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Bottle Deposit Refunds to be Cancelled

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Michigan's 40-year-old bottle deposit law could be repealed.

Posted: 6:12 AM, Nov 29, 2018

Updated: 12:55 PM, Nov 29, 2018


State Rep. Joe Bellino, of Monroe, has introduced legislation as part of a new plan to provide a boost to community recycling programs.


Bellino said that although the bottle bill helped reduce litter in the 1980s and 90s, it's now hurting recycling. 

At 15 percent, Michigan's residential recycling rate is one of the lowest in the nation.


“The bottle bill pulls the two most valuable materials – aluminum and PET plastic – away from community-based recycling systems,” Bellino said. “Rerouting these materials into local recycling programs would provide the boost recyclers need to sustain their programs and expand access to even more communities.”


Under the plan, the state's bottle deposit law would end on Dec. 31, 2022. Those who purchase a product with a deposit before that date would have three years to return the container for a refund through the old system.


Prior to the repeal, additional money from unclaimed deposits would be directed into local recycling programs.


“The bottle deposit system ultimately captures just 2 percent of our waste, but it costs more and generates less revenue than traditional recycling programs,” Bellino said. “It’s time to do away with this outdated program and focus on comprehensive community recycling programs that are better for Michigan families, businesses and our environment.”


The Michigan Recycling Partnership estimates that Michigan loses $10-13 million in fraudulent bottle returns every year.


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They don't realize that if they cancel this program, the people who use deposit refunds to supplement their income will have no reason to collect bottles or cans. The cans and bottles will be left behind in parks, streets, grass, yards, and more since there will no longer be any incentive to gather them.🌹

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On 12/26/2018 at 11:48 PM, Trene4000 said:

They don't realize that if they cancel this program, the people who use deposit refunds to supplement their income will have no reason to collect bottles or cans. The cans and bottles will be left behind in parks, streets, grass, yards, and more since there will no longer be any incentive to gather them.🌹

Yeah. I'm in Ohio right now and the nearest place you can take pop cans to recycle and get some cash is 20 miles away. Most people don't bother with it and you can find pop cans all over the place. 

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Typical "conservative" thought: enacting legislation that would do the exact opposite of what they SAY it's supposed to do.  This would not "boost" recycling, but boost LITTERING.  I truly miss the real conservative thinkers.  Where's William F. Buckley when you need him?

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Let me fix that for you.

On 1/10/2019 at 11:44 PM, Troy Spiral said:

Noecon bullshit.  As usual. 

Troy, you are old enough to have seen that in practice the modern right wing platform is damn near identical to the 90's left wing platform due to the Trotskites infiltrating the right wing.

I'm sure that you know that in the early 2000's a "Republican" voicing this idea would have been unthinkable and would have only come from an authoritarian leftist who would also include massive fines for the working and middle class and would have found a way to exempt the rich so they didn't get hit by it and then blame the examption on the right.


When I read Trens post I automatically assumed Joe Bellino was a Democrat.

The Overton Window has shifted so far left that society as a whole is completely fucking mentally retarded and I am almost convinced that there is no hope. Leftists turning into Puritans, Ecologists becoming Science Deniers, Flat Earthers gaining traction, Republicans claiming to protect free speech then quietly enacting the lefts anti free speech policies. Hell violence being enacted because someone says the wrong thing is bad enough but now fucktards wanna riot and kill because they think they can read minds. whats next? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! Well we already see the mass hysteria growing and we call the human sacrifice a drone strike with collateral damage.


Honestly there are no more Left/Right issues. They are the exact same team. One part of the team is there to send us all over the cliff, and the other part is there to make sure that it is done slow enough that an armed rebellion isn't formed before it happens.

And when I say all of this the center far left and right shut off their brains and a far left and right right says "That's right and there is nothing you can do about it, but keep talking and we will send a Neo Nazi professor posing as black block to bash your head in with a bike lock or send a Bernie bro (and call him far right) to shoot you."

Before someone calls me a conspiracy theorists because of that quote, I was using hyperbole to show some rel life happenings and honestly should not feel as if I am forced to point it out, because today you point out the obvious and get labeled with the pejorative.



 The Vater M. Araignee, Master of the thread jack.



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BTW, tho I am loath to say it, the real solution is to put a deposit on "ALL BEVERAGE CONTAINERS" and make the deposit keep up with inflation. So the $0.10 deposit from 1978 should in 2018 be $0.39. We all know that you would be hard pressed to find that type of litter if people where chucking $0.40 instead of $0.10.

And before people freak out about the poor, I remember when I could get a pop for $0.20 + $0.10 deposit. The deposit was one third of the up front cost, so if you use the 1/3 metric, a $1.50 bottle of pop should have an upfront cost of $2.25. You also have the fact that even adjusting for inflation a bottle of pop costs more now than it would have in 78.

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