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How Are You Feeling? (cont'd)


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1 hour ago, TronRP said:



The house was across the main intersection on our old paper route we called Route 18.  It started off smelling like someone was cooking barbeque, then quickly had the smell of wood smoke and hair burning.


I counted 4 fire engines, 1 ambulance, 2 police cars and 1 fire marshal vehicle.  All I the emergency vehicles arrived quickly and the fire was contained within 10 minutes of hearing a man and a women yelling loudly at each other outside.


The guy was fussing like he was shocked and upset and the lady strain yelled, "I don't care, just call somebody".  I heard sirens less than 5 minutes later.  I hope everyone is ok and that they were able to save the house.  I just couldn't bring myself to go investigate.  We have to drive that way in a couple of days anyway.


I'm not sure if it's a law, but it is policy now that if an engine goes out that an ambulance must go as well.  I'm not sure if the reverse is true however where an engine must also accompany an ambulance.  So just because an ambulance is there doesn't mean anything bad has happened to anyone, it's more of a "just in case."

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Pretty damn vindicated. I have several contacts at my old job who all have said the rate of returns due to locations not being correct is high. They're all hush hush about the details, but me leavimg seems to have made that ship sink at a faster rate. Also my burnout is fading away more. Order in the house is above standards, headaches going away finally. I don't need 20 fucking Motrin every god damn night anymore. I'm almost work ready again, I've been interacting with my kids FAR better too instead of being a disassociating from reality mess that can barely scrape by. I rejected every interview I have had this past week and am setting my sights on larger goals now. I will take nothing less than unionized work. I'm glad my supplemental income from dividends is allowing me to hold out for that. 2 options are already on the table. Things will be happening soon, and I'm looking Forward to it.

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Burnout is all but completely gone. Feeling a lot more emotionally stable again. I may just take longer to find a job on purpose. I never really had the chance to just stop and process my wife's passing, it was always full throttle and desperate work work work. I only had a 3 week window really, and I had to deal with my fucking stepdad the entire time as I was living there temporarily until finding something in Michigan after moving back from Illinois.


I have my own place again since then, I have enough saved with enough passive income to ride this out for as long as it takes. Stable home life does influence a stable emotional state. And that drive and fire is starting to heat back up. I'll be ready soon.


I'm feeling good, the best I've felt since. And using this time wisely. Looking into unions and GI bill options, as well as using this time to learn about swing trading better.

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1 minute ago, Burrich1 said:

I’m feeling nostalgic having just left Smalls Black Hearts Ball and having seen and talked to 8 dng’ers circa 2009 but not having an aftermath thread to post about all of them.  And a little sad most of them wouldn’t ever see it anyway.  


Is there a reason you can not make an aftermath thread?


I know I wasn't there, but I wouldn't mind reading about it.

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4 hours ago, Burrich1 said:

It wasn’t a DGN night.  It use to be those were the only nights that had official aftermath threads.  I guess I could


I mean unofficial threads exist, and really at this point anyone can post about anything as things are a lot less strict.  For example I do this all the time.


Theoretically the administration is here watching, but the only one I really see post or in the online list at all is Tron.  Which means that if the others are watching they aren't logged in.

I don't know how hard it is to make a new account, but there's a considerable lack of fresh blood here.  However that kind of makes the need for moderation low, for better or worse.

I've probably scared off a few as well just being my opinionated asshole self.  Apparently those supposed adults can't exist in the same space as someone they disagree with.  Whatever, it's their loss.  The funny thing is Troy probably would have banned me too if we didn't see eye to eye on most things (actually he did three times, but I think that was due to pressure from other users.)

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As old as I am, my brain feels like it's just now starting to try to mature somewhat.  But this being hyperactive every time I don't eat has me really feeling embarrassed in public because now my mouth just runs away on random topics. 


I can't believe we were at the dental office in Warren and the staff, clients and myself got into a discussion about people being taken to court because of people getting their emotions ramped up because of someone not respecting that they identified as something.  I just could not stop talking and said, "It's so dumb that you can get sued because someone got upset that you didn't acknowledge that they say I identify as a filing cabinet or I identify as a Prius.  Well, hey, I can easily say I identify as Beyoncé and sue you for disrespecting me."


The whole time I'm thinking...just shut up!!!  But nope...


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On 2/15/2024 at 2:21 PM, KatRN05 said:

It’s been a rough couple of days. I found out my aunt has long cancer that is very aggressive and has already spread to her liver and heart. She doesn’t have much time left. Chemo will be palliative at this point. It just makes me start thinking about my own mortality. 


My mind keeps that on a loop for me.  The only solace I have is that when I die I'll not need to worry about it anymore.


I am sorry to hear about your aunt.  I hope she had a good run.



On 2/16/2024 at 10:13 AM, Slogo said:

Pretty overwhelmed lately. Like i'm taking care of everyone except myself.


You have it backward.  You should be doing self care before others.  If you're not doing good then you're not in a good position to help anyone else.

I hope you feel better.

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Feeling pretty proud of myself at the moment.  I actually did a call over Discord with my niece and then stream watched her play a game with one of her friends.


I told my family that I am making an effort to crawl out of my archaic domicile and emerge into the 21st century.  And it's happening, slowly but surely.


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On 2/17/2024 at 5:15 PM, Scary Guy said:


My mind keeps that on a loop for me.  The only solace I have is that when I die I'll not need to worry about it anymore.


I am sorry to hear about your aunt.  I hope she had a good run.




You have it backward.  You should be doing self care before others.  If you're not doing good then you're not in a good position to help anyone else.

I hope you feel better.

Thank you! She did. 

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Both looking forward to and dreading this weekend.  Winter camping for scouts for my kid, it's  in a cabin so we're not even roughing it, that's not why I'm kinda blah about it, it's having to take off 3 days right now when I've got tasks and work piling up that's hard.

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I've been so busy since Monday that I felt like I stepped into a wormhole to the future.  I actually thought today was Wednesday or Thursday.  However, I am feeling very relieved that I have more time to get more things accomplished before it's back to appointment running. 

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