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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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30 minutes ago, SlavicGoth said:

I'm not entirely sure but I think my potato plants are almost ready to harvest. hard to tell when animals ate all the flower parts on them. First time growing potatoes this year


I'm sure they'll do fine, unless you're Irish :P

(I'm part Irish so I get to make that joke.)

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Think im spending more and more time in some manner of dissociative state staring a hole thru to nowhere. Not a good time to take up managing a million dollar jobsite or idk maybe that's the best time for it.

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1 minute ago, WhiteLines said:

Think im spending more and more time in some manner of dissociative state staring a hole thru to nowhere. Not a good time to take up managing a million dollar jobsite or idk maybe that's the best time for it.


From what I understand of your home life I can understand that.  I have a friend who dives into his work as much as he can because he doesn't want to deal with the battleaxe at home.


"To be free is often to be lonely."

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4 hours ago, Scary Guy said:


From what I understand of your home life I can understand that.  I have a friend who dives into his work as much as he can because he doesn't want to deal with the battleaxe at home.


"To be free is often to be lonely."

That sir, is why i have a habitual pattern of excelling quickly to high profile leadership positions in whatever bullshit fields i find myself employed in. I am the "self destruct thru work" kinda guy... And narcotics, I think we all knew that here tho lol, although I'm moreso refraining from the latter for now in the sake of a more work oriented self destruct sequence.

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13 minutes ago, WhiteLines said:

I think we all knew that here tho lol


I try not to make assumptions.  I also know/knew a few former addicts too, some of which didn't make it and are going on 15 years "sober."


Like Doug Stanhope says: "There's no such thing as addiction, there's only things that you enjoy doing more than life."

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1 hour ago, Scary Guy said:


I try not to make assumptions.  I also know/knew a few former addicts too, some of which didn't make it and are going on 15 years "sober."


Like Doug Stanhope says: "There's no such thing as addiction, there's only things that you enjoy doing more than life."

Im less an addict and more a "recreational outlaw" with the exception of my Suboxone prescription, I'm straight permanently reliant upon it for normalcy as the result of being an actual addict to the opioid crisis of the late 90's and 00's... But i take suboxone to NOT be high, so not clear on if it qualifies here lol.

Nonetheless, I tip my hat to your positive message my good sir and bid you adieu for now.

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I finally got images from the security cam from when my car got hit at the club. Image of who hit my car and right before but Not of the actual hitting. Idk what I can do with this information its not exactly what i needed for my insurance claim

Edited by SlavicGoth
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I wonder when certain companies will realize that "Anime" are not "cartoons" and are definitely NOT directed at children regardless of how it's drawn.


They edit the mess out of them for TV release.  By that time, the storyline makes no sense and any cultural reference is lost in translation.


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9 hours ago, WhiteLines said:

Im less an addict and more a "recreational outlaw" with the exception of my Suboxone prescription, I'm straight permanently reliant upon it for normalcy as the result of being an actual addict to the opioid crisis of the late 90's and 00's... But i take suboxone to NOT be high, so not clear on if it qualifies here lol.

Nonetheless, I tip my hat to your positive message my good sir and bid you adieu for now.


I'm addicted to air.

J/K, sorry to hear that.  It's just one more cost that needs to be paid.  Hopefully you have insurance which covers it.



1 hour ago, TronRP said:

I wonder when certain companies will realize that "Anime" are not "cartoons" and are definitely NOT directed at children regardless of how it's drawn.


They edit the mess out of them for TV release.  By that time, the storyline makes no sense and any cultural reference is lost in translation.



It's really just an art style though.  There are many fucked up cartoons.  Animaniacs was just wrong, and Tom & Jerry could get really really fucking dark.



Other really fucked up old cartoons:

Animal Farm

Watership Down

Fritz the Cat


Not to mention the blatant racism and sexism in those old shows too.  At least it's far less of a problem these days though.  Though I've heard Adventure Time is pretty messed up later on, but I've yet to see it (it's on my list.)


Newer and fucked up includes South Park and some of what Seth MacFarlane does (especially American Dad.)


I remember older anime and that was alright too.  Quite literally all of Studio Ghibli's work is good too, though I haven't seen that all either.  Unless that's what you're referring to.

You obviously know far more than I do though because you're very submersed in the culture, but that's just my perspective.

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6 hours ago, Scary Guy said:


I'm addicted to air.

J/K, sorry to hear that.  It's just one more cost that needs to be paid.  Hopefully you have insurance which covers it.




It's really just an art style though.  There are many fucked up cartoons.  Animaniacs was just wrong, and Tom & Jerry could get really really fucking dark.



Other really fucked up old cartoons:

Animal Farm

Watership Down

Fritz the Cat


Not to mention the blatant racism and sexism in those old shows too.  At least it's far less of a problem these days though.  Though I've heard Adventure Time is pretty messed up later on, but I've yet to see it (it's on my list.)


Newer and fucked up includes South Park and some of what Seth MacFarlane does (especially American Dad.)


I remember older anime and that was alright too.  Quite literally all of Studio Ghibli's work is good too, though I haven't seen that all either.  Unless that's what you're referring to.

You obviously know far more than I do though because you're very submersed in the culture, but that's just my perspective.


In actuality, every cartoon you mentioned was not for kids.  WB (Warner Bros.) cartoons were animated shorts that aired between news reels that gave updates on how the War (at that time) was progressing.  After the news, then the movie would start.  The animated shorts were to keep the audience from becoming depressed.  You would get an update on the advancement of the Allied forces fighting against Hitler then watch Elmer Fudd trying to blow Bugs Bunny's head off. 


South Park is a political cartoon and aired on MTV and later Comedy Central after hours because kids used to have a respectable bed time years ago.  Also, not everyone had cable because it used to cost an arm and a leg.  Daria was also part of the MTV adult cartoon lineup and was about coming of age while dealing with school life.


Animaniacs is WB and Steven Spielberg jumped on the bandwagon as an Executive Producer.  It also used to air in Prime Time because it was also not for kids.  However, as "age ratings" became more popular, many shows were able to slip by with content due to being rated "G" "TV7" and "TV14".  That meant it could be aired during daytime hours and did not need parental supervision. 


However, Muppet Babies and Tiny Toons Adventures were for kids and aired on Saturday mornings.  They took the political and "adult content" away and thus it was now "for kids"


Animal Farm was from a book that was actually part the college read list due to its discussion value.  Later added to the high school read list.  Same with Watership Down.  Each was later adapted to an animated version like Charlotte's Web.  Due to the years of most book publications, there were no age ratings and therefore no one thought about how certain storylines affected young children.


I only know of Felix the Cat and he was from the time of the Silent Movie and later the Betty Boop era when Adults went to movie theaters to watch animation.  The movie Roger Rabbit touches on that topic.


Popeye The Sailor Man was a comic strip that was made into a cartoon for adults to view in theaters and was heavy on relationship issues just like Tom and Jerry was heavy on current event.  Yet brought to TV and labeled a cartoon and therefore for children.  However, prior to 1970, there was no Politically Correct enforcement of minorities' rights and racism was televised in live action sitcoms like "All in the Family", "The Jefferson's" and "Good Times".


Then came shows like The Ren & Stimpy Show, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spawn, etc. (which were popular shows and comic strips on college campuses), SpongeBob SquarePants, Teen Titans GO, Rick and Morty, American Dad, Family Guy, Archer, Bird Girl, anything on Adult Swim, which were never made for kids but watched by kids.  And just as with the above mentioned animations, cartoons and shorts, one had to know what was going on in the world at that time to truly understand the underlying storyline and/or joke(s).


But respect for "age specific content" doesn't have the same meaning now that it used to have back in the first half of the 20th Century when most people, including kids, went by the honor system.  Now with everything "streaming", "on demand", etc, age ratings (which started for film back in the late 1960's and for TV back in the early 1980's) and view times, have very little meaning.  Therefore, young kids grow up just knowing about these shows, not truly understanding them until they get old enough to understand what is being said instead of just watching all the pretty colors move across the screen.  TV used to be referred to as the Electronic Babysitter.  Most parents never knew what their kids were watching until they took the time to see what was airing. 



With regards to Japanese Anime, the reason there are so many Anime is because there are not enough actors to produce the shows that directors want to tell.  That's not something that has become popular until resent years as Broadway-like productions and live action movies of popular Anime have begun reaching oversees audiences and increasing in popularity.


There are multiple thousands of Anime produced by just a handful of studios.  You will also see that the same voice actor would have voiced characters in the majority of those productions.  And when a studio gets bought out, the voice actors become contract to the new company unless asked to honorably retire...which is very rare due to cultural reasons.


Japanese Anime covers every genre of viewing just as its movie industry counterpart of other counties.  However, Anime, just like with Manga, have very specific guidelines.  You cannot talk about public officials past or present.  You cannot talk about current events.  You cannot rewrite the historical contribution of any historical figure living or dead.  These guidelines gave rise to Anime as we know it.


To get around the rules, Anime storylines would be written about characters in the past (usually 50 years or more) or in futuristic settings with similar sounding names to current political figures, but containing an element of superhuman ability or in supernatural surroundings that would be impossible to mistake for truth.  The characters would be given unnatural hair color, exaggerated features or other worldly characteristics that could not possibly be found in natural born human beings.  They would also be set in a fictitious time or on distant worlds, other dimensions or in Space where there is always some underlining war like battle of good vs. evil, dark vs. light, right vs. wrong, etc.  Just like with Graveyard of the Fireflies, this type of storytelling goes back to the scars of war left on the land and the current Cold War standoff still taking place in Okinawa.  See: Samurai Champloo, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, Gundam anything, Nausicaä, Mononoke Hime, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, etc.


In Japanese culture, it is believed that once you have hit certain milestone ages, you are now living the life of an upstanding citizen, therefore, 90% of all Anime, with free-spirited individuals suffering the trails and tribulations of life are usually of grade school age generally 15 to 17 years old to appeal to the general population of Anime viewers (which, ironically, are not the Japanese public); middle school age and younger to appeal to Otakus (which originally were shut-ins who were older men, secretly infatuated with Anime).  If the main character is in an occupation, they can be of age anywhere from 18 to elder status for a male, up to age 26 for a female.


🈁Cultural notes (which might be becoming more outdated as the World gets smaller):

Grade school students are not allowed to work while going to school so they are considered a freer age group to create fantastical tales about and will most likely be male as daughters are encouraged to get married as soon as the opportunity presents itself.  Japanese families are mainly interested in the first born son who inherits everything.  However, that can weigh heavily on the first born whereas not much will be expected of the second born son or third son and so on.  It is even to the point that it is extremely important to know who was born first in the event of a multiple birth situation.


By the age of 35, men are expected to already be employed and working for their company.  Before the recession back in 1999, when you were hired by a company, you were employed for life (a lot of traditions have been affected since then).  The company actually set you up with your housing and your future wife, who would most likely be working as a receptionist (known as Christmas Keiki pronounced cakey) at the home office or sister offices to your company.  Marriages were not about love, but more about creating the next generation. (This has been changing in the past couple of decades as younger couples have been marrying for "love".)


By the time a women is 26, she is considered an old maid so she is encouraged to start looking for a significant other as soon a possible.  Generally before the age of 18.  So most Anime with young girls in them, like Card Capture Sakura or Magic Knight Rayearth, the female lead(s) is usually 15 years old or younger.  It is also not expected that girls will continue their education after grade school, so nothing is usually provided for them and anything they do outside of being married and raising kids, they must provide for themselves.


Now, if you think about these cultural notes and apply them to Anime, you can see aspects of this storytelling in Anime such as My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Kanon, Fruits Baskets, Dragonball anything, Ouran Host Club, A Certain Magical Index, etc. where the storyline takes place in a more real world type setting.


🈁Also, another cultural note, sexual harassment was not even a thing until right at the 21st century for Japan.  The concept was so awkward and undefined that it took years before any real laws were written and implemented about it.  Therefore, taking advantage of females or feminine individuals had no real consequences until around 2005, unless it was a case of enjo kousai (which originally was business men having relations with 15 year old school girls - which was the only thing considered to be a crime and punishable by law).  I'll just say that due to a lack of females having certain rights, there is no lack of Anime hentai out there.  And then there is the blurring of same sex relationships.  Sailor Moon is notorious for this, but the American rewrite made all relationships male and female. 



I did not expect to spend 4 hours writing about this, so I will stop here.  There is just so much stuff out there that is slightly scratches the surface.

Sorry about the novel.



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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that any of the cartoons I mentioned were for kids.  Still, that's what many ended up being.


16 minutes ago, TronRP said:

secretly infatuated with Anime


It's really not much of a secret.  You can smell them (quite often literally.)


I know "All in the Family" was racist as hell (at least Archie anyway) but I thought that was sort of the point.  The old guy was out of touch and mostly meant well except when he was a gigantic asshole.


I don't really remember "The Jefferson's" and "Good Times" as being all that racist but I haven't really seen it in years.  It's hard to imagine shows targeted toward black people as being racist though, but they were produced by white people so I wouldn't be surprised.  I wonder what got toned down over the years.  I remember watching "Amen" on a TV I had in my room, then later shows like "Martin" and "A Different World" too.  Those were so long ago though I don't really remember any of them (I just remember Gina was hot as hell.)

I do remember being a kid and watching that episode of "Fresh Prince" where they got pulled over and Carlton was so rich he didn't know what the real world was like.  That episode pretty much played out like I thought it would.  The only thing really missing in that was any accountability for the cops, so it was pretty much just like real life.


But yes, thanks for the major background.  You could probably write a literal book on it.

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Got back in from chauffeuring and got some lunch because I thought I might be having a hunger headache, but it's being said that this might be the start of a migraine because I lost part of the sight in one eye last night that fortunately returned.  However, I didn't feel any pain until a few hours later.


The headache I have now just popped into existence.  It also doesn't help that it's right at the Cerebral Cortex which contains the part of the brain responsible for eye movement and orientation.


So, I think I'm just going to rest for a bit while I have a little downtime at the moment. 

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17 hours ago, Scary Guy said:



I know "All in the Family" was racist as hell (at least Archie anyway) but I thought that was sort of the point.  The old guy was out of touch and mostly meant well except when he was a gigantic asshole.



I remember seeing a meme with "All in the Family" and a couple over tv shows from that era saying basically that (claiming with the shows) are the reason they weren't easily triggered. I have to try and find it. I find that meme funny in the way that those shows were around during segreation. So, the meme was not true at all. If you were/are "offended" by a black person touching something, then yes, you were/are triggered.



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2 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:


I remember seeing a meme with "All in the Family" and a couple over tv shows from that era saying basically that (claiming with the shows) are the reason they weren't easily triggered. I have to try and find it. I find that meme funny in the way that those shows were around during segreation. So, the meme was not true at all. If you were/are "offended" by a black person touching something, then yes, you were/are triggered.




Oh no, we totally solved that in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act :P


But seriously, racism (and tribalism in general) has always existed and even more unfortunately it will continue to exist as long as there are differences we can point out about eachother as humans.  There has and will always exist people who know it's wrong and those are split into two groups.  Namely those who remain silent about it and those who actually do something to try to fix it.  Though for some it depends on the issue, like the one black guy I knew who is all for interracial marriage but also against gay marriage (but that's because he is also religious.)


Again, this shit was eye opening:



1 hour ago, phee said:

Time... the one thing we want to go faster and yet never have enough of while not having a clear definition of what it is.


I think of myself as "time objectivist" where as objectivism sees money as the most valuable thing, instead I see time as the most valuable thing (at least on a personal level*), since you can always make more money but you can never make more time.

*One could argue that money is more important since you can use that to better your condition and if you want that of your peers and society.  However objectivism sees altruism as dumb anyway, and altruists return that sentiment in kind.

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