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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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Who thought "Monopoly: Cheaters Addition" was a great idea for kids.  They already lie, cheat and (if they can) steal as it is.  Now we are telling them that this behavior is perfectly fine...just as long as you don't get caught.


Parents and caregivers already have their hands full trying to raise children in a society that rewards the wrong kind of behavior, so now they have this to add to it because unfortunately, it won't stop with Parker Bros.  If any other company out there thinks they too can cash in on it, pretty soon everything will have an air of "Do this, but don't get caught" and absolutely nothing will be sacred.


Lie, Cheat and Steal will become the new norm and those with opposing values will be frowned upon.  So not looking forward to that day and age. 


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Should I keep messing with the cat's heads with a little red dot of light or fill out this "Family" survey, for DPS, online right now or start trying to see how many accounts I can get paid before I have to turn in since I have to chauffeur to Warren in the morning. 


Decisions, decisions...🤔

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4 minutes ago, TronRP said:

Should I keep messing with the cat's heads with a little red dot of light or fill out this "Family" survey, for DPS, online right now or start trying to see how many accounts I can get paid before I have to turn in since I have to chauffeur to Warren in the morning. 


Decisions, decisions...🤔

Survey, some accounts, then mess with the cats' heads.

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17 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Survey, some accounts, then mess with the cats' heads.


That order actually worked better because I started to put off doing the survey until later, but discovered that the school waited too long so the online version of the survey expired last month and I had to fill in the paper version.  So I got it done last night...thank goodness. :biggrin:

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Customer: I bought a ratchet set. I want to return only one ratchet. 

Sir, you purchased an entire set therefore you have to exchange exactly what was purchased. 


Rambling about some bullshit how he'll never buy our product again so I just said sir your not hurting me by saying that.  

Probably not the best answer. Ok, seriously it's like if you buy a pair of shoes and one is messed up do you return only one shoe?


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1 hour ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Hate customers like that. The downside of working customer service. And I know downside; former crew at McDonald's.

Before I resigned I had and used the ability to say "GET OUT OF MY STORE!"

Managed 3 and hated every second except banishing douches.

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3 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Hate customers like that. The downside of working customer service. And I know downside; former crew at McDonald's.

I couldn't do it. I would flip the hell out the first time someone came in acting all bougie about something.  People in the service industry have the power to spit in your food too, we should never be mistreating anyone but specially people who touch things we put inside our body.

Edited by kat
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2 hours ago, kat said:

I couldn't do it. I would flip the hell out the first time someone came in acting all bougie about something.  People in the service industry have the power to spit in your food too, we should never be mistreating anyone but specially people who touch things we put inside our body.


That is my biggest worry about eating food prepared by someone else.  You never know what kind of a day they are having and your asking for a receipt might set them off and bam...a new "spice" added to your Special Sauce. 

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2 hours ago, kat said:

I couldn't do it. I would flip the hell out the first time someone came in acting all bougie about something.  People in the service industry have the power to spit in your food too, we should never be mistreating anyone but specially people who touch things we put inside our body.

When I first started at McD's (combined time is about a year and a half with a few months break in between. March 2016-Nov 2016 then March 2017 to July 2017), I learned grill/friers, food making, and handing food out at drive through within that first month. I was learning cash (dine in first so I'd know how to use the computer with some help) within three months (so by ... May) and drive through cash by June/July. I had been in drive thru for most of my time since then. 


I say that to say this, only cuz this one stands out and I've told people about this one. This person makes their order and the passenger heard a coworker yell 'no' at me (he was a MIT and was trying to correct what I was saying. hence the 'no'). Now, I know that not all black people are like this, but this older woman (the passenger) started going off of me while I was saying ma'am a few times to get a word in. She goes like 'don't you ma'am me. i'm 40 years old.' blah blah blah. Now, there were 1 of 2 things I coulda done. 


1. basically go 'First of all, ma'am" with my customer service switch off, and get the 'tude going. "That was my coworker you heard. And you're a good 10 years older than me, and acting more immature than I do on a bad day. Now, you can either pay for your food and be on your way. Or you can get the fuck out of my drive and not get your food."


2. Close the window and walk away. Which is what I did.


Do I wish I did the first one? Hells yeah. It's cases like this is why I'm more understanding and more patient when patronizing a fast food place. It's the same reason why when I go to a sit down place I'm more patient and understanding because I've worked behind the scenes as a dish washer.

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12 minutes ago, TronRP said:


That is my biggest worry about eating food prepared by someone else.  You never know what kind of a day they are having and your asking for a receipt might set them off and bam...a new "spice" added to your Special Sauce. 

I'm gonna put some special Sauce on that fuckErs burger, giMme some butter and few mINutes.

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Woke up having a call off kinda day but I didn't and than I go to my favorite new spot for food and gas and sexy ass was working.  My god he sure changed my mood.  Damn, I don't know what it is about him he's adorable and friendly and he looks right into my soul!!! I know he knows I like him he always smiles and looks at me like all weird..not bad weird like he's trying to be cute. Lol

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I think it is time to start reducing the cost of services we have going on here.  It's not worth it anymore especially with all the various ways one can access programming and social media.

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1 hour ago, Vater Araignee said:

What kind of services?


I'm planning on going off-grid in a few years, but at the moment, I want to get rid of cable and DISH for Netflix or something similar.

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I can't believe Disney XD just ran a commercial that said "It's not about being 'OTAKU', it's about being YOU".  I guess in this day and age, with everyone having access to everything, even little kids are introduced to things sooner.


It definitely is a small world after all. 😌

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