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OMFG Drone Email!!!!!

Troy Spiral

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So there are (many) websites that track the "quality" of your amazon.com reviews.  Typically they crawl your amazon account and if they think your reviews are "high quality" enough (long descriptions, pictures, videos ect  they offer you various discounts with a "strong suggestion"  (they aren't allowed to require you) to leave a review.  The implication is due to reciprocity that your review might be higher than it otherwise might have been.  One of the reasons I only put mid level stock in amazon reviews which are often suspiciously high.   

Consumer Reports for example only allows members (paid members) to post reviews and people generally never bother to post positive reviews but WILL post negative reviews like crazy.  On CR even products that they have spent testing scientifically for a week and call them "suggested products" have crap reviews, every, single, one.  


But anyway... omfg lookit this.  Not sure if the spelling is due to non-native english speaker or just an error but whaaaatever:

spark.png <---- no shit. 



That would be my no 1 pick and no 2 picks for "best drones for the money"  even at 40% off the Mavic is still expensive.  But the spark at $200 ish is amazing.  (not including any frills which you basicly need, but whatever!)   *thinks*


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