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what are you doing right now? (cont'd)


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Standing outside Trump Tower in downtown Chicago at 1AM listening to Sxmpra while processing thru my collection of crises for one of the last moments I have to dwell on it all before deadlines finally arrive in 2 days knowing no matter what decisions i do or do not make it will still leave my "wife" and children abruptly homeless compounded by the loss of 90% of all possessions. And no matter how I choose, I still have a 450 horsepower $10,000 black Escalade to seek my demise in. Think I aughta get a suicide door kit installed on that MF, call it Kurt Cobain. It's a good thing i have a good imagination since life is imaginary. Dueces peeps, The Highayman, Steve0 Long Typewriter White is out dis bitch

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Postponing my stock due diligence to take this learned skill and apply it to learning how to grow an onlyfans and target where the bigger spenders are likely to be. Apps involved to help her work smarter, not harder, social media reach, etc.  The rabbit hole goes deep, but I've been motivating her so far, and I want to help keep her momentum going.

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:00 PM, et-novum said:


Oh shit, that's serious. I hope you're doing better now. Is there anything lingering? Wishing you a speedy recovery

It was crazy, for sure. Ascension sucks, though. I had a CT scan and two echocardiogram and nobody talked to me about any of it. It’s a good thing that I have already established an appointment with a Beaumont neurologist for the 24th of this month. I want a second opinion. So I’m keeping that appointment.

On 6/4/2024 at 5:00 PM, TronRP said:


Yes, I hope everything is ok now.  Did they find out what was the issue?


Also, I used to be part of that early morning rush hour traffic on I-696 when I worked in Farmington Hills near Novi.  I was always terrified that I would be one of the drivers who hit a deer.  Fortunately, that never happened in all the years I worked out there.


But please keep us informed when you are able to.


I have no answers. And I wouldn’t recommend Ascension to anybody. Now I don’t feel bad for wearing my devil T-shirt. OK, I didn’t feel bad to begin with. I just feel less like I should feel bad.

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5 minutes ago, Anna Phylaxis said:

It was crazy, for sure. Ascension sucks, though. I had a CT scan and two echocardiogram and nobody talked to me about any of it. It’s a good thing that I have already established an appointment with a Beaumont neurologist for the 24th of this month. I want a second opinion. So I’m keeping that appointment.

I have no answers. And I wouldn’t recommend Ascension to anybody. Now I don’t feel bad for wearing my devil T-shirt. OK, I didn’t feel bad to begin with. I just feel less like I should feel bad.


Yeah, a few years ago, Trene @Trene4000 had a seizure during an eye exam and the staff had to call an ambulance due to protocol even though she was just about to come out of it.  The ambulance crew arrived and caused her to relapse into another seizure and I ended up kicking everyone out of the room except for the one guy who seemed to have the most sense.  They stabilized her and then rushed to Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital, Warren Campus.


I followed shortly and no one would confirm if she was there or not.  I pointed out the ambulance she had just arrived in and they said I couldn't be in the ambulance entrance area.  So I went over to the other entrance and walked back over to the ambulance receiving area and this time they were able to speak to me because I was now on the correct side of the receptionist desk. :dry: 


They told me to take a seat and they would let me in after they confirmed if an ambulance arrived with her in it.  Fortunately for me, the janitor watched everything that happened and when the lady left the desk 15 minutes later, he opened the door and let me in, told me where to go and said they always do that because they don't want to be bothered.


I did find her, already hooked up in an observation room and I stayed with her for over an hour.  Then I stated I was going to go to the cafeteria to grab some food and get her something for when they release her in 45 minutes (as we were told).  She was awake and aware and said ok.  However, by the time I got back 25 minutes later, she was zoned and moving in slow motion.  Her eyes kept rolling up into her head.


I flagged down a doctor and asked what happened to her because she was just fine.  Turns out they gave her some medication that they shouldn't have (because they didn't check her medical history) and she ended up having an allergic reaction, but whoever administered it didn't stay around long enough to "observe" her in the observation room.  I told them that she had severe reactions to certain things and they ended up giving her a counter medication and we then had to wait another 90 minutes for it to safely get out of her system.  Then she was discharged 25 minutes later.


I wanted to sue everyone who was involved in her "care".  I had told them that I was her legal guardian and that I MUST be informed of any medical treatment she received and no one spoke to me about anything, so they waited until I left the room and took matters into their own hands.  The fact that they were informed and didn't care is what still bothers me to this day so I panic whenever one of her doctors suggest an Ascension hospital for any of her procedures.


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2 hours ago, Anna Phylaxis said:

I want a second opinion. So I’m keeping that appointment.


Excellent idea, since between your experience and Trene and Tron's ordeal they clearly aren't doing great things.


Also didn't Ascension just have a huge breach of their medical records because their cybersecurity department sucked?

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18 minutes ago, et-novum said:


Excellent idea, since between your experience and Trene and Tron's ordeal they clearly aren't doing great things.


Also didn't Ascension just have a huge breach of their medical records because their cybersecurity department sucked?


We received a letter about that a bit ago.  I know Corewell Health was included in the cyber attach as they were transitioning over from Beaumont Heath.

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12 hours ago, Anna Phylaxis said:

It was crazy, for sure. Ascension sucks, though. I had a CT scan and two echocardiogram and nobody talked to me about any of it. It’s a good thing that I have already established an appointment with a Beaumont neurologist for the 24th of this month. I want a second opinion. So I’m keeping that appointment.

I have no answers. And I wouldn’t recommend Ascension to anybody. Now I don’t feel bad for wearing my devil T-shirt. OK, I didn’t feel bad to begin with. I just feel less like I should feel bad.


I'm sorry they suck so hard.  I'm also sorry to say that it's very likely because of how you look with all the tattoos, piercings, garb, and whatnot.  They probably thought you were there for drugs especially if there isn't anything obviously wrong (and if there was something obviously wrong like a lead pipe sticking out of your leg they might think you did that to yourself just to get drugs.) But admittedly they're a bit jaded because SO MANY people do go actually just trying to score drugs.

My mother was in constant pain the last ten years of her life, and even more when the cancer showed up.  She said it was the worst pain of her life.


Pain management is a fucking joke that just isn't  and never has been funny, but they keep telling it anyway.

They also can tend to be super judgy on top of the general distrust because it's a religious hospital network.  I think we're lucky they're not still trying to use leeches at this point.


11 hours ago, TronRP said:


Yeah, a few years ago, Trene @Trene4000 had a seizure during an eye exam and the staff had to call an ambulance due to protocol even though she was just about to come out of it.  The ambulance crew arrived and caused her to relapse into another seizure and I ended up kicking everyone out of the room except for the one guy who seemed to have the most sense.  They stabilized her and then rushed to Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital, Warren Campus.


I followed shortly and no one would confirm if she was there or not.  I pointed out the ambulance she had just arrived in and they said I couldn't be in the ambulance entrance area.  So I went over to the other entrance and walked back over to the ambulance receiving area and this time they were able to speak to me because I was now on the correct side of the receptionist desk. :dry: 


They told me to take a seat and they would let me in after they confirmed if an ambulance arrived with her in it.  Fortunately for me, the janitor watched everything that happened and when the lady left the desk 15 minutes later, he opened the door and let me in, told me where to go and said they always do that because they don't want to be bothered.


I did find her, already hooked up in an observation room and I stayed with her for over an hour.  Then I stated I was going to go to the cafeteria to grab some food and get her something for when they release her in 45 minutes (as we were told).  She was awake and aware and said ok.  However, by the time I got back 25 minutes later, she was zoned and moving in slow motion.  Her eyes kept rolling up into her head.


I flagged down a doctor and asked what happened to her because she was just fine.  Turns out they gave her some medication that they shouldn't have (because they didn't check her medical history) and she ended up having an allergic reaction, but whoever administered it didn't stay around long enough to "observe" her in the observation room.  I told them that she had severe reactions to certain things and they ended up giving her a counter medication and we then had to wait another 90 minutes for it to safely get out of her system.  Then she was discharged 25 minutes later.


I wanted to sue everyone who was involved in her "care".  I had told them that I was her legal guardian and that I MUST be informed of any medical treatment she received and no one spoke to me about anything, so they waited until I left the room and took matters into their own hands.  The fact that they were informed and didn't care is what still bothers me to this day so I panic whenever one of her doctors suggest an Ascension hospital for any of her procedures.



You should have sued their asses.  At least it didn't diminish her quality of life longterm.


Doctors are arrogant assholes too and think that the patient doesn't know shit.  While I admit that not having seven years of medical training doesn't make us regular plebs as qualified, no one knows what's going on with the patients own body quite like the patient.  The patient (or guardian) should always be informed and involved with what their medical team is doing.


There needs to be some type of legal medical bracelet that basically says "this person has a guardian and if you do anything without their  consent they will sue the everloving shit out of you."



All that said, I should probably go see someone about this blood I'm shitting.  But I really don't want to deal with them that much (also the lack of medical insurance doesn't help either.) On the plus side if I do die then it's not my problem anymore so I don't have to worry about it! :wink

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15 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

that said, I should probably go see someone about this blood I'm shitting. 

I'm not a doctor but that sounds like a major gastrointestinal problem and is one of this things that basically everyone says to get checked out immediately.


I don't know where you live but I will drag you kicking and screaming to get it checked if you don't go soon. If you die on us, I will dig up your grave and kill you a second time. Take it seriously.

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3 hours ago, et-novum said:

I'm not a doctor but that sounds like a major gastrointestinal problem and is one of this things that basically everyone says to get checked out immediately.


I don't know where you live but I will drag you kicking and screaming to get it checked if you don't go soon. If you die on us, I will dig up your grave and kill you a second time. Take it seriously.


No, especially now that you told me to.


I've been done for a while anyway.  Also healthcare is a joke and I just refuse to play that game.

This is my form of "quiet quitting."

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6 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

This is my form of "quiet quitting."


Y'know, fair enough. I think you're smart enough to make your own choices (and I'm smart enough to realize forcing you to do anything will just make me require medical care too)

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Just now, et-novum said:


Y'know, fair enough. I think you're smart enough to make your own choices (and I'm smart enough to realize forcing you to do anything will just make me require medical care too)



(Also thanks for understanding.)

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On 6/8/2024 at 7:02 AM, Scary Guy said:

There needs to be some type of legal medical bracelet that basically says "this person has a guardian and if you do anything without their  consent they will sue the everloving shit out of you."




I'm getting so tired of these medical professionals looking at me like, "Why are you talking?".



Um, because the person you are trying to get answers out of has a permanent head injury and is Court classified as an LII = Legally Incapacitated Individual.


That's why you have my "Letters of Guardianship" paperwork in your files.


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Blow drying my hair and crying.

I talk to my mom every day. It’s not something that I always did, but life is fucking short. So, I’ve been calling her. My sister feels as though she’s getting weaker. I don’t know if she’s waiting for me to get there or what it is but I don’t want her to hang on just because I’m on my way in about 10 days. Do I want her to hang on? Sure I do. I wanna talk to her face-to-face and tell her how much I love her. But I also don’t want her to suffer.  Being far away from home sucks when this kind of thing is happening. 


anyway, back to drying my hair and crying. Thanks for reading.

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13 hours ago, Anna Phylaxis said:

Blow drying my hair and crying.

I talk to my mom every day. It’s not something that I always did, but life is fucking short. So, I’ve been calling her. My sister feels as though she’s getting weaker. I don’t know if she’s waiting for me to get there or what it is but I don’t want her to hang on just because I’m on my way in about 10 days. Do I want her to hang on? Sure I do. I wanna talk to her face-to-face and tell her how much I love her. But I also don’t want her to suffer.  Being far away from home sucks when this kind of thing is happening. 


anyway, back to drying my hair and crying. Thanks for reading.


My heart is with you. :heart:

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Trying to figure out my next course of action.  My house has been in disarray since last Sunday due to a carpet bug infestation that was finally tracked down to a source.  Now I have to determine how I want to put everything back together with the changes that have been made.  Fortunately, the fur babies were not too traumatized and have been enjoying themselves through the rearrangements.


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On 6/22/2024 at 2:03 PM, Anna Phylaxis said:

Blow drying my hair and crying.

I talk to my mom every day. It’s not something that I always did, but life is fucking short. So, I’ve been calling her. My sister feels as though she’s getting weaker. I don’t know if she’s waiting for me to get there or what it is but I don’t want her to hang on just because I’m on my way in about 10 days. Do I want her to hang on? Sure I do. I wanna talk to her face-to-face and tell her how much I love her. But I also don’t want her to suffer.  Being far away from home sucks when this kind of thing is happening. 


anyway, back to drying my hair and crying. Thanks for reading.


The nice thing about having a good relationship is that I know she already knows.  I know this because my mom knew this, even though I probably should have told her more often.

Though since I'm late to the party (per usual) I hope things went well and you are seeing/got to see her.  As Tron said (sorta) my thoughts are with you as well.

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