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Henry Ford Museum/Village/Factory Tour

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If this is the wrong spot, feel free to move it. This is more for discussion on getting a common day and time for those who wanna make a trip to the museum, village, and the tour. All three can really be done in one day if there's an early enough start to the day. I have a membership that might help bring ticket prices down a bit (for me the museum and village admission is free). The factory tour is 15.25 for members compared to the 18 for gen admission. And any food and shopping has a ... 10% discount with the membership.


I will contact about using my membership to help purchase general admission tickets and will post the answer to it. 

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Yeah, this is the correct location for planning a possible event.


Do you pay an annual membership or is it free due to family employment?

Also, I feel this would be something great to plan for during the Summer.  The Monchichis would get a kick out of it. 

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17 hours ago, Luveday said:

The local steampunks usually go to the Village a couple of times during the summer, usually during Civil War Days in May, and the Old Car Show in September.


There are civil war days????    (huge civil war buff)   Also...  *random hug*   I know they are horrible.  =D  

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I have to admit despite being "into that sort of thing" since I was a teenager  and the IMAX looming large in my life, I'm largely ignorant of  the whole Henry Ford GV thing.   I know its heavily historical, I know its not ONLY historical.  I have snuck onto the henry ford estate (not part of the village but you'd think I'd at least done some homework) next to U of M  (awesome romantic secret spot with a man made lake and waterfall) plus a little known secret place to get a really good view of the dearborn fire works...   but anyway...


I'm interested but totally lacking in $ and understanding of the place.   I'll have to take some time and read about it more at some point.   I do plan on beefing up my entire michigan history (especially SE michigan) education.   On my list of now over 600 (yes really) video ideas I'd say 10% of them are some sort of Detroit or Michigan related idea.  Often based around seeing something historic or at least semi historic.   

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1 minute ago, Troy Spiral said:

I have to admit despite being "into that sort of thing" since I was a teenager  and the IMAX looming large in my life, I'm largely ignorant of  the whole Henry Ford GV thing.   I know its heavily historical, I know its not ONLY historical.  I have snuck onto the henry ford estate (not part of the village but you'd think I'd at least done some homework) next to U of M  (awesome romantic secret spot with a man made lake and waterfall) plus a little known secret place to get a really good view of the dearborn fire works...   but anyway...


I'm interested but totally lacking in $ and understanding of the place.   I'll have to take some time and read about it more at some point.   I do plan on beefing up my entire michigan history (especially SE michigan) education.   On my list of now over 600 (yes really) video ideas I'd say 10% of them are some sort of Detroit or Michigan related idea.  Often based around seeing something historic or at least semi historic.   

I'll pay for your tickets, even if I'm still unemployed.

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6 hours ago, Troy Spiral said:


There are civil war days????    (huge civil war buff)   Also...  *random hug*   I know they are horrible.  =D  

Yep, Memorial Day weekend 🙂  And I'm one of the local steampunks, lol!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm bumping this in part of seeing if there's still an actual interest in doing this. And part I wanna do this before I start work in the next few weeks since I don't know what my schedule's gonna be like. Like I said, opening day's next Saturday, but that may not work with me (nephew's 1st bday that had been planned and the demon sister wanting to be there, but now can't since she's in rehab (again). So I don't know if the party's still happening even after invites had been put out). Any day after that until, safely saying the week of the 28th (week before work's opening day) should work for me.

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Jena and I are definitely interested in going to this with you lot. I will endeavor to check up on this thread and with you in person in an effort to remain apprised of the situation and it's tentative dates.

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14 hours ago, Oz_ said:

Jena and I are definitely interested in going to this with you lot. I will endeavor to check up on this thread and with you in person in an effort to remain apprised of the situation and it's tentative dates.

You hit the 'notify' button next time. It'll pop up whenever you go to reply to a post/thread and the site gnomes will notify you when there's been new posts.


As for the actual trip, awesome. I know Tron said it's a good idea; though not sure if she's waiting for school to be done or not. And I have a membership there, so all tickets and food will have a small discount. I get in free to the museum and village while I do have to pay for the factory tour.


Interested Parties

Oz and Jena

Tron and mini adults


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Gotta love the good of social media; a friend had shared a page from the Henry Ford Museum for an upcoming exhibit; which I'm sure will get @Draco1958@Nitewolf, and @Troy Spiral intrigued. Wait for it:

Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds


Exhibit Highlights:

  • More than 100 props and artifacts from the six Star Trek television series and many of the films, including an original series tricorder, communicator and phaser, a Borg cube, Klingon disruptor pistol, tribbles and more.
  • Rare costumes, including the Spock tunic worn by Leonard Nimoy, Lt. Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) dress, Khan garments past and present such as the open-chest tunic worn by Ricardo Montalban and the costume worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in the 2013 reboot, Captain Picard’s (Patrick Stewart) uniform, a Borg costume, the alien Gorn and more.
  • Transporter simulator in which visitors can create a film that shows them being beamed to another planet.
  • KHAAAN! video booth where visitors can re-create the memorable scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
  • Spaceship filming models, including the U.S.S. Enterprise, Deep Space 9 space station and more.
  • Set pieces from Star Trek: The Original Series, including the navigation control panel and a Captain Kirk’s command chair replica.
  • Original scripts, concept art, storyboards and production drawings.
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5 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Gotta love the good of social media; a friend had shared a page from the Henry Ford Museum for an upcoming exhibit; which I'm sure will get @Draco1958@Nitewolf, and @Troy Spiral intrigued. Wait for it:

Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds


Exhibit Highlights:

  • More than 100 props and artifacts from the six Star Trek television series and many of the films, including an original series tricorder, communicator and phaser, a Borg cube, Klingon disruptor pistol, tribbles and more.
  • Rare costumes, including the Spock tunic worn by Leonard Nimoy, Lt. Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) dress, Khan garments past and present such as the open-chest tunic worn by Ricardo Montalban and the costume worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in the 2013 reboot, Captain Picard’s (Patrick Stewart) uniform, a Borg costume, the alien Gorn and more.
  • Transporter simulator in which visitors can create a film that shows them being beamed to another planet.
  • KHAAAN! video booth where visitors can re-create the memorable scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
  • Spaceship filming models, including the U.S.S. Enterprise, Deep Space 9 space station and more.
  • Set pieces from Star Trek: The Original Series, including the navigation control panel and a Captain Kirk’s command chair replica.
  • Original scripts, concept art, storyboards and production drawings.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm planning on an impromptu visit this week. Other than the 24th (Wed.) the week is free on my end. If there's anyone who's able to attend, let me know and we'll figure something out. 


Village is open for the season. Museum is year round and as of now is open. And the Factory tour is open (price for me as member is 15.25. I'm sure, but not positive, it'll be the same if my membership is used for any who don't have one). 

Prices based on membership

Factory Tour: 15.25

Village and Museum: Free 

And there's a current promo where if you buy one ticket, you get a second half off.


Tickets and Hours

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  • 4 weeks later...

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