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How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)


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Feeling just a bit disgruntled.  I can't seem to stay awake after I do a workout.  This is one of the main reasons I don't exercise on days I have to be somewhere, but the passing out makes no sense to me. 

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Feeling like I need to get the treadmill up and running again.  I need a good run...but I do not wish to embarrass myself in public because I know I currently can't run a city block at the moment.  😅

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I feel like I need to express gratitude for winning a customer service award today.  It's the little things like that in which I have to pay attention to in order to keep all my negative,  incorrect thoughts about myself in check. Also,  the ticket I received on my birthday was apparently dismissed by the officer. I called to get payment information and the clerk said it had been dismissed on Monday.  I am not sure why but I did put in the universe for this ticket to somehow be forgotten or just go away somehow and it did. 

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Feeling much better.  My body actually went into a survivor mode panic attack right about 9:50pm.  My abdominal muscles were exhausted and I suppose my brain thought they were failing all together and that my stomach would burst forth from my gut and blanket the restaurant in tonight's dinner.


Well, whatever the reason, I am happy to be relaxed now.


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6 minutes ago, TronRP said:

Feeling much better.  My body actually went into a survivor mode panic attack right about 9:50pm.  My abdominal muscles were exhausted and I suppose my brain thought they were failing all together and that my stomach would burst forth from my gut and blanket the restaurant in tonight's dinner.


Well, whatever the reason, I am happy to be relaxed now.


That sucks that happened, but that's good that you're okay now. *hugs*

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Feeling grossed out.  Went to check on a crashing sound upstairs and the girls left me a little present...unfortunately, I can't tell if I just stepped in poop or puke...😨

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I hate how fast the day goes when you are off work chilling being lazy but at work the day feels like it's never going to end. That's one thing about not being on adderall and readjusting to life that sucks the work day used to fly on that shit but without it it drags assssss. It still was never worth it considering that 10 years of my life went by in a flash that I can't even remember a lot of the details, it's so weird I wonder if this is what it feels like for people who have come off other meds/drugs,  whatever u want to call it. 

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I feel so bad.  Why did I have to say anything.  Troy made it to 11 hours 26 minutes, but there was a bit of a hangup when he asked Google to take a picture.  Maybe I counted wrong, but it was longer than 6 second according to the clock behind him and it took a couple more seconds before he finally stated Michigan Humane Society.  Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

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2 hours ago, TronRP said:

I feel so bad.  Why did I have to say anything.  Troy made it to 11 hours 26 minutes, but there was a bit of a hangup when he asked Google to take a picture.  Maybe I counted wrong, but it was longer than 6 second according to the clock behind him and it took a couple more seconds before he finally stated Michigan Humane Society.  Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

Wait, I'm confused.  Was this a 24 hour challenge because he's still on there and it's been over 14 hours.  I thought it was supposed to last 8 hours.  I don't really know what's going on.  I'm so lost🤔

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19 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

He made over 17 hours when I was on earlier.


On 4/21/2019 at 5:53 AM, kat said:

Wait, I'm confused.  Was this a 24 hour challenge because he's still on there and it's been over 14 hours.  I thought it was supposed to last 8 hours.  I don't really know what's going on.  I'm so lost🤔


@Troy Spiralcontacted me and told me that he went 17.5 hours.  I could only see up until 11 hours 30 minutes because the video feed died on my screen.  I stayed on it for another 10 minutes with just a blank screen and an open chat.  I was totally confused.  So when he said he continued on, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out where that happened.  But I'm glad someone got the chance to see him hang in there.

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Feeling happy to be awake.  With the all day Chess Tournament Saturday morning followed by Troy's YouTube Challenge that afternoon while suffering a migraine that night and preparing to chauffeur on Easter Sunday followed by making Easter Dinner, I was in zombie mode...



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Apparently, I was totally exhausted after I got back in from cutting ALL of the yards in one day.  So cutting from start to finish, without taking any breaks, totals 5 hours.  I passed out for 2 hours and woke up to The LEGO Movie.


I'm feeling so much better now...


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