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🖤 The House Spiral ( DGN Diaspora) 🖤

🖤 Alignment Code Of Basic Ethics v9.9a 🖤


The Official Abridged & Only Required H.S. reading. (once finalized)


Scroll Down To TLDR for the extremely abridged version. 


Almost finalized. Impressions thoughts concerns requested. Especially about clarity & ease of understanding. I'm hoping to have the next draft be the final draft.


No this was never meant to include everyone. But if you read carefully with an eye toward taking this at least mildly seriously it does include you.


Devil is in the details.





Sending to everyone with a degon. HS dragon pin 10 ish people

If you are reading this but don't have a pin you are probably considered part of house spiral like it or not. Ha.

Welcome to the evil cult, you may be required to endure a hug.  


Took a vote on what things people would like to be our 'the family that plays together stays together' things.


1. Sci Fi

2. Fantasy

3. Horror

4. Something we might actually play together one day.


150 votes on  the HSG Facebook page blended with failed polls (my fault) on DGN.


We cannot do everything some hard choices may be necessary for the more 'orthodox' members.  Nothing at all for others.

For most 'hugs are good jerks are bad ' We and some minimal assistance from them in positively affecting our tribe is PLENTY.

No further help needed. But for the more passionate there is more.


Zero focus means zero solidarity. It does take at least some minor effort to contribute to a familiar community. If it took zero effort everyone would have an amazing chosen-friends cum family.


Gave everyone with a dragon pin 10x voting power. Gave myself 50x (only made a difference for GoT, which would have been Once Upon A Time) The poll was maddeningly screwed up but the data was there. Good enough.


Almost everything was a landslide victory so only in one case would more votes have changed anything.


So the unofficial house spiral interests tv show and gaming focus is:


- Supernatural
- Game of Thrones
- Star Trek

Horror General, Sci Fi General, Fantasy General to lesser extents. 

(was hoping for40k or V:tes or GoT:LCG which came in 5th oh well)

Another vote on the least solidified one of these above in 2020.


So... That means I'll be watching way too much Supernatural which I'm BRAND freaking new to and did not really have much interest. 

Lol. No it's not a requirement or anything. That'd be silly.

Just if you want to help build the community out in one aspect or another. 



Wanted Resident Official HS Fans for:

Must be a House Spiral Member to Qualify for The Below




'Order of the Wolf  1st Degree '

Ordo Canis Lupus

(GoT Wolf) 


Ordo Canis Lupus is for signifying you are a HS Game of Thrones Supporter / fan or Ally with interest in wolves.

Earned custom card/badge. You declared you wanted to earn this card, said you would be at the following 3 gatherings in a row

Upon the third gathering in a row and honestly having a decent knowledge of GoT will get you in. 


- How many seasons are there of the TV show ? 

- Can you name the 8 modern GoT kingdoms? 

- Have you watched all the episodes? 


Just state below "I want to work on getting into Order of The Wolf this next week/month" or similar. 


You may have to spend some serious time watching GoT if you have not yet.

Any current member of House Spiral can verify this for you.


Ordo Canis Lupus Badge on Your DGN profile upon request. (Wolf Icon TBA)


OR are a Level 3+ Patron of house spiral for 3+ months per card.

Ask for this card to be sent to you via a DM on Patreon explaining that you have a solid understanding of the overall game of thrones story.

Become A Patreon Here: https://Patreon.com/HouseSpiral


Not stackable.



'Order of the Cat 1st Degree '

Ordo Felius Catus

(HS Kitten)


Ordo Felius Catus members are HS Cat Lover / fan or allies with a good understanding of house cat care and behavior. 

Earned custom card/badge. You declared you wanted to earn this card, said you would be at the following 3 gatherings in a row 

Upon the third gathering in a row and honestly having a decent knowledge of GoT will get you in. 


Just state below "I want to work on getting into Ordo Felius Catus this next week" or similar. 


Ordo Canis Lupus Badge on Your DGN profile upon request. (Kitten Icon TBA)


OR are a Level 3+ Patron of house spiral for 3+ months per card.

Ask for this card to be sent to you via a DM on Patreon explaining that you have a solid understanding of cat behavior and care. 

Become A Patreon Here: https://Patreon.com/HouseSpiral


Not stackable.


The Order of Jefferies Tube 1st Degree

Ordo Tubus

Tuber (ST Fan)


The Ordo Tubus initiate has  earned a custom card/badge signifying  they have entered the Ordo Tubus, said you would be at the following 3 gatherings in a row and then did it. Not stackable. This signifyingfing you are a HS Occult Supporter / fan or Ally and have a good familiarity with some aspects of Occult and an Initiate in Spirilian Magic. (all members upon wishing to earn this card considered Spiral Magic initiates,) all that is known about spiral magic at this time is that it centers around the D/s relationship and The Human Spirit being the key "Supernatural force" Informed in part by  Chaos Magic,  Satanism, Pop Culture Magic and Alexandrian Wicca influences to be revealed sometime after gaining 1st degree.  Can only be confirmed in this rite by a submissive & the current Leader.  (Troy Spiral currently)


Ask below 'I'd like to work on entering the  Venator Malum Magia this next month/week. I will be at the next 3 gatherings in a row if I can at all help it. ' or similar.


OR are a Level 3+ Patron of house spiral for 3+ months per card after declaring you are working on getting a card. Ask for this card to be sent to you via a DM on Patron explaining that you are a HS  and have a good familiarity with cat behavior. Become A Patron Here: 


The Order of Magic 

Ordo Magia Ludus









Dark Arts Fury 1st Degree

Venator Malum Magia a.k.a

"Spirilian Initiate"  a.ka. Funtime With the Devil. 


The Venator Malum Magis has  earned a custom card/badge signifying you declared you wanted to earn this card, said you would be at the following 3 gatherings in a row and then did it. Not stackable. This signifyingfing you are a HS Occult Supporter / fan or Ally and have a good familiarity with some aspects of Occult and an Initiate in Spirilian Magic. (all members upon wishing to earn this card considered Spiral Magic initiates,) all that is known about spiral magic at this time is that it centers around the D/s relationship and The Human Spirit being the key "Supernatural force" Informed in part by  Chaos Magic,  Satanism, Pop Culture Magic and Alexandrian Wicca influences to be revealed sometime after gaining 1st degree.  Can only be confirmed in this rite by a submissive & the current Leader.  (Troy Spiral currently)


Ask below 'I'd like to work on entering the  Venator Malum Magia this next month/week. I will be at the next 3 gatherings in a row if I can at all help it. ' or similar.


OR are a Level 3+ Patron of house spiral for 3+ months per card after declaring you are working on getting a card. Ask for this card to be sent to you via a DM on Patron explaining that you are a HS  and have a good familiarity with cat behavior. Become A Patron Here: 



Order of the Machine 

Ordo Mechanica a.ka.

"SciFi Adept"


The Ordo Mech Magis has earned a custom card/badge signifying you declared you wanted to earn this card, said you would be at the following 3 gatherings in a row and then did it. Not stackable. This signifyingfing you are a HS Occult Supporter / fan or Ally and have a good familiarity with some aspects of Occult and an initiate in spiral magic (all members upon wishing to earn this card considered SP Magic initiates, all that is known about spiral magic at this time is that it is BDSM based, the relationship and The Human Spirit being the key "Supernatural force"  with Chaos Magic,  Satanism, Pop Cultureture Magic and Alexandrian Wicca influences to be revealed sometime after gaining 1st degree. 


Ask below 'I'd like to get a Ordo Mechanica card, I will be at the next 3 gatherings in a row if I can at all help it. ' or similar.


OR are a Level 3+ Patron of house spiral for 3+ months per card after declaring you are working on getting a card. Ask for this card to be sent to you via a DM on Patron explaining that you are a HS Cat lover Supporter / fan or Ally and have a good familiarity with cat behavior. Become A Patron Here: 


Prerequisite:  at least one of the following badges/cards:

-Ordo Canus Lupis

-Ordo Felius Catus

-Venator Malum Magia 



Spiral Gaiju Cultist 1st Degree

Dox Domine Alienus 







Black Magic Goth Extremist 1st Degree

Ordo Malum Gothicus Ridiculum

"Spiral Goth" - 2Goth4u


- You shall become a BMGE.  All the garlic and silver cannot contain your inner Rakdos.

- The Ordo Malum Gothicus Ridiculum - Behold you have become death the destroyer of worlds. 

- So goth you gave up shitting bats and now are working on passing priests.

- You were smoking cloves in the womb. 

- Norms wish they were you or with you at least that is what the voices say. 

- Funtime Practitioner of the Demon Lord Spirlian BDSM Submission Black Friday Magic Roleplay. 

- (Dark Arts Initiate / 1st Degree)

- But we all know "Role Play" means REAL. Duh. 

- Blasphemous  AF  (AF means "Always Forgiving" obviously)

- Gave up wearing all black for wearing the eternal dying tears of our enemies.

- Have a cat obviously. 

- How do you gain this card and DGN badge?  If you have to ask you aren't shitting enough bats yet. 

- The challenge is difficult.  But you got this.  You have your vampire club 10,000 year membership. 

- Baby bat difficulty in comparison  to getting your 10k no kindergoths allowed club card. 

- Prerequisite: Dart Arts Hunter 1st Degree

- Just ask someone.  You are obsessed. You'll find the answer your dead eyes and bleak heart desires. 



Celestial Saints 1st Degree

The Divinius Celestialius

"The Proud Churchy"


- Prerequisite: Please boy, I know everything already.

- The Divinius Celestialtus are living saints.  

- They have a love / hate relationship with the Ordo Gothicus Ridiculum. 

- Love as they love everyone in the house. 

- But have to endure you silly perverts and do their best to be open minded. 

- They won't be changing their biblical beliefs anytime soon.  You will be assimilated.  I am Locut... oh. 

- Ordo Gothicus will be hugged into one less bat-dump because of your dirty goth satan worshiping.

- You have a perpetual frown almost... perpetually.   

- Your halo has a self-polishing iBlesser.  

- Your cat  left because YOU were too aloof and indifferent. 

- The dog didn't die he commited suicide. 

- How to become one? Have faith the answer will come to you.  (aka 3 weeks as above)

- You love everyone, except....  Well you judge scumbags named Jeff.  Freaking Jeff.






Known as 'Completed Quests'  

Yes we are all at least part nerd here. 


In case some crazy how you missed what house spiral stands for specifically... 





TLDR summary:
- Hugs are good! Jerks are bad!


Full Abridged Version:
- We don't have to be into any of this stuff except the #cktc first four items below.  We just don't want to be bigoted AGAINST any of the following:


Bonus anti bigot points:

No haters of:
- US History
- Science
- Spiritual or Occult studies
- Liberals

- Cats

- Goths
- Supernatural Fans
- Star Trek
- Game of Thrones


Make a good faith effort to come to The Gathering when you can. 


Distance or time is a huge issue for some.  Do your  best.  Even if that only means

once a year or once a lifetime.  The honor system here of course. 


Again not that we have to be into any of the "bonus points" items.

Just not against it so much that we can't even stand people that are.




Thanks for your time. Look forward to more feedback. Questions are probably very easily answered,  we just need a bit of patience. 🎃



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I know the formatting is crap.  Hold off fully reading until you see v9.9a  (currently 9.9) prematurely posted this but since it's here now I'll leave it up while I'm editing.   If you want to skim through it while I edit it should be done in about an hour from the timestamp of this post here.   Thanks. 

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I want to work on getting into Order of The Wolf this week - I've seen every episode, many two or more times. There are 8 seasons total. Let's see....Lannister, Stark, Targaryen (possibly disabled), Tully, Baratheon (possibly no longer), Tyrell, Martell, Greyjoy (possibly disabled), Arryn (couldn't spell it, had to look it up). I hope that's all of them, but again, after the last episode I'm not sure all of these houses survived.


More to come  :)

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On 8/3/2019 at 11:03 PM, sekhmet2002 said:

I want to work on getting into Order of The Wolf this week - I've seen every episode, many two or more times. There are 8 seasons total. Let's see....Lannister, Stark, Targaryen (possibly disabled), Tully, Baratheon (possibly no longer), Tyrell, Martell, Greyjoy (possibly disabled), Arryn (couldn't spell it, had to look it up). I hope that's all of them, but again, after the last episode I'm not sure all of these houses survived.


More to come  :)


Good job. I'm not fully done writing everything but that part is done so.... :happydance

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