northern Michigan. Just ask The Dark.

Trust me. There is nothing to do down here. James Taylor learned to play guitar the way he does by locking himself in a room for 3 years 'cause there was nothing else to do down here (he's from NC).

You might like it if you were raised that way. But if you're used to having decent-sized cities nearby and all the related activities (clubs, stores, etc), you'd be absolutely miserable once the charm of being in a the quiet countryside wore off.

And believe me, it wears off FAST.

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I do not really have much of a problem with spiders in general, except for those creepy white small ones, and of course, the ones I know are poisonous. The second I saw that there was a black widow in there... I would have refused to go in there again. Fuck that!

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