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    • 12:00am - Who's Online   2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 27 Guests (See full list) TronRP, Scary Guy
    • ~~~~~ Wow, that same thing happened here.  Several streets got repaved, a company came through and painted addresses on the curb of the homeowners that wanted it, the block club across the main avenue from us held a block party (and our family got invited due to us being their paper carrier) as they Limewashed the bottoms of their trees.  It was a group effort as we worked and partied.  Nothing like that has ever happened again, but it was most definitely a fun time.   As for the address being seen, it's all good.  I trimmed the bushes back.  Decades ago, my mother had me purchase giant house numbers that we stuck onto the front of the porch pylon because there were complaints that the address couldn't be seen on the house next to the front door.  However, after our mother's passing, her beloved Rose of Sharon now grow like wildfire.  It's like 6 to 8 inches of growth every rainfall.  We think of it as her spirit in the greenery.  😊
    • I started a community for goths in Michigan on Discord.  It's a lot different than the House Spiral one since the focus isn't at all on BDSM.  There are a few there and it's growing but it's just mostly local friends I don't hate.  All are welcome though as long as they behave.   The link is https://discord.gg/eJaPkcNPnj if anyone feels like checking it out.
    • Was looking through old threads looking for something else and stumbled across this.  I had some good times there, especially going to the steampunk nights with Sasha and her opossum (I VJed one of those once too!) and just hanging out in general.  It was a mile from me too. They had crazy steampunk art on the walls and the owner had a desk set up by the entrance in the back with all sorts of in progress projects on it.  The stage was set up in the front and that entryway was blocked off.  They didn't have a food/liquor license so everything was BYOB and donations.  It was also an art gallery which they sold a lot of.  They'd also have classes there for things like drawing (See What Stacey Started), I don't know what else and I never really went to those except for when there was an event after. Unfortunately the original owner died:  http://paganmichigan.wikidot.com/event:steampunk-art-show-in-honor-of-michael-wiggins Then after a few years and unsuccessfully trying to save it Steve (the new owner) ended up selling.  I'm not sure if they knew each other or not but I was surprised that my friend from high school Lyle bought it.  Now it's known as Youngblood's, where he does haircuts in the front and his wife sells clothing in the back. There was a Phoenix II for a minute that was farther East down 10 Mile, but it didn't last too long.  I never actually made it there myself.
    • Well family that visited came down with COVID so I decided to skip it because I'm not a selfish prick.  Then other family came down with it the next day which just reaffirmed my decision.  It's going to be a long boring weekend and I was looking forward to Asylum in Canada tonight, and/or @Serxera's tomorrow for the usual weekly hangout.  Probably also skip Necto on Monday as well just to be really safe.
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