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The FCC Has Announced That They Can’t Understand What The Hell Is Happening In Anime And Honestly Have No Idea If It’s Okay For Children

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The FCC Has Announced That They Can’t Understand What The Hell Is Happening In Anime And Honestly Have No Idea If It’s Okay For Children.






Here’s some news that isn’t about to make parenting any easier:


The FCC has announced that they can’t understand what the hell is going on in anime and honestly have no idea if it’s okay for children.

Wow. You won’t often find the FCC without a strong opinion, but they’re clearly at a loss on this one.


In a statement disclosing their full-blown bewilderment as to what the hell is going on in the Japanese animation genre filled with bejeweled magician top hats, giant snakes with regular human hair, babies helicoptering into the air with their own spinning legs, and God knows what else, the FCC explained that they can’t issue a parental advisory on anime if they can’t even grasp what the fuck is happening, and they’re as far from understanding it as they’ve ever been.


“The FCC works tirelessly to protect our nation’s youth from potentially damaging content, but as far as anime goes, we don’t know what to tell you, because we straight-up don’t know what we’re looking at here,” the statement reads. “We’ve thoroughly reviewed dozens of anime shows, and although they usually start out with a bunch of vaguely magical cartoon characters like your safe, run-of-the-mill Nickelodeon show, they throw so much at you that after a while it’s tough to know if it’s appropriate or not. On one hand, every character seems to be, like, 14 years old, and there’s usually a talking cat or rabbit or whatever in their crew, which seems great for kids. But then all of a sudden, several shredded warriors will fly into the scene and graphically gut one of the teenagers with a lightsaber in slow motion for, like, five full minutes, which somehow kills the kid but also turns them into a dragon? We honestly don’t know if that’s an accurate description of what we saw, and that’s our big problem.”



“For every innocent physical gag where a character trips in the school hallway in front of their crush, there are an equal number of moments where a teenager will blush in a super sexual-seeming way for basically no reason, which somehow prompts their strong, blue turtle fellow of a sidekick to morph his own head into the head of a human baby, all before he gets decapitated by a subway,” the FCC’s statement continued. “We never have any goddam idea what’s happening in these shows, and thus we are unable to determine if anime is insanely damaging for kids to watch or educational or neutral or what.”



The issue here is that they DO understand it.  That is, it's fucking crazy.   Now you understand anime.  


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The issue is every time The U.S. sees anything animated...be it claymation, cartoon or CGI, we have gotten into the no brainer habit of throwing it at our children to pacify them.  The United States is one of the only countries that still believes that all animation must have a child element to it and then gets confused to see characters in adult or unexplainable situations.


When I was in Japan, while visiting a production studio, it was explained to my class that there are a limited number of Japanese citizens that are in the acting industry so the majority of shows are animated and, in many cases, utilizes the same voice actors on multiple projects.  Animation also gives artists a medium to bring their works to life.  Originally, most anime was considered "underground" works and were not meant to be viewed outside of the country, but with people smuggling shows out of Japan and social media uploads from undisclosed locations, there is no stopping who has access to what, these days.


So it is rather a moot point to try to "regulate" what "children" see with regards to anime because anime is not for children, but they have very little trouble getting their hands on it.

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Thats been the issue since I was a child.  Animation is not "just" for children in most of the world.  It has a range from for children to XXX+++  I  I remember when I was like 14 seeing a documentary about anime and that was the only thing I can remember from it as it was a big ah-ha moment for me.   💡


But, t's a western apologists version of events to pretend what is considered for all audiences in east asia is just really meant for adults.   Most anime I've ever seen except the cherry-picked stuff is by western standards bizarre, heavily sexual when it has no need to be and endlessly hints at pedophilia mixing super cute with oddly extreme violence or hard to grasp sexual undertones.   Not that I have PROBLEM with all but that.  MORE PERVERTS YAY , just us "woke" people that are aware that animation is not just for children make that point, but then do reality a disservice by trying to overlay western ideas of what is for kids and what is for adults where that line is blurred in east asia in a way that is virtually incomprehensible to (modern) westerners.   Anime IS by western standards a mess and often makes no sense.   Cowboy Bebop which I love, randomly jumps around at various points from easy to understand to WTF was that? Why does every anime chick dress like a total slut? :drool  It's as if David Cronenberg directed half of all anime.  Again not judging I love Cronenberg , just it is bizarre stuff.  In "normal" anime that is meant for general audiences (in the east).  Asia has no christian wholesale destruction of sexuality the way we do and far less stupefyingly strict gender assignment.  


Just have to let go of the withering, implacable judeo-christian judgment industry and stop apologizing or trying to pretend that isn't the case.  Done. We can now move on with our lives without having to do this sort of double-speak to placate the people that have no business telling us what we should or shouldn't be into or find interesting.  :) 


But that requires that we tell quite a few people to fuck off (or the more polite version is to just ignore them) we aren't going to just "go along" with their BS anymore.  But we don't, so we just try to put a more acceptable face on something to try and make it seem like it isn't just what it is.  Removing sexuality and becoming asexual around these people.  Do that long enough and we lose our own sense of self just to please the pleasure police. (Pleasure police hrmm... sounds kinda kinky.  Million dollars says I can find an anime about that haha 🤘



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Honestly, I found out from my homestay families (and accidental first hand experiences) that the general population of Japan does not watch anime or cross the line of who is allowed to do or view what.


In Japan (I can't speak for all of Asia), there are a few "cartoon" like shows that come on TV for little kids, but they do not have channels for it like we do in the U.S.  There is also an unspoken honor system regarding the public purchase of things like Anime, Manga and gender specific magazines and memorabilia.


I was in a bookstore in Moriyama with a conversation partner.  I saw a new edition of Shonen Jump that had not made it to the States yet.  I was about to pick it up and you would have thought I had just mooned the Prime Minister.  People standing in line at the checkout started clearing their throats and my conversation partner played it off like I was a foreigner who didn't know what they were doing.  She redirected me to the "Girl" Manga section.  I told her I was just buying it for someone who was really into it.  She said, "OK, but if you pick that up I will have to walk away from you."  In order to allow her to save face, I played it off as my mistake and we left the store.


And that was just one of many experiences I had regarding gender specific and genre acceptable merchandise during my time there.  I was in no way going to embarrass my country while I was away from home.

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Interesting observation from someone that has actually lived there.


 I know my knowledge of japan is is a joke compared to yours but I was back in the day for years, obsessed.  I used to have a perpetual subscription to things like Gaijin Magazine (not sure if you know about that one its an english language magazine about japanese culture) or was, not sure if its still in print.   Long before youtube and digital cameras I used to make local access TV shows (I still get noticed occasionally here in westland due to them being shown on local cable for years) primarily they were about Manga / Anime and Japanese culture.... and big ass robots OBVIOUSLY hah.  


I've had a passion for teaching and using public forums for good for a long time.  Its killing me that my health and my $$ situation (the bigger problem) is stopping me right now.   I priced out all the components for a 'value' (good but not crazy) video editing computer (crazy amount of research) to build it myself and had a cross between a heart attack and fit of laughter about how  unrealistic it was.  lol.  I swear I'd crawl naked over broken glass all the way around the block to just be able to make videos without having to worry about the goddamn money part.  RAGE.  


I miss public access cable!  We had a 3 camera studio that we could use for free and professional video editing equipment also free.  The local cable station also pushed it out to everyone for free.  (to really get good traction on youtube you need a few tools that bleh god damn money).  /ends that novella


Public shaming and "outrage culture" that is growing huge in america is already full swing in japan and has been for ages, something that was (mostly) gone from the west for about 40 years or so. They being self-repressed and introverted culture wide doesn't help.  Wrapped up in a bow calling it something like "cultural differences"  that's a true term technically but in reality its deplorable behavior.  That sort of language was used post civil war to justify the extreme southern repression of blacks as just "southern culture".  Its less extreme now, but being a bigot is a bigot regardless of what culture it comes from. West or east.  It's none of your goddamn business what I do, ESPECIALLY if I don't know you and your commentary is negative.  That's sort of the japanese version of christian nonsense.    Interesting story/observation. 


That story is a bit confusing from all sorts of "real people" in japan videos I've watched.  Not that they aren't repressed and aren't bigots, just buying things at a store in Tokyo regardless of how bizarre never seemed to illicit anything negative from any videos I watched regardless if it was a man or a woman or what age they where.   Japan is even more of a disgusting consumer culture that america is, maybe that hyper-capitalism is mostly in the big cities and the "old ways" are more common the further you get away from them.  Which makes sense.  I guess the ones I've seen are all from places like Tokyo and Osaka where that public outrage stuff is less common and are by comparison more 'westernized'. 


Seriously do not buy into 'shaming' you hurt yourself no one else.  If they (whoever they are) have a problem with something you do that is not hurting anyone its their bad deplorable behavior not yours.  This is where you pull out the rarely used swear words to make it clear how bullshit it is to have to change yourself to suit others asshole attitudes.   (Within reason).  You stand up for your belifes rather than cower to others either evil or just misguided nonsense.  Once you do you'll be a more confident self fulfilled person.  Found that out just recently.  Been living in fear of other peoples opinions for way too long.  We only get one go at this life, having a whole part of it missing just due to cowering before "culture" or others "beliefs" (again within reason, we can curb some things to keep the peace but that should be minimal is a path to more depression, more stress and more introversion (which leads to more stress and more depression.... oh god I could go on like this for hours.   hah. 


Miss you , hope you are doing ok and not killing yourself with work.  *hugs*  

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