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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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1 minute ago, TronRP said:


Fortunately, I only have one maintenance visit left until I have fulfilled my 2-year service contract.  I knew they were messing with the air pressure gauges with my tires, but to mess with my brakes, that's unacceptable.  I figured I'd wait them out then go to local service areas, but I need to bring this to their attention about my brakes and schedule my final contract maintenance.  After this, I will just stop going there.  They don't have to know I'm going somewhere else. 

That's good; sucks you had that contract. And yeah, find another place.

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3 minutes ago, kat said:

Why do I feel like I can't remember about 90 percent of my life from like 2008 until this year? Was it that much of a blur? My god. Everything is so weird.


I don't know much about what life was like for you in 2008, but I do know the crazy ride of life you went on from 2012 to 2015.  I'm still happy I was distracted by that Ferris Wheel and missed that turn back then...

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On 3/22/2019 at 11:38 PM, kat said:

Why do I feel like I can't remember about 90 percent of my life from like 2008 until this year? Was it that much of a blur? My god. Everything is so weird.


You probably just have a better grasp of how much you remember and feel like its bad / odd.   Almost everyone's memory is piss poor compared to what they THINK their memory is.  90% (reasonably clear) memories from age 5 to current is probably about all any of us get.  You just are probably much more self-aware than others. 


From a study on memory I found:  


"In the 2-8 year range [participants] forgot 16% to 94% of new information. The obvious conclusion here is that learning varies widely (and wildly) and cannot be predetermined (except perhaps by deities, of whom, I think, we have not even a few in the field of memory/learning psychology). To be specific, when we hear statements like, “People will forget 60% of what they learned within 7 days,” we should ignore such advice and instead reflect on our own superiority and good looks until we are decidedly pleased with ourselves."

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This is going to be another sleepless night working on the newest video.   Its grueling but strangely it makes me feel mostly pretty good.  In about 12 hours when my eyes are bleeding I'll have a different take on it but that is only the last 3-4 hours which is in a sense more important than any other time.   I can make a video but if no one sees it it defeats the purpose.  A rule of thumb is 20% of the total time/resources it took to make a video should be spent (in addition) on "marketing" (in my case that just means sharing, asking for help sharing or liking and optimizing for the Youtube algorithm (a real headache)) which I tend to skimp on as I have some idiotic idea that people should be mind readers and just find me or help without me having to ask.  That is a huge error.  


What i should do is get the people that (might) complain that I'm "spamming" them out of my head.  One, I will remember who they are and be very unlikely to bother them again... like ever.   Two if I don't do my best to try and promote a whole lot of people that might have had even a minor interest in things I'm making or trying to make will never see them just due to my concern over rubbing someone the wrong way. 


I'm also just scared I'll have to stop.  I really hope that doesn't happen.  Motivation wise I'm in this YouTube thing for life in whatever form that takes. (or at least like 10 years) only brass-tacks problems with the reality of what you need to make (decent) videos would stop me.  I am all-in on this.   Its a good feeling honestly.   It really does feel like a positive "mission" that gives me direction.  

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I wonder how the boy is going to feel being in his first non-contact tournament.  He always thinks he's the best at everything, but he is going from Football mentality to Chess strategy.  I'm not sure he will be ready for the amount of mental prowess that's necessary for the stamina needed in this form of competition. 

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On 3/21/2019 at 12:04 AM, NocteSpiritus said:

If I should start posting the videos I upload to youtube of my SW:TOR game play here. And if I should start streaming the game play as well.


Stream on Twitch.  Thats where youll get the easiest following for gaming and twitch has some epic tools for doing everything live stream.  Kills youtube.  But you can double duty that live stream via both YT and Twitch at the same time (and after it ends you'll have a video on YT) but that is pretty involved to set up. 


What the big kids do is live stream on twitch and then make "highlight videos" from that stream and post them to youtube.   When you spend so much time making something you want to give it the maximum chance for people to see it.  

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10 hours ago, TronRP said:

Dang it!  The boy just woke up and we will be leaving in just about an hour.  I told him yesterday to treat today the same as a weekday...i.e. up by 5am.  Whatever....


Every time i hear (and now read)  "the boy"  ....   lol.     Holy damn though 5am.   God is still snoozing at 5am.   That is a good practice though to keep the sleep schedule the same across the whole week.  Goes for all of us unless we have something special to do. You know... going to the club, binge watching my little pony... the usual. 

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I know I'm not normal by any stretch but is it extra weird that I'm excited that in less than 2 weeks my thirties are done? I am actually happy about this.  I am a straight up weirdo I suppose. My thirties sucked through. Time for something new. Maybe I just love the look on someone's face when I say my age. Lol 


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These pass out nights have gotten me back onto a morning schedule, but it's rather unsettling to know that if I stop moving around 9 or 10pm, I will not be awake again until sometime around 4:30 - 5am.  I'm going to chopped this up to recuperating from Sunday's 13 hour marathon day of Chess at Oakland Center.

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