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-And if there is a single great spirit in charge of all this, I hope it's a chick. -And I want to sleep with her.



I am atheist.  I hold the view called 'weak atheism' which essentially espouses a stance of unbelief ("I don't believe in god"), as opposed to the position of 'strong atheism' which entails a positive belief ("God does not exist").  While I consider any statement about our knowledge of god pretty much irrelevant in light of unbelief, I have noted that I display some leanings towards agnostic atheism, as well.

It is well to note, especially given the last sentence, that weak atheism is NOT agnosticism.  Atheism deals strictly with belief, while agnosticism concerns knowledge of or about god.  These two links may help clarify.




Wow you just touched on some self studying I did YEARS ago in high school. I wrote a thing about it (poorly) and it still exists on the net at http://www.virtualblood.com/sgu/religion/atheism.html

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I am atheist.  No religion for me.


Wel, technically atheism isn't the lack of religion, but the lack of belief in God/belief there is no God.

Technically, religion can exist without the concept of God as religion is a method of belief which involves ritual and dogma. Many Athiests use science as their "ritual".

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I'm UU (Universalist Unitarian) which basically allows for almost any spiritual belief you care to name. There is no specific "god" nor dogma... (Which puzzled my mom but that's for her to deal with. :wink ) My personal beliefs tend to be mostly humanist with a bit of agnostic and pagan thrown in.

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I am atheist.  No religion for me.


Wel, technically atheism isn't the lack of religion, but the lack of belief in God/belief there is no God.

That's why I listed the ideas separately because some people view atheism as a type of religion itself. I do not. Not only do I have no belief in a god -- and outright reject that such a thing exists -- but I have no religion either.

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I like this... It makes me much more likely to trust...

I basically can sum it up by saying: I know enough to know that I don't know.


Again, total ditto that.

I seem to think a lot along the lines as Phee does.

The thing is, though, I do feel a need to worship in some manner. So I do what I feel inspired to do. And some of that comes from actual religions and spiritualities.

I like the ceremonies. Just not the dogma associated with most religions.

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I am a recovering catholic and have a real hard time with any organized religion being as it was forced upon me as a child. I lean more towards a common power of like you know the universe man. I believe there is a power within us all, an energy or life force if you will both ying and yang, dark and light. There is some pagen stuff that tweeks my interests along with some buddhistic(I just made a new word) views that could be but until i have proof I'm not putting my money on anything. :devil :innocent

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::: Acts like how she did to her mom and stepdad when she told them HER views of religion.......

.... Whips out the Druid Magic book and asks..... :::

"What does this tell you?"


Actually, I was raised Lutheran, but I never was a 'religious' Church goer. I'd go, but not every Sunday. Went to Catecism (( sp?! )), had a Confirmation ceremony, and that was kinda that. When I was around 17, I told my dad I felt more Druidic than anything else. While he wished I was still Christian, he accepted it. The parental units in this house, on the other hand, turn a blind eye to the fact of what I told them back in November.

ANYWHO, now, I'm just pretty much Agnostic....... no definite religion.

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I am pretty much an agnostic... I don't want to rule out anything. I have studied a lot of Western Religion, as well as Native American belief, I have seen that almost all religions have something to offer be it truth, inspiration, or guidence. However it seems that history has taught me that organized religions seem to get abused by humans very easily and harmfully. I have very little problem with any religions as long as it stays away from people... I guess that sounds a bit odd.

To me all beliefs are pretty much as likely as the next, be it that a big dude made everything and gave us all rules to follow or we suffer until the end of time. Or that two sisters in a cave made the animals and people to populate the earth. Maybe it is was all a random congrigation of events that made that made the universe with no deeper meaning or spiritual force... Or any of the infinite possibilities that we have not even dreamed of our discovered.


that is pretty much how i see it ... i have some *beliefs* but i don't know that they mean anything ;) and i generally don't talk about them

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christian but can't find a church that would accept my gf and I


I know the United Church of Christ made headlines by endorsing gay marriage recently, and weren't some types of methodists struggling with this recently? Of course, I guess I don't know about specific churches in the area, which is what would actually be helpful

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zen/taoist. I've experienced many other religions. This one makes the most sense to me. I've had many conversations with a devout Atheist. It was great. We didn't try to change the other's mind. We just challenged each other's views respectfuly. Both of us came away with a stronger faith in our beliefs. I have found that all religions/beliefs say the same thing : respect others, don't be an ass. The names and places change based on the culture and region.

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I guess that I would call myself Agnostic. I don't actually follow a specific religion and I don't rule anything out. I don't worship anyone or anything and I don't believe in the church. I've had more than my fair share of really bad church experiences (NO, not that kind of bad experience...).

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Guest Game of Chance

I have found that all religions/beliefs say the same thing : respect others, don't be an ass. The names and places change based on the culture and region.


In an ideal world, yes. Unfortunately, the morals and dogma of any one particular belief system may designate that any other belief system is false. This tunnel vision may even lead one to the "if they're not with us, they're against us" type of ideology that is commonly found in most (though not all) Western religions. Some forms of Islam follow the same thinking, as seen in the 9/11 attacks as well as the current global terrorism crisis (Lebanon, The U.K., Spain, etc.).

But, man, how cool would it be if everyone could just mind they're own fucking business.

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But, man, how cool would it be if everyone could just mind they're own fucking business.


Amen to that. :wink

I would probably despise the current administration in the oval office a teensy bit less if they didn't seem so bound and determined to enforce group-think on everyone in the country. Screw that - the WORLD.

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