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The Vaters diet

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1 minute ago, TronRP said:


Reading that makes me sad from a food connoisseur viewpoint.  Did you have a change in dietary content?

So far out of grains I seem to only be able to handle about a half cup of millet, buckwheat or rice on any given day.


All cruciferous vegetables and legumes make me wish I was dead and will make the porcelain look like a murder scene unless they have been properly fermented, most sauerkraut is pickled and therefor not sauerkraut but hey it turns out that fermented mustard seeds are better than mustard. Oh properly fermented legumes like natto may well be perfectly edible but always have and always will look like beans mixed with white snot, smell like vomit and taste like shit. I use to be able to choke them down but now even looking at them in person makes me wretch. LOUDLY!


I have to skin and seed tomatoes and bell peppers then caramelize them to keep bad things from happening. Spectacular marinara but labor intensive.


My tastes for meats are changing too. I hate turkey except skin, I haven had an opportunity to try wild turkey so maybe.

Chicken is only appealing if I can get skin in every bite and I now love the heart and liver.

I use to despise liver of any type now at worst it is just meh and something like foie gras is OMFG level of amazing.

Corn feed beef has completely lost its appeal though I have been trained to eat crap I will reject it for grass feed, grass feed is more humane anyway.

I didn't like buffalo but now its only limiting factor is cost.


I was taught that if two people gave raw meat a sniff test and it only stunk to one then the other could cook and eat it safely.

Well my wife after being an ethical pseudo vegetarian (eggs, dairy and honey are OK when ethically sourced) now thinks all meat smells putrid even when cooked, but my daughter thinks I will eat rotten meat and she cant handle it wile my son doesn't like the smell before cooked but can eat without effect. Looking into this, I found out that humans naturally produce stomach acid levels equivalent to scavengers and that seems to explain why most people complain about the gamey flavor of very fresh meat.


Yeah, my body is rejecting vegetable matter but on my near hyper carnivore diet I recover from illness faster, heal wounds faster, and generally feel better than I have in decades.


Oh and I seem to get high when consuming heavily reduced broths, large quantities of liver or marrow. Nutrient density buzz?


Now here is strange one though it my have to do with my age verses diet. Ever since I had my first properly louched and rested absinthe sans sugar I have loved it, though I hate anise, now I find if I don't like an absinthe neat I wont like it bloomed. I also find I have become an expensive date.

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My last check up was about a month ago and my big take away as of yesterday, I have lost 0% body surface fat, my weight is maintain its normal range fluctuation so I am still near my 210lb average but I have had a 1.75 inch reduction of the circumference of my belly. Finally the doctor agrees with me, my abdominal size is due to distention not intramuscular fat.

I wont know about blood work until next week, but I wont bother posting unless something is unusual.



Had a baaaad craving yesterday after seeing and smelling a 3 inch thick all meat Detroit deep dish pizza.

Going to try making bread from fermented wheat soon, if it doesn't wreak me I should be able to make myself pizza.

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New pizza plan. I'll just use sandwich pepperoni to line a baking dish. At least I'll end up with something pizza like though I wont have that lovely charred bread flavor. Yes I like my pizza well done.


I also plan on doing experiments on making a cheese crust. Ya know like the crunchy cheese edge of a Detroit deep dish.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As seen above.

Smashed my finger today, got hit so hard the tip blew open. I have had this happen more than a few times and have a rough idea about how long it takes to heal.  I'm wondering, with my diet how long will it take to heal? How would I even calculate whether it was faster or slower?

The rough idea is based on varying levels of initial damage and this time is worse than most.

It bled longer than is normal for me, This is suppose to be a good thing flushing away bacteria and all that. Though I will admit that the type of wound makes that amount of flushing unnecessary. It also didn't hurt as much or give me an adrenaline rush.

So I'm better at taking damage?

Unfortunately, this also means I'm going to have to add clotting gauze and powders to my basic medical pack rather than just in my heavy wound kit.

Speaking of my heavy wound kit, I wish we could get a topical anesthetic with cocaine in it, I do have legal opioids in but but those are for someone else. Personal I would rather pain give me a heart attack, All of the pock scars on my face are from that garbage and it does nothing for my pain. The advantage to refusing opioids mean doctors take me much more seriously when I am telling them my pain levels because they know I'm not trying to get high.


OK, i'm gonna segue far if I dont stop now, anyway OUCH, hope my healing rate convinces me I'm on the right track.

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