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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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On 5/19/2024 at 7:08 AM, WhiteLines said:

Think its crazy ass nostalgic that i was able to hustle down here on foot, go in city club before closing. What are the odds lol. I couldn't remember where the doors to go in the building was tho lmfao


Well, they did move it from the side to the front, then made the side a smoking area.

Probably for the best but now it just makes the hallway with the bathrooms a circus sometimes since it's now the main entryway too.

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I'm thinking that Xfinity just did a hardware upgrade to get ready to change something, but decided to call it a "service outage" that lasted 18 hours.  All they had to do was blame it on the storm that blew through yesterday evening. 

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I got worried that my shoulder was hurting.  Then I remembered I plopped a 4"x4" on it yesterday.  However, it just happened to be 16' long.

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4 hours ago, kat said:

I run back to mommy DGN and hide in my safe space, rocking back and forth in the corner, sucking my thumb. 

Leave me alone,  big bad world! 🍼👶


There, there.  Just relax and let the world go away...:happy:

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On 6/14/2024 at 6:26 AM, TronRP said:


There, there.  Just relax and let the world go away...:happy:


That's the shitty thing about it though.  It's still there and usually getting worse.  I usually say "whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I burn it." But then I actually have to cross a bridge which is on fire, if it hasn't actually already collapsed yet.  I usually somehow manage though and if I'm lucky I don't lose too much in the process.

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On 6/19/2024 at 6:55 PM, Scary Guy said:


That's the shitty thing about it though.  It's still there and usually getting worse.  I usually say "whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I burn it." But then I actually have to cross a bridge which is on fire, if it hasn't actually already collapsed yet.  I usually somehow manage though and if I'm lucky I don't lose too much in the process.


Dude, that's usually me...


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On 6/21/2024 at 1:32 PM, TronRP said:


Dude, that's usually me...



See, I don't believe you, like at all.  I don't really know your day to day struggles, but you seem like you keep up on things really well.  At least you have more free time with the kids gone but you're still doing lots of things every day so that everything is okay and continues to be okay.


I just stopped giving a damn a long, long...  long time ago.  Every once in a while something comes along and makes me care just a little bit.  These days even that seems like a bandage that has fallen off and the wound just festers.  If I could quantify my depression I would, but I do not possess the mental acuity to properly quantify just how much things suck (at least not without being involuntarily sent off to a grippy sock vacation.) Usually I just feel numb.  The bonus of ADHD is I constantly forget I'm depressed and that things suck.  However if something lurks in my head long enough it kind of sticks.

I've been watching more TV to distract me, it helps a little.  Friends help more.

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11 hours ago, Scary Guy said:


See, I don't believe you, like at all.  I don't really know your day to day struggles, but you seem like you keep up on things really well.  At least you have more free time with the kids gone but you're still doing lots of things every day so that everything is okay and continues to be okay.


So that must be it.  People keep treating me like I have free time just because they see me out of the house.


Where it is true that I did help raise my niece and nephew until our mother passed away in 2015, I wasn't granted custody of them until they were 13 and 10 years of age respectively.  Until that time, I was fulltime employed in automotive administration then went into fulltime on-call home care provider services (starting in 2008).  Executor to the Estate was tacked on after the settling of our mother's Will.


Yes my niece lives 6 minutes down the road, but I still help support her.  And yes, my nephew is on campus during the school year 15 minutes away, but otherwise, he stays at the HomeHouse and I still support him.  All the while I am 24/7 on-call assist with Trene.  


Add property maintenance, family everything, legal responsibilities, pets, wildlife and everyday living into the mix and sometimes it's all I can do to keep up.  If I can't automate a system to be self-reliant for some period of time, I have to throw what I can at it until I can officially get back around to it.   All the while, I'm ducking and dodging the neighbors because if they see me out, they have a request for me because they don't think I do anything but sit at home and cut the lawns.


I had a carpet bug infestation a couple of weeks ago and ended up pulling everything out of place throughout my entire house, minus the basement, and, honestly, my current living situation isn't even organized chaos...I'm at warehouse status with four legged security patrol.



The only things I can say for certain, at this moment in time, are: my computer is on, all the grass is cut, all the Feral Furs and new born Feral Babies have been fed, I found something to eat, I have a package on the front porch over at the HomeHouse and the shed is half assembled.  I left this year's 4th of July planning up to the rest of the family.

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1 hour ago, TronRP said:


So that must be it.  People keep treating me like I have free time just because they see me out of the house.


Where it is true that I did help raise my niece and nephew until our mother passed away in 2015, I wasn't granted custody of them until they were 13 and 10 years of age respectively.  Until that time, I was fulltime employed in automotive administration then went into fulltime on-call home care provider services (starting in 2008).  Executor to the Estate was tacked on after the settling of our mother's Will.


Yes my niece lives 6 minutes down the road, but I still help support her.  And yes, my nephew is on campus during the school year 15 minutes away, but otherwise, he stays at the HomeHouse and I still support him.  All the while I am 24/7 on-call assist with Trene.  


Add property maintenance, family everything, legal responsibilities, pets, wildlife and everyday living into the mix and sometimes it's all I can do to keep up.  If I can't automate a system to be self-reliant for some period of time, I have to throw what I can at it until I can officially get back around to it.   All the while, I'm ducking and dodging the neighbors because if they see me out, they have a request for me because they don't think I do anything but sit at home and cut the lawns.


I had a carpet bug infestation a couple of weeks ago and ended up pulling everything out of place throughout my entire house, minus the basement, and, honestly, my current living situation isn't even organized chaos...I'm at warehouse status with four legged security patrol.



The only things I can say for certain, at this moment in time, are: my computer is on, all the grass is cut, all the Feral Furs and new born Feral Babies have been fed, I found something to eat, I have a package on the front porch over at the HomeHouse and the shed is half assembled.  I left this year's 4th of July planning up to the rest of the family.


So, what you're saying is you still have no free time and I believe you even less now.  I hope some things lighten up so you have a bit more room to breathe.  At least you've delegated the 4th planning.  You should delegate more things if possible too, as it seems like everyone expects everything of you which as far as I can tell leaves little to no actual time for yourself.

@Serxerais having a party at his place that starts after 3 and goes until late since most don't have to work the next day.  You are of course welcome to stop by either before/after your festivities.  I'm not going to DJ but there will be a playlist that you're welcome to add to.  Anyone else that is reading is also welcome to DM me for the details (whether or not I actually give them is another story.)

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On 7/3/2024 at 6:51 PM, Scary Guy said:


So, what you're saying is you still have no free time and I believe you even less now.  I hope some things lighten up so you have a bit more room to breathe.  At least you've delegated the 4th planning.  You should delegate more things if possible too, as it seems like everyone expects everything of you which as far as I can tell leaves little to no actual time for yourself.

@Serxerais having a party at his place that starts after 3 and goes until late since most don't have to work the next day.  You are of course welcome to stop by either before/after your festivities.  I'm not going to DJ but there will be a playlist that you're welcome to add to.  Anyone else that is reading is also welcome to DM me for the details (whether or not I actually give them is another story.)


Although tasks were delegated, I ended up being the cleanup crew to all the everything.  finally made it to bed around 4am this morning.


Now it's time to get stuff out for curbside pick up tomorrow.


I feel like once I get these houses cleaned out, then the idea of having extra time may be in the picture.

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On 7/5/2024 at 3:33 PM, TronRP said:


Although tasks were delegated, I ended up being the cleanup crew to all the everything.  finally made it to bed around 4am this morning.


Now it's time to get stuff out for curbside pick up tomorrow.


I feel like once I get these houses cleaned out, then the idea of having extra time may be in the picture.


Well family that visited came down with COVID so I decided to skip it because I'm not a selfish prick.  Then other family came down with it the next day which just reaffirmed my decision.  It's going to be a long boring weekend and I was looking forward to Asylum in Canada tonight, and/or @Serxera's tomorrow for the usual weekly hangout.  Probably also skip Necto on Monday as well just to be really safe.

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    • I started a community for goths in Michigan on Discord.  It's a lot different than the House Spiral one since the focus isn't at all on BDSM.  There are a few there and it's growing but it's just mostly local friends I don't hate.  All are welcome though as long as they behave.   The link is https://discord.gg/eJaPkcNPnj if anyone feels like checking it out.
    • Was looking through old threads looking for something else and stumbled across this.  I had some good times there, especially going to the steampunk nights with Sasha and her opossum (I VJed one of those once too!) and just hanging out in general.  It was a mile from me too. They had crazy steampunk art on the walls and the owner had a desk set up by the entrance in the back with all sorts of in progress projects on it.  The stage was set up in the front and that entryway was blocked off.  They didn't have a food/liquor license so everything was BYOB and donations.  It was also an art gallery which they sold a lot of.  They'd also have classes there for things like drawing (See What Stacey Started), I don't know what else and I never really went to those except for when there was an event after. Unfortunately the original owner died:  http://paganmichigan.wikidot.com/event:steampunk-art-show-in-honor-of-michael-wiggins Then after a few years and unsuccessfully trying to save it Steve (the new owner) ended up selling.  I'm not sure if they knew each other or not but I was surprised that my friend from high school Lyle bought it.  Now it's known as Youngblood's, where he does haircuts in the front and his wife sells clothing in the back. There was a Phoenix II for a minute that was farther East down 10 Mile, but it didn't last too long.  I never actually made it there myself.
    • Well family that visited came down with COVID so I decided to skip it because I'm not a selfish prick.  Then other family came down with it the next day which just reaffirmed my decision.  It's going to be a long boring weekend and I was looking forward to Asylum in Canada tonight, and/or @Serxera's tomorrow for the usual weekly hangout.  Probably also skip Necto on Monday as well just to be really safe.
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    • That shit is great.  Guy has the vocal range of the guy from The Darkness, but they don't suck like The Darkness did either. Y'all got some good taste kid.
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