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House Spiral Movie Night Friday Dec 20th

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Rise Skywalker.jpg


When: Friday 20th, 7:30pm


Where: Emagine Canton 


Why: Because we're nerds/geeks (And it's a House Spiral movie night)


Yes, it's the final movie in the Star Wars saga. Get your tickets soon; and some snacks/money for snacks.


@Stu Yes, you're coming down this way.


@TronRP Hope to see you and the group there

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Checking seats for the 7:30 showing (Emax), and the only seats together are up close to the screen. So we can do the 8pm emax or the 6/6:30pm for standard showing. Only seats (as of now) together is the 6pm standard showing.


@Troy Spiral @Stu @Nitewolf @Draco1958 @TronRP

Edited by NocteSpiritus
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The not realistically being able to get decent seats together, at a good theater is disturbing. Since most of us are only going to be able to see this (and pay for it) once.


The problem is we just waited too long and lost the good seat possibilities. Normally I'd never change a date of an event once decided.


I'm in a coma tired but something needs to be decided. 


Ok change of plan. 




ll theaters and all times of any quality will be gone by the time we get anyone else on board. ThThe seats are disappearing like temporary pentagram tattoos at a supernatural convention.

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Since we can't realistically all sit together at a decent spot the 'Movie Night' idea would be dead opening weekend the tickets are mostly all gone.


So... Opening weekend is out. 


The largest movie theater in Michigan (and arguably the best sound system) is in.


Imagine Novi is the best place in Michigan according to critics as specs. Also near sold out.  Except Friday.



Friday Dec 27th Emagine Novi 

Largest Theatre In Michigan

Link to tickets: http://bit.ly/35vghn0

I had enough credit left over from Star Treks fubar

To buy a ticket for bobbi and I but now im tapped.




I can't afford to pay for so many people this time. Someone punch draco and in to wake them up. I've texted them both several times in the last few weeks. No response. 


My apologies to @NocteSpiritus about the change. I feel bad but just the way it's working out with all the tickets being sold out (almost) are wed things up. My fault for not getting this rolling a few weeks ago.

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