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Ethical goth shopping

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So, Ive been thinking about researching this issue and just started today. 


A few months ago, I started buying clothes online, cause, lets face it- when you live in Norway, you also happen to live in a country Where alternative clothes are hard to get. The only alternative stores Im aware of in Town is Neseblod records, which is a metal shop, and Shadowland. Whereas Ive been to Neseblod, Ive never been to Shadowland. 

So far, most of what Ive bought has been online(Dreslilly and Wish). 


The thing is, however, I want to ask these stores Where they get their material from, and after today, I feel like I have become a bit more conscious about ethical trade. I agree with goths on the issue that goth isnt just a fashion statement, yet, I also agree even more that this seems to be an ethical issue. 


I havent looked at enough research as of yet, but it still seems obvious to me that consumers have a responsibility not to buy from brands that are cruel to animals, might  be at risk of endangering the environment, or violate workers rights and childrens rights. 




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There is no ethical consumption, ever.  There are consumption methods that are more ethical than others but in general someone or something is going to get harmed.  Usually it's just the environment, or animals, but sometimes it's the manufacturers or the workers selling it etc...


The most ethical option is not to consume needlessly, but we love our stuff too much to do so.  Stuff is great!  It's better than not having it because then someone else will just have it.

I'm greatly annoyed with Amazon because it's so successful as a distributor of mostly Chinese products.  Which I have no problem with China, it's the CCP I take issue with and their treatment of Hong Kong (and Taiwan / Tibet in general), the Uyghur camps, the denial of much of their history in 1984 dictionary editing fashion, and all the other horrible things they've done that we don't even know about.

Not that we're any better in the USA.  We try to be, and we like to claim that we are (a lot), but are we really?

Of course just existing means our carbon footprint effects the earth in general.  Existence is unethical, but what choice do we have?  We have to survive somehow, and so we do.

As far as clothing goes, even if we made it all ourselves all of that material needs to be sourced from somewhere, which directly effects things.  So there isn't really any method that's not shitty, only less shitty than certain alternatives.

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No ethical options?  That's a rather myopic view!  First of all, we do need some stuff.  Secondly, we have a right to exist, and if carbon and resources are going to be released/consumed as a result, these are VALID reasons to do so!  The problem isn't to eliminate ourselves or ALL emissions/consumption, but to not do so wantonly, unnecessarily and harmfully.  Hence ethics.

That "higher" ethical quandary aside, my gal, Moe, gets a lot of her Goth clothing from a company called Killstar, and another outlet called Vampire Freaks.  Of these, I have absolutely NO idea of what their ethical pedigree might be.  I just know that they make cool stuff.  Wish is actually just a front company that represents tons of individual companies, mostly Chinese, and as a result they're hit-and-miss.  (And in my experience, more misses than hits.)  Still, you can't beat the prices most of the time!

Just my two rubles....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody has a right to anything.  Rights are a fantasy we made up to make us feel better about things and only extend as far as human institutions do (government rights, work rights, etc..).  The universe does not care about your "rights."


What about the rights of all the animals and plants we harm along the way?  All the microorganisms?  At what point should things be given rights?  Is it when they can feel pain, when they're self aware, or both?

Most people could care less as long as they get their precious stuff.  I like stuff too, never said I didn't.  I'm aware of the harm I'm doing though.  I'm still all "pave the rainforest" and plan to continue to abuse the planet like the used tampon that it is.  Ah the joys of nihilism!

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