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I had both doses already.  I got the Pfizer, with the first shot on March 14 and the second one on Easter Sunday. Both shots done by 2:00 pm.

1st dose, sore arm on Sunday afternoon and on Monday I was tired but went to work.  But Tuesday morning I went to work and after an hour, massive headache and the hit-the-wall exhaustion and had to go home.

2nd dose, no sore arm.  Minor headache Sunday evening.  Monday, I worked a full day with a mild headache in the background.  Monday night, headache got progressively worse and Tuesday it was blinding and the exhaustion was back.  I was essentially useless for 12 hours and went back to work on Wednesday, fine.

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I got the Jansen Pharmaceuticals (J&J) one on Monday.  Felt like crap for a day and I'm currently fine.  I did this for a few reasons.  I'm at VERY low risk for a blood clot (which is already low risk), the mRNA technique is still very new science and while it is promising as a cure for cancer (and FUCK CANCER) it's still too new for me, and finally I'm very VERY lazy and didn't want to make two trips.  Went to a place by my house that wasn't doing appointments (I went to CVS before and they said I had to do it online and there was a month wait, fuck all of that.)

Threw out my card though because I don't agree with those.  Still going to wear my mask everywhere for now too.

Again, people should be free to do as they please.  However I am hoping the average IQ goes up in response to it when all the people dumb enough not to get vaccinated die off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got the second Pfizer shot  9(?) days ago.  

I still feel a bit more tired than I'd think i would normally and i have this odd cold-sweat thing but thats near gone now. 

Everyone that doesn't need an EpiPen  or some CRAZY  SERIOUS risk factors should get the shot.  No bullshit excuses.  Just tell them to STFU and get it. 

Even my super high risk mother who borders on an anti-vax person knew she should get it.  Thank scientists. 

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11 hours ago, Troy Spiral said:

I got the second Pfizer shot  9(?) days ago.  

I still feel a bit more tired than I'd think i would normally and i have this odd cold-sweat thing but thats near gone now. 

Everyone that doesn't need an EpiPen  or some CRAZY  SERIOUS risk factors should get the shot.  No bullshit excuses.  Just tell them to STFU and get it. 

Even my super high risk mother who borders on an anti-vax person knew she should get it.  Thank scientists. 

Sorry, but I’ll wait and see what happens. There’s been way too many people adversely affected for me to trust scientists, politicians or doctors 🦊

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On 5/28/2021 at 2:26 AM, Trappernicus said:


Donald Trump got the vaccine (after he got Covid) https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-urges-all-americans-to-get-covid-vaccine-its-a-safe-vaccine

Boris Johnson wanted to get it on live TV. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-boris-johnson-receives-first-dose-of-oxford-astrazeneca-vaccine-12249467


It's fine to wait and do your own research.  While it's not recommended, it's your right to never get one.  I believe they are safe and effective against most variants though.  I trust the science so I went and got one.  Haven't died yet and while it's true there may be side effects in the future I think it's doubtful.  Yes, the few people who have died from the vaccine is concerning.  However that number is FAR LESS than the people who have died from the actual virus itself.

I also like what the one doctor said about it.  "I can (try to) fix sick, I can't fix dead."

Though if you're really concerned compare the number of vaccinated to the number of people who have died from the vaccination.  I'm willing to bet that number is extremely low in comparison.

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