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The House Spiral Subjects and Why


Half of these started as votes on the House Spiral Gothic Facebook page.


The plan was to give votes made there the standard 1 person 1 vote. Then blend that with 10x voting power by anyone on the same question here on DGN and 50x voting power for actual dgn / house spiral / the troy spiral show $uppoerters.


I'm the end the voting on HSG Facebook was so overwhelming that no matter how many votes we got here it would not have mattered except in one case (Vampire the Masqurade instead of MTG, but homie is not running a freaking larp, I just don't have that kinda time anymore I don't even have time to play MMOs, Larp is a whole other order of magnitude)


The idea is the 100% truth that we need as a species to be more social. Especially us introverts. Not 'fully' social, but more actually connected. 


Especially for introverts, 'occupational therapy' is the gold standard to build stronger connections.


What that means is instead of just pure 'random chit chat' you play games / discuss subjects that require interaction but the focus is on the activity more than the socializing so it's less stressful.


Additionally, similar subjects, commented over time, regardless of subject are the effective subjects.



The subjects may not be anything we were already interested in. We just pick a few and put a little effort in to learn a bit and then do/discuss them. Online or real life, preferably both.


We don't have to be 'into' the sunjects, bit should not be bigoted against people that do.


The categories:

Academic Subjects 


Science (general)

American History / Politics / Economics 

Psychology / Mental Health 

Honorable Mention: Fine Art 




Science Fiction: Star Trek

Fantasy: Game of Thrones

Horror: Supernatural

Honrable Mentions: Star Wars, AHS, TWD


>>>Anime: I thought about doing one anime but since I'm so out of the loop on anime right now I didnt know what the parameters should be. I'm thinking: extensive English translation, gothy or science fiction, also a large fan base and still actively produced. Thoughts?


Gaming: Magic The Gatherimg

Sport: Tennis (this one shocked me)

Pet: Cats

Animal: Foxes / Wolves


Troy Despot Added:





None of this is 'required' it's just if a half dozen of us took the few things on this list we are already into and focused a bit more, added one or two that are outside our comfort zone (Bobbi and Jesse are a bit Ian & Draco already doin this to some extent) it will help the community greatly.



Whenever you get around to it I'd especially like input on this from:


@sekhmet2002 @Draco1958  @Stu @Moe Falcon

@TronRP @NocteSpiritus



It might take you a month but please take the time to:

*******read it******** <========== think about it and at some point & comment.


Of course we all know:


House Spiral Words:

Hugs Are Good Jerks Are Bad


Core Philosophy:

Courage, Kindness, Truth, Community







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