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DGN Discord Server


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Don't think there's another spot for this, but here it is. I know it was mentioned before and took it upon myself to start a discord server for DGN. Below is the invite to the server. I can easily set it up (and you can go into your user settings to set up) voice and video. I can do a quick walk through of that if there's enough interest in doing that.



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1 hour ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Don't think there's another spot for this, but here it is. I know it was mentioned before and took it upon myself to start a discord server for DGN. Below is the invite to the server. I can easily set it up (and you can go into your user settings to set up) voice and video. I can do a quick walk through of that if there's enough interest in doing that.




I am not sure if this was discussed at one of The Gathering outings, but generally, in order for something to be designated "DGN" as in Detroit Gothic Net, it has to be cleared through @Troy Spiral because it then becomes a part of House Spiral and subject to the same "Play Nice" rules that govern any DGN site.


Code of Conduct:



If Troy has ok'd this and nominated you as the DGN Moderator for DGN on Discord, then I will ensure that your information will be updated regarding DGN Moderation.

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(from troy)

"DGN Chat?" Why there isn't one - Official Response


The board was created (and continues to operate) under the  idea that we want to encourage clam longer-form discussion, and well thought out ideas.  Chat rooms tend not encourage that kind of discourse.  All this work building the userbase , was done under this (as well as other) concepts.


Its the Marshall McLuhan "The medium is the message"at work.


The play-nice rules , make it  such that DGN is associated with calm, generally flame-free discourse, open chat rooms are very difficult to properly manage in that way if not impossible.


In addition, it is well known  that chat rooms, when associated with message boards, quickly consume a large number of the potential ideas/posters in favor of the more lowest-common-denominator conversation chat room "style" on both the chat room and the board(s) that are associated with them.   


Every eyeball that is on a dgn "chat room" is one that isnt on the board.


You can "chat" right on DGN nearly as fast (but not quite, by desgin) as on any chat system if you really feel the need.  (PMs or on board)


There are lots of other lesser reasons why there is no "Official DGN Chat room" but the above are the core reasons why we have not put up a chat room.


As you might be able to tell a lot of thought has gone into this one over the 5+ years of "DGN's" existence (as well as the 10 month or so existence of the various incarnations of the pre-Spiral proto-Board era)


Its a popular idea. One that we've almost implemented several times. But just as -zero taxes- might be a popular idea, but would be detrimental to the existence of a nation.  As it stands now a DGN Chat room would be more of a liability than an asset for what we are trying to build. 


If you need to "chat" everyones PM / IM information is clearly visible in their profiles.

Note the above is not "set in stone" but its, at least set in sandstone, for the time being.  We've spent so much time thinking about this one its silly.

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2 hours ago, TronRP said:

My suggestion would be to change it to a generalized "Gothic" or "Gothic-Style" chat so as not to run into any current violation.


Also, @NocteSpiritus sorry about getting all pro-business on you about this, but DGN actually carries a License. 


It's fine. I think, to solve it, I think, in the long run, to remove the discord server. Doesn't mean I won't open one in the future if there's an interest in it.

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It's a great idea. The problem is DGN is dying due to lack of eyeballs.


An off-site DGN specific resource would further it's decline. Same issue with the 'why no chat room?' From 10 years ago. If I had a(ton) more resources DGN would be very active and some sort of chat would make sense. 


DGN is meant to foster longer form conversation. (Currently Failing due to the same reason above).


I  have a 'House Spiral' discord which isn't DGN specific and covers much more so it wouldn't put the hurt on DGN specifically so much. But not currently pushing it. Maybe I should but I know I won't be able to be on it enough for it to be properly modded.


Would be funny to see a mash up of Nerd / Catlover / Kink / LGBT / Goth / + Troy gives politics, science and science fiction hard sell in a chat room.   WATCH BLACK MIRROR you heathens! Lol. An example of 'Real' (aka 'hard'Sci Fi) as opposed to Space Fantasy.  


Briefly used when more people were playing the Mobile Game Clash Royale (The Gathering folk)


At the moment I'm struggling just to do the things I've already agreed to do and still put food and meds in my mouth. I'm furiously digging in the basement for anything I can sell so 'extra time' is at a minimum.


Open to the idea though.

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Troy, get Tron involved and make her an admin, or me, or NocteSpiritus.  Don't even have to be an admin, you can make roles with reduced permissions.  I can even walk you through some of that.  I'll even advertise yours on mine.

Just have to watch the conent closely.  Servers have been shutdown and user accounts banned for what seem to be small transgressions (or so I've heard.)  With a good team in place though that's not an issue.

Also here's a link to my general goth one.  https://discord.gg/B3mNzfh

Edited by Scary Guy
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6 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Troy, get Tron involved and make her an admin, or me, or NocteSpiritus.  Don't even have to be an admin, you can make roles with reduced permissions.  I can even walk you through some of that.  I'll even advertise yours on mine.

Just have to watch the conent closely.  Servers have been shutdown and user accounts banned for what seem to be small transgressions (or so I've heard.)  With a good team in place though that's not an issue.

Also here's a link to my general goth one.  https://discord.gg/B3mNzfh


Thank you for the thought, but I decline the offer to do any form of "chat" type stuff.  I do not do that for my real life as it is.  I would much rather maintain my duties as administration over the DGN Forum.  This is my safe place.


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Well chat is also not required.  You can stay muted and just listen (to the music (that I also DJ)) if you like.

Also, since this is currently the only (that I know of) Discord (or online voice chat in general) for City Club, and you never did change DGN Night.  You guys should at least come hang out on Saturdays any time from 10PM-4AM.  My goal is to have live DJs (not the music bots I usually use) for people to listen to.

I already have a couple that have shown up.  Whether or not they actually want to DJ has yet to be seen.  In any case I plan on it and I've done it before on my friend's Discord server.  I have a DAC I hook my equipment through so it's the max audio quality that Discord allows.

When everything is safe again I might delete the server, but that could be 18 months from now at most.


My main goal is to keep people from going insane before that happens.  Isolation leads to depression and depression leads to suicide.  People need an outlet and my ultimate goal is to help people.


The only other option I can think of other than joining my Discord or setting up your own would be setting up some type of voice chat through this forum somehow.  Maybe have a tab that links to a meet.jit.si instance with a password so that people not from the site can't get in.  It's voice/video only too.

As far as the chat taking away from the forum here, well that's been dying for a good while now.  It's why I rarely log on these days.  I haven't shown up for IDK how long and I replied to all the forum threads I wanted to that were new.  Facebook has killed pretty much everything.  At least this outlived those DCC assholes.  EDIT: I also just looked and I'm the #2 poster this week, #4 for the month, and #8 for the year.  That's not a good thinng considering I think I've only made 20ish posts recently.

In any case if you set up your own Discord though let me know, I'd like to join.

Edited by Scary Guy
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