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I heard you don't have sex anyway...

but whatever you do, DO NOT get implants, no ball bearings under the penis skin, eek, them thingies are weird looking and more painful - for both parties, male during implantation and female during intercourse, usually, in my opinion.

but piercings? yayness. :happy:

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A friend of mine has 2 holes in his unit....He has to sit down whenever he pisses. ALSO when in public, he has to put a finger over one of the holes so it doesn't spray to the left and up........ :blink seems like too much hassel, especially when GOD blessed you with such a handy pissing device...

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There are several ways to get your Bussiness pierced, it would depend on where you wanted to get it done. Below are some accurate pictures for you to look at, and help you decide. Other wise if ya want to go for it.

I took out my genital piecing due to the fear of it getting ripped out during rough play, and i did not want to wait till it was healled so i could remove it and get it back in.


The Ampallang piercing is one of the less popular and more difficult male piercings. The hole is made horizontally through the head (glans) of the penis. This can either be done above, under, or through the urethra, depending on the individual. Some will recommend that the penis be erect before marking the glans for piercing, although it has also been stated that this is not necessary. Making sure the pierce is straight is crucial, due to sensitive nerves and important arteries.


The process itself is slow and painful. It is important to make sure that the piercing is done in a straight line, and this is difficult to do due to the thick fibrous nature of the penis glans. This results in having to feed the needle through slowly, which can take several seconds and cause severe discomfort. The piercing itself can bleed for up to 5 days, and takes a while to heal.

Recommended jewelry: 14, 12, or 10 gauge straight barbell. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 6 - 12 months

Sexual limitations: Two weeks abstinence, and considerable care thereafter until healed.

Male Genital: Apadravya

The Apadravya is similar to the Ampallang, except that instead of a horizontal piercing through the penis glans (head) it is a vertical piercing. It has been mentioned in the Kama Sutra as an erotic piercing for both visual and physical arousal. Placement of the needle is also critical with this piercing or it could result in severe bleeding. If not treated immediately, it could result in death. Less severe possible complications are migration and/or rejection of the jewelry.

This piercing can be a slow and painful procedure due to the fibrous nature of the glans. The piercing can be placed through or around the urethra. The most important thing is to be sure that the corpus cavernosum is not damaged. (An experienced piercer will know this.)

Recommended jewelry: 14, 12, or 10 gauge straight barbell. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 6 - 12 months

Sexual limitations: Two weeks abstinence and considerable care afterward until healed. A condom should be worn until it is completely healed.

Male Genital: Dydoe Piercing

The Dydoe piercing is preferred by, but not limited to, men who have been circumcised. It is also somewhat anatomy dependent, because the edge of the penis head (glans) must be large enough for the needle and jewelry. The needle is placed through this ridge on either the top or sides of the glans. Speculation has been made that it enhances sexual feeling that is lost due to circumcision. The piercing may be done as a single piercing, but is many times done in pairs or multiples.

Some possible complications are slower healing due to a moist environment created by heavy foreskin (on an uncircumcised penis), rejection of the jewelry, or tearing due to rough sexual activity.

Recommended jewelry: 16 to 14 gauge curved barbell. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 4-6 months

Sexual limitations: One week abstinence, and mild sexual activity afterward. Condom must be used during entire healing process.

Foreskin piercing

The foreskin piercing is obviously limited to the uncircumcised penis. Unlike ancient times when this was used as a chastity device for slaves, today it is used for sexual enhancement. The foreskin can be pierced with either single or multiple piercings. There are not too many complications usually involved with this piercing, although rough sexual activity could cause the piercing to tear. Care should be taken to ensure the piercing is well healed and stable enough before engaging in sexual intercourse.

Recommended jewelry:12 gauge captive bead ring or circular barbell. Expected healing time: 2-4 months

Sexual limitations: Abstinence for one week, and careful sexual interaction afterward. Condom should be used until completely healed.

Male Genital: Frenum Piercing

The Frenum is a very popular male piercing, second only to the Prince Albert. Its quick healing time and minimal pain and complications make for a very desirable piercing. The needle pierces through the flexible skin of the underside of the shaft just behind the glans (head) of the penis. There are two other variations of the frenum piercing: The lorum (lower frenum placed at the base of the shaft near the scrotum) and the ladder (several frenum piercings from the base of the shaft to the top).

Lorum Piercing The Lorum is a lower frenum placed at the base of the shaft near the scrotum. Care and healing times are essentially the same, but care should be taken to keep clean, dry and free of pubic hair during healing time.

Frenum Ladder A frenum ladder is a row of several frenum piercings from the base of the shaft up to the top. How many piercings you can wear on your ladder depends on shaft length and skin resilience.

Recommended jewelry:12 to 10 gauge straight barbell, curved barbell or captive bead ring. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Consideration should be given to the gauge size of the jewelry. If you choose to wear captive bead jewelry during sexual intercourse, the piercing should be stretched enough to hold a smaller gauge jewelry to ensure that the bead will be held securely in place. If not, the bead could actually be lost during sexual activity.

Expected healing time: 2 - 4 months

Sexual limitations: Abstinence for at least one week, and careful sexual activity afterward. A condom should be used throughout entire healing process.

Male Genital: Hafada/Scrotum

The scrotum piercing has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that the scrotum can pretty much be pierced anywhere and is relatively painless due to the thin elasticity of the skin. The disadvantages are that the location and placement of the piercings can be irritated easily and make the healing process difficult. Natural perspiration and lack of ventilation can suffocate the piercing and make it difficult to heal.

Scrotum piercing placement (depth) is very critical, as the sac cannot be penetrated or it could cause severe infection.

Shaving the scrotum can be helpful in aiding the healing process, but care should be taken to ensure it is rinsed clean of any soap or shaving product afterward.

Recommended jewelry: 14 - 12 gauge captive bead ring. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 2 - 4 months

Sexual limitations: Caution is advised, as rough sexual play can cause it to tear.

Male Genital: Prince Albert

The Prince Albert is probably the most popular of all male piercings. The healing process is faster than most, and it has been considered to be the most sexually appealing male piercing. The Prince Albert piercing, in most cases, is performed by inserting a needle receiving tube into the urethra and then starting the needle from the outside and feeding it out through the tube. There are not many complications associated with this piercing.

There is always a chance of rejection, but the likelihood is minimal. Even the wearer's own urine actually serves as a healing agent, and it is not necessary to clean the piercing after urination.

Reverse Prince Albert The other variation of the Prince Albert is the Reverse Prince Albert, which is essentially the same, but the jewelry circles around to the top of the glans (head) instead of the bottom.

Recommended jewelry:10 gauge captive bead ring or circular barbell. The circular barbell may be more comfortable, especially for the uncircumcised wearer. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 2 - 4 months

Sexual limitations: Abstinence for at least one week, and careful sexual activity afterward. Condom should be worn during entire healing process.

Male Genital: Guiche (Perineum) Piercing (no pic link)

The Guiche (geesh') is also known as the Perineum because of its location. This is not a very common piercing because of the associated complications. The piercing itself is located under the scrotal sac near the anus. Due to temperature, lack of ventilation and perspiration, this piercing can be difficult to heal. There is also a large risk of jewelry migration and/or rejection, as it is essentially a surface piercing.

This piercing is not recommended for men who ride bicycles or spend a large amount of their day sitting.

Recommended jewelry: 12 - 10 gauge captive bead ring. Interactive Gauge Comparison Chart

Expected healing time: 4 - 6 months

Sexual limitations: Abstinence for one week, and after that just exercise care not to tear or rip the jewelry out. A condom should be worn until it is completely healed

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A friend of mine has 2 holes in his unit....He has to sit down whenever he pisses.  ALSO when in public, he has to put a finger over one of the holes so it doesn't spray to the left and up........ :blink seems like too much hassel, especially when GOD blessed you with such a handy pissing device...


ROFL!!!!! :laughing

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Guest MsMaldoror

I know piercings are different for everyone. Everyone heals at different rates. Some people think they add pleasure, while some people think they get in the way. If you do decide to get the piercing, just be careful and take care of it. I know a couple of guys who bled quite a bit --for days--after getting their genitals pierced.

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