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The Gathering 300 - January 22nd

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"The high priority gatherings
House Spiral holidays are :
 House Spiral Day 
(Last gathering in October) and  every 100 gatherings.

The Gathering 300 is in 2 weeks.  That's January 22nd.  " 

Members should view it as a high priority , visitors should think seriously about attending. 

No we didn't ask for excuses about why you can't make it.   Everyone has one.   Explanations about how you are going to overcome said excuse is welcome. 


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Just so I can understand this properly, is joining Detroit Gothic Net considered as joining a club or is it expressing yourself on an online Gothic site of like minded individuals.


I think I may have had the wrong understanding of this place for the last 10 years...


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49 minutes ago, Troy Spiral said:

No we didn't ask for excuses about why you can't make it.   Everyone has one.   Explanations about how you are going to overcome said excuse is welcome. 


As much as I feel thankful to DGN for personal reasons, I think I took a slight offense to this statement.


Those who attended The Gathering that took place at The Red Apple Restaurant, the few I met at City Club and the one time I went to Small"s are the only members of any group who have ever seen me in person outside of attending Parent Teacher Conferences when The Monchichis were enrolled in "brick and mortar" schools.


There is a good reason that I do not socialize, but I am not the type of person who explains that subject time and time again.  So no worries, I will not have an explanation of my excuse as to why I am not attending.


Much love and Happy New Year 🎉

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14 hours ago, TronRP said:


As much as I feel thankful to DGN for personal reasons, I think I took a slight offense to this statement.


Those who attended The Gathering that took place at The Red Apple Restaurant, the few I met at City Club and the one time I went to Small"s are the only members of any group who have ever seen me in person outside of attending Parent Teacher Conferences when The Monchichis were enrolled in "brick and mortar" schools.


There is a good reason that I do not socialize, but I am not the type of person who explains that subject time and time again.  So no worries, I will not have an explanation of my excuse as to why I am not attending.


Much love and Happy New Year 🎉


It's not just you, it's devolved into something completely different than when I joined, it's beginning to feel very culty and more about leadership worship than the actual goth scene 😕  Can't bite my tongue on that any further, when someone demands to be called "Father" and there's leadership ranks of servitude...yiiiiiikes.  The whole thing is also uncomfortably based around sex and fetish now, whereas it used to be all about the goth scene.  That's why I came back for a second but went back to being silent.

Edited by Destroit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone knows I do as I please, as I always have, as I always will.  Shit is far and Covid cases are spiking higher than they ever were (which at least it's mild for the vaccinated.)


I get the fetish thing and that's fine, the goth scene has always been associated with the fetish/BDSM scene but not everyone is here for that.  Troy has historically pissed a lot of people off in the past (which I'm no stranger to myself, since I am also pretty good at that since I speak my mind when necessary, consequences be damned.) Though we all try to atone for our past transgressions in our own ways (or sometimes we don't care because we think we were in the right (which I probably was.))  It is what it is.  All I can do is try not to make anyone too angry when stating the facts as I see them.

Honestly I get the pivot, I really do.  Facebook (and formerly MySpace) are what killed the majority of this off and it's seen moderately light use since then in comparison.  But this isn't FetLife, and furthermore there's already a subforum on here for that kind of content.  Maybe make another meetup for that, or maybe alternate weeks since not everyone wants to go every week anyway.  Hell these days not everyone wants to go to the club every week either (or every month, or maybe once a year at this point if we're lucky.) We are mostly gen-x/millenials that are taking the place of the dying boomers.  Getting older sucks and I want no part of it, but it's still currently better than the alternative of adding yet another name to that damned list.  I miss the old days, I miss my friends, and I'm just going slowly further insane wasting away into nothing.  If I'm lucky I see my friends and people I care about and we can grab food and that's really it for me.  The clubs are filled with new people, DGN is filling with new people, people are moving on, and it's just another shitty part of life that one needs to get used to.


I want to come out to The Gathering I really do, but it's far for me and my car while mostly reliable isn't completely reliable.  There are closer things that are easier for me to get to.  Yeah I know fragmentation sucks but it's also a part of life.


Anyway all relationships end eventually, and all you can do is hope it does so on a good note with little drama.  All anyone can do is try to maintain them for as long as possible putting in what they get out of it.  I have some great friends I can go months/years without talking to and pick up right where we left off.  I miss them a lot and wish I saw more of them.

Sorry to ramble but I have had a lot on my mind lately.  My point though is that this was never our thing, this was always Troy's thing that he let us take part in.  He is free to do with it whatever he wants and however he sees fit.  However, Troy, you should also try to keep it and make it into something the members want, because that's what a good leader does.  None of this "I'm a dom do as I say" shit, learn to be humble.  Make this a space for people who want to flourish and grow.  Maybe ask people what they like and hate about it, what would make them want to use it more, and what they would like to get out of it.  If you have to force people you lose, because most of us don't like being told what to do (maybe subs sure, but not a bunch of anti-social goths.)

Edited by Scary Guy
Took out the part about my Discord existing because I deleted it because fuck Discord.
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