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What Are You Thinking? (cont'd)


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I keep watching how hard these genetic testing kits are being pushed and I can't help but get that feeling about racial profiling.  No one can do it legally, but with your heritage stats already out there, all they have to do now is look you up.

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13 minutes ago, TronRP said:

I keep watching how hard these genetic testing kits are being pushed and I can't help but get that feeling about racial profiling.  No one can do it legally, but with your heritage stats already out there, all they have to do now is look you up.

I also wonder if it is partially because of so many people doing genealogy on family background.  It would be a way to find distant relatives.  But I also wonder about what you are saying.  Anymore anything is possible.

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3 minutes ago, Draco1958 said:

I also wonder if it is partially because of so many people doing genealogy on family background.  It would be a way to find distant relatives.  But I also wonder about what you are saying.  Anymore anything is possible.


I remember genealogy being an issue back when every female that went for a "reading" was being told that they were Cleopatra in a previous life and then a family came forward saying how they were descendants of Jesus Christ.  That's when "Ancestry" kits hit the market nearly 20 years ago.  Now they have introduced "23andMe" to the market for "health history DNA testing". 

I just can't help thinking that all this testing will play some kind of "Logan's Run" type of role in the future. 

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Thinking about the weird day it was so far. I went for my pokemon walk in Allen Park today and I happened to see my sister driving with and she pulled up and was telling me about a lady around the corner standing in front of the pharmacy huffing paint and she recorded it and wanted to inform the doctor's office or the pharmacist about the issue so I said yea absolutely so anyway she left and I continued my walk well about 5 minutes later my cousin started messaging me like are you in Allen Park and I said yes she's like I see you!! Lol...so she comes and pulls up and is kinda in people's way and got yelled at by a lady kinda but not really mean I told her to move but she kept on and then a cop came by and I was like ok you got to go so she left and he follows her but than circles around coming back to the main street and rolls up on me like can I ask you a question..I thought he was going to yell at me for being in the street talking to my cousin but he goes you weren't down by the pharmacy huffing paint were you? 🧐🧐🧐🤔

He says because you fit the description wearing all black with black hair (but...but my hair isn't black) so I said no, but I heard about it, my sister actually seen her and has a video. Do you want a copy? 

He said can you get her to send you it? I said yes..well she didn't answer but I said I bet she put it on Facebook because everyone puts everything on Facebook and I pulled her page and she had it posted.  I handed him my phone and he said he recognized the lady actually and he was kind of like wow I haven't heard of someone doing this for a very long time...I said what like the 70s you were probably a kid than...he was like no I been a cop 23 years...and than he talked to me a few more minutes and said I didn't think it was you huffing you just was the only person out here and fit the description or something like that.  He was very nice though. Than he took my phone number and name in case he needed anymore information about that. Probably if he needs access to the picture again but I offered to send it to the police Facebook page even though there's nothing he can actually do according to him.

Edited by kat
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On 9/6/2019 at 4:19 PM, kat said:

Thinking about the weird day it was so far. I went for my pokemon walk in Allen Park today and I happened to see my sister driving with and she pulled up and was telling me about a lady around the corner standing in front of the pharmacy huffing paint and she recorded it


OK...I have to admit, when I read this Friday, I got a kick out of the story.  The only thing that kept bugging me is who was the sister driving with...:blink:


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38 minutes ago, TronRP said:


OK...I have to admit, when I read this Friday, I got a kick out of the story.  The only thing that kept bugging me is who was the sister driving with...:blink:


Lol my sister was actually with the guy she does home care for. She doesn't even do the job anymore but he refuses to work with anybody but her. He's a cool dude. He's old school dude probably seen it all back in the day.  I actually was a dumb ass and set my keys down in his back seat when we were talking and they left and she had to have my nephew bring them all the way back from Wyandotte to Allen Park to me. Crazy.

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I must just be the ultimate skeptic, but how in the world is it possible to win a sweepstakes where you are awarded $1000 a day for the rest of your life?!?  That sounds like grounds for winning one day and turn up dead the next...

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Although I do receive FaceBook notifications from people I follow, I generally tend to stay away because more often than not, I feel totally clueless after reading most people's posted conversations.  I can never tell if they are making a joke, picking fun at the current trend, discussing insider information, or being forreal. :blink:

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Goth points in your teens and 20's matter more than in your 30's and older, by alternative cultural standards, by that time you're just an old weirdo.  There is no old weirdo culture because each new old weirdo pushes the boundaries in creating a bizarre life trajectory to the point that they do not collectively fit together.  The point of the goth can often turn into trying to become more goth which is inherently limiting in that it belongs to a culturally policing group, the point of the old weirdo is to become weirder by pushing or not pushing mainstream boundaries in the particular ways they want to, thus the old weirdo is superior in being interesting because they're so weird that they are the least culturally policed both from their behavior and as a result others' behavior in response to it.

Its 1 PM and I am going to bed.  Stay old.  Oh wait, you don't have a choice, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Edited by Class-Punk
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9 hours ago, Class-Punk said:

Goth points in your teens and 20's matter more than in your 30's and older, by alternative cultural standards, by that time you're just an old weirdo.  There is no old weirdo culture because each new old weirdo pushes the boundaries in creating a bizarre life trajectory to the point that they do not collectively fit together.  The point of the goth can often turn into trying to become more goth which is inherently limiting in that it belongs to a culturally policing group, the point of the old weirdo is to become weirder by pushing or not pushing mainstream boundaries in the particular ways they want to, thus the old weirdo is superior in being interesting because they're so weird that they are the least culturally policed both from their behavior and as a result others' behavior in response to it.

Its 1 PM and I am going to bed.  Stay old.  Oh wait, you don't have a choice, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


So...you tryin' to say somethin' ya little whippersnapper...🤨



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