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Gripe about your job here


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I swear, sometimes it feels like I am living in the movie Office Space. I have been repeatedly asked for copies of a particular check- the transaction in question was done with a credit card, a fact no one appears to comprehend, despite my presentation of the credit card receipt. GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH *tears hair out*

Your turn! What annoyed you about work today?

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Well, after my doctor appointment, I got to drive all over Macomb county from 2pm - 7pm, meeting with my families, feeling really sick to my stomach. I hate driving!! I wish my families could come to me, but no, I have to go to them. Arrg!

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sounds like a great guy


Don't get me started...

He's taking all he can get right now. When we recover financially from the setback caused by the payroll change, every penny of OT money goes into the "move back to Michigan" fund.

Luckily, he works most of it by starting the day early, rather than working late. Cuts down on the amount of time I lose with him in the evenings. He gets tired earlier, but this way, I sleep through his absence in the morning.

Which is another reason I have no right whatsoever to complain about my "job".

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We have a lay off next week since our customer, Toyota, has a shut down at various plants. 1st and 2nd shift have a few things running and 3rd shift gets shafted by being laid off. Me being on 3rd I could either take the lay off and collect a flimsy amount in unemployment or I could cover one of the first shift people who don't want to work. Guess I'll be on 1st all next week being blinded by the damn sun.

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:devil The owner of D.E parsley Builders can eat the shit off my dogs nuts! Not only is he a tightwad; he does not want to pay the contractors let alone me and the other guy anymore. Let alone make someone do a 4 person job like me by myself. My moron boss is way over paid and underworked. Well I guess its time to


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My job is great, and I could not ask to work for a better boss.

It is very redundant, and the public can be harsh sometimes AND not to mention that my drive is the worst possible rout you could take AND there is no way around it.

Arg :confused

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I hate that I have to do a bunch of paperwork. I'm so behind, so I have to type my ass off today (I should be working right now, but I'm not)....but I love that I can schedule my own appointments, make my own hours. I gave myself the rest of the week off!

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Guest Game of Chance

The market is fucking brutal right now

Nobody is doing anything until tommorrow when the CPI (Consumer Price Index) data comes out

Oh, and the CEO was on the trading floor all day

But I did have Chinese for lunch :grin

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stomach cramps after an egg and tomato sandwitch on first break, so took a half day, and ended up working an hour longer than i should have for no other reason that i was too busy trying toignore the cramps and put some solid work in i let time fly by.

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O.k. I'll add one, though my job isn't much to complain about.

Rant-On.gifI sold a figurine to some guy who refused to pay for shipping insurance. My policy (explained in my auction details) is I'm not responsible for loss or damage on uninsured items. His stance was if the item gets lost or damaged, he'll just cancel his paypal/credit card payment. Which basically puts me in a position to sell a guy a perfectly good figurine worth $64.00, have him receive it and then say, "oops - must have gotten lost in the mail - I'm taking my money back" and me be out $64 AND the figurine, while he keeps both.

So I tell him that in the 6 years I've been selling on eBay, I've never had anyone come at me with that attitude, and that it's quite unfair. And I'm especially suspicious because due to the way my invoice was set up, he ended up paying for the insurance - but still insisted on not wanting it.

So I tell him that I'm not willing to take the risk of selling to him in case he pulls something like this. He rants back at me that he doesn't care, he didn't want it anyway, and proceeds to insult me.

So, no biggie. I relist the item, and the 2nd highest bidder gets it for just $1.00 less than the original sale. Pays gladly, receives the figurine, and leaves me glowing feedback.

Meanwhile, in order to get my sold item fees back from eBay, I have to file a non-paying bidder report, that allows me to click a checkbox that states buyer & seller mutually agreed to not complete the transaction. Well, I get an e-mail back from eBay today, stating that the buyer claims he still wanted the figurine, and that he provided e-mails that "proved" I wouldn't sell it to him, so I can't have my fees back.

And I'm inwardly screaming, 'cause I didn't keep a copy of his final e-mail in which he states it's fine to not complete the sale 'cause he doesn't want it. Which I told myself at the time not to delete it because he's just the type to pull this kind of BS on me. So I'm kicking myself as well as screaming inside.

I shoot off an e-mail to eBay anyway, telling them about his statement, and quoting the e-mail I DO still have in my old messages file wherein he says what he'll do if the item is lost, etc. And also saying it's really fucking great they didn't give ME the opportunity to present my side of things before they closed the dispute.

Fucking eBay. If there was a better site out there, I'd have been on it years ago. They SO look out for the buyers WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than the sellers - and it's the fucking sellers who make them all their money.

So, no, it's not my "job" I have anything to whine about. It's some of these psycho customers I have to deal with. Thankfully, they're few and far between. But they're the lumps in otherwise smooth gravy.Rant-Off.gif

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Sometimes, I just want to kick some of the people I work with.

I'm the manager. That means that I'm in charge of the people I manage. I'm not a mean manager, I just like to make sure that if some of us are working, we're all working. If I'm not working, I don't MAKE other people work, cause I don't see any reason why I should sit around and make other people do shit. The only thing is, I don't sit around often. Maybe once a week, for more than ten minutes a day.

I have this girl, who's kind of a stoner. I don't have anything against stoners. One of the guys who works with me is a stoner, but he's a great, energetic, dedicated employee, willing to do what I ask when I ask it. I'm very reasonable and fair, if you're doing a good job, I reward you with easy stuff, if you're being an asshole, i'll make you clean the bathroom.

Anyway, the girl, H, likes to swing back and forth between being really really cool, and being a total dickwad. For instance, last saturday, she surfed the internet for three hours of our eight hour day looking for information about making opium, and extracting heroine from it. At one point, I said "hey, H, how about you stop wasting money doing something completely unwork related and go restock tape." to which she replies "but I need to finish this," to which I reply "no you don't, you're not getting paid to be on the internet," to which she replies "But I don't have net access at home, so I have to do this now," to which I reply "okay, then I'm going to clock you out for lunch, and you can clock back in when you're done with that, whenever that heppens to be, and if you want to eat, you'll have to stay clocked out, even if that means you end up taking a two hour lunch to finish your personal business," to which she replies "good," in a really snotty tone.


Today, she went upstairs without asking me if it was okay. Going upstairs for a few minutes is fine - we have another part of the shop up there, framing and scrapbooking and crap like that - but i've had problems with her disappearing up there for hours and not letting me know. The problem is not that she's up there, but that my boss has asked that she not be up there because she can't help framing customers, and generally pisses off the kind of clientelle who go up there because she doesn't ever know anything they want to know. She's a VERY slow learner. If she can't find something, we don't have it, can't get it, probably never had it, that sort of attitude. Anyway... so she's upstairs, and I have her cleaning under the counter after finding out an hour later that she's up there... I have to give her a job to do because she's not a self starter... and Jordan, downstairs, tells me that two customers have complained that the girl upstairs sent them downstairs to pay because she told the first customer that the computer was broken, and the second customer that the counter was too cluttered for her to help them. Now, the computer was definately not broken, no way in hell. And, as for the clutter... telling a customer that you can't take care of their needs right then and there because of a mess is bullshit, and rude, and makes them angry. Pick up the mess, move it, help the customer. Seriously now, get a fucking clue.


I'm done ranting for now. Scuze me.

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I'm just hoping that my last week here ends sooner rather than later. I can't handle listening to these lawyers being such whiny divas. They speak to me like I'm stupid (I'm NOT) and treat me as if I were their property (Oh puh-leeze!) I also hope that I get an interview with Sephora. MAD freebies for me if I get hired.

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I swear, sometimes it feels like I am living in the movie Office Space.  I have been repeatedly asked for copies of a particular check- the transaction in question was done with a credit card, a fact no one appears to comprehend, despite my presentation of the credit card receipt.  GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH  *tears hair out* 

Your turn!  What annoyed you about work today?

What's work? Oh yeah.... that thing I start in a week an a half.. :laughing

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