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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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2 hours ago, Scary Guy said:


Clickbaity titles can fuck off.

It's actually not. I went and did my own research, which took no time as I just googled everything really quickly and seen diverse sources speaking  about this.


I don't think everything I read online is true but the things this man is talking  are just so absurd that it appears that it is clickbait. The manner in which he presents this material is actually why I found this video hilarious and was hoping that others would maybe get a laugh out of it as well, but my sense of humor isn't everyone's cup of coffee as it is quite juvenile and lacks class and sophistication, hence why I initially thought your comment said, "clickbaitty titties."


Forgive me, for I am just a foolish human enjoying foolish things. 



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Thinking Iran is pretty fucking ballsy, and trying to be smart. Washing away any moral high ground here, it would just go against my instincts of self preservation to go up to a country on a genocidal rampage and poke it with a stick, just saying.


Was Hamas in that embassy? I would likely bet on it. Am I shocked they laid waste to Iran's embassy? Nell no, they've been blowing up hospitals and everything else. The only good guys in this are the Palestinians who are simply trying to stay alive. Although I don't like Hamas, hell who would. But you can't deny they are the sum of the conditions in Palestine, and what Israel has been doing since first becoming a nation.

Now Iran wants to enter the stage. Oh fucking boy... I've only seen one report so far and it's hardly believable, 7 ballistic missiles got past the iron dome. I really think the number will be higher. Time will tell on that. It's likely, as history has shown, Israel and the US will over react to this. Russia is backing Iran also (no surprise there) but I highly doubt this will go to WWIII. Here's why. Ukraine has wiped out damn near 75% of Russia's forces. Iran may be emboldened by Russian support, but really how much actual support can Russia give them at the moment? Seems Russia is more likely using Iran for their own needs rather than supporting them. Hamas is more of a boogey man than a legitimate threat at this point, and is just an excuse to continue genocide in Palestine. Hell we won't be able to get involved much more than sending money as we have been because Republicans have made our own government an absolute dysfunctional shit show.


TL;DR: Think of it like a bunch of idiot kids in JR high having a playground fight. None have the bite to back up their bark. A couple of punches will be thrown, and everyone will walk away like they somehow fucking won a fight that didn't go down like any said it would.

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5 hours ago, kat said:

It's actually not. I went and did my own research, which took no time as I just googled everything really quickly and seen diverse sources speaking  about this.


I don't think everything I read online is true but the things this man is talking  are just so absurd that it appears that it is clickbait. The manner in which he presents this material is actually why I found this video hilarious and was hoping that others would maybe get a laugh out of it as well, but my sense of humor isn't everyone's cup of coffee as it is quite juvenile and lacks class and sophistication, hence why I initially thought your comment said, "clickbaitty titties."


Forgive me, for I am just a foolish human enjoying foolish things. 




The title of the video is "This Is Absolutely Terrifying !!!" which is absolutely a clickbaity title.  It's not descriptive of the video's content at all.  I didn't even bother watching the video.


I will say Louis Rossmann is guilty of the same shit though, but it's really a practice that needs to stop (but won't because it works.)



2 hours ago, know_buddy_kares said:

Thinking Iran is pretty fucking ballsy, and trying to be smart. Washing away any moral high ground here, it would just go against my instincts of self preservation to go up to a country on a genocidal rampage and poke it with a stick, just saying.


Was Hamas in that embassy? I would likely bet on it. Am I shocked they laid waste to Iran's embassy? Nell no, they've been blowing up hospitals and everything else. The only good guys in this are the Palestinians who are simply trying to stay alive. Although I don't like Hamas, hell who would. But you can't deny they are the sum of the conditions in Palestine, and what Israel has been doing since first becoming a nation.

Now Iran wants to enter the stage. Oh fucking boy... I've only seen one report so far and it's hardly believable, 7 ballistic missiles got past the iron dome. I really think the number will be higher. Time will tell on that. It's likely, as history has shown, Israel and the US will over react to this. Russia is backing Iran also (no surprise there) but I highly doubt this will go to WWIII. Here's why. Ukraine has wiped out damn near 75% of Russia's forces. Iran may be emboldened by Russian support, but really how much actual support can Russia give them at the moment? Seems Russia is more likely using Iran for their own needs rather than supporting them. Hamas is more of a boogey man than a legitimate threat at this point, and is just an excuse to continue genocide in Palestine. Hell we won't be able to get involved much more than sending money as we have been because Republicans have made our own government an absolute dysfunctional shit show.


TL;DR: Think of it like a bunch of idiot kids in JR high having a playground fight. None have the bite to back up their bark. A couple of punches will be thrown, and everyone will walk away like they somehow fucking won a fight that didn't go down like any said it would.


Hamas are assholes, but Iran and Israel are assholes with nukes.  I have no idea why Israel would bomb their embassy while they're in the middle of an ethnic clean....   I mean war, because only an idiot fights a war on two fronts.  But if shit pops off things could get really ugly really quick.  I do hope it's contained over there but if the US provides support then we become a valid target as well, and Iran has the ability to build nuclear arms pretty quickly if it hasn't done so already.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_program_of_Iran#Research_and_development_in_nuclear_weapons "the archive revealed that Iran's weapon program was more advanced than had been previously believed in the West and that should Iran pull out of the JCPOA it would be able to produce weapons swiftly, possibly within a few months." Israel also has nukes which means a retaliatory strike would be pretty likely too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking I should really have hit the hay a few hours ago, but there is so much going on later today that my brain just can not rest.  But I also don't want to show up to all of today's appointments punchy as dirt. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why has there been a truck parked outside my window for hours? Glad I don't have a stalker because this truck would be blocking their view. 


Had  a dream I was in Pennsylvania with my bf but he didn't look like my bf it was one of them someone physically represented him but you just know it's that person dreams,  ya know? 


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It's Tuesday and I'm thinking it's time to get things done.  I just decided to start all over again from scratch.

1. Handle Truck Situation

2. Handle Appointment

3. Handle Yardwork

4. Prepare for Wednesday


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Hey Detroit! Wtf is up?! Guess who's back mu'fv¿ƙa's?... and subsequently broken down atm lol. Was headin to Farmington Hills, MI to start our month long run of overnight remodels thru Michigan. My trans temp hit 250° set off the alarm bells and whistles. Turnt out i was runnin up I75 at 110mph and the trans intercooler lines blew lmfao, exactly what happened back home to me in my Escalade last time i was there 🫨🤪 now im walking a an hour off the exit off 275 onto 24 to find a station and bring back trans fluid. Is this $h¡t my welcome back present? Lol

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And im thinking with this distance, id been better off to wait on BadBradBosshog and Tranity to catch up to us on his new harley and send his ass to ride to get this GD transmission fluid. It's 3 degrees from hell out here, i left Youngblood behind with the dog and the truck that has more guns in it than people and so much mary jane in it that bystanders get high from walking  past it in parking lots

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On 5/18/2024 at 4:59 AM, Scary Guy said:

Yes, ass world indeed!


What a classic. This is one of the things that never leaves my head no matter how hard I try (except I don't try to remove it)


I had forgotten this is one of the earliest ones though. Nearly at 3000 comics now.

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I am thinking that the belief that it would be better for my children if i didn't get divorced, because they'd grow up with their mom and a dad together, like it'd teach 'em commitment or somethin about relationships, idk... well I think that beleif just might be stupid. Maybe a divorce would teach best by lettin em know not to accept bullshit outa people in their own future lives. Idfk, i have less than 3 weeks to figure it out tho.

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Crazy day today, one of the guys that was workin with me on the Rochester Hills remodel last year that i ain't heard from since last year just got ahold of me out of the blue today. Then when i got to our jobsite tonight, the Ulta store manager here was the store set manager from that Rochester Hills remodel, i reckon this one in Warren is her home store shes a manager at. Weird odds.

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