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Antidepressants/ADHD Meds


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I'm going to start by saying my family is from the UP, we're Finnish so it's ALL about being proud to suffer (we even have a word for it,  "Sisu").  My family heavily looks down upon any kind of mental health help.  It's all about being quiet about it until you end up dying somehow and then it's "oh we wish we could have done something" and people move on.  I've had persistent depression that had led to addiction issues for at least the last 20 years, along with ravaging ADHD that makes it so I can't remember even the slightest things like paying bills, and when I do the executive dysfunction makes it so I don't.  My mother in law used to be completely against anything like that as well, and eventually she realized she has ADHD and went on Vyvanse.  I'm familiar with Vyvanse because I also have binge eating disorder and the idea of that being able to be STOPPED would be a godsend. 


What I'm getting at here is I've had it so engrained in my head that I'm going to be a "crackhead" (basically what my mom told me) and she went on this huge flurry of disappointment that I'd even  CONSIDER going on antidepressants or something like Vyvanse because then I'm "weak" and "needing pills".  I'm also afraid, like, what if she's right?  What if it just leads to another addiction? 


So I guess I'm asking for input, has anyone had their lives changed for the better by getting on pills?  Did anyone see a drastic change in personality that would be traumatic?  What happens if I try to get off them?  Have you had any negative side effects or experiences? 


I also don't have the insurance to see an actual therapist, so it would be my doctor who is a general practitioner throwing pills my brain hoping something works.  I've never been down this path before so any advice or guidance would be great, thanks.  

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The right pills saved my life. I'm on some great ones now and my life is going great and I'm just glad I've got something that "normalizes" me so I can live my best life instead of struggling to just live.

That being said, the wrong pills made everything worse. So, look into Easter Seals or some other mental health you can get for free or discounted, and talk to a professional about getting the right stuff that will help you best.

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I was somewhat anti pharmaceutical for a little while when i was in my "anti chemicals" phase 10 years ago. Thankfully a few courses in organic chemistry solved that. I was put on mood stabilizers after being diagnosed with bipolar II. I've been thinking about going back on some sort of ADD medication recently, but my therapists office doesn't believe in that (as I learned recently 😒).


A common criticism with ADD meds is that they're "chemically similar to meth". And by that they mean they are only a few molecules away from being the same thing. The thing is EVERYTHING is one molecule away from being something else (seriously, water (H2O) is one carbon atom away from being formaldehyde (CH2O)). Meds are tricky. When you start a new one you really have to pay attention to any new side effects so they can switch things up. You know your brain better than anyone. The decisions you make are all yours.

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I really should look into it, but the executive dysfunction and lack of insurance stemming from that and my hatred of the healthcare system are limiting factors.  Also I hate taking pills because Autism.

Not to mention I had a friend with Autism who got on Adderall and dropped 300 pounds.  I'm already skinny as hell so I imagine I'd waste away to nothing.

I'm not "insane" as far as I can tell (though others might disagree) so I'm not too worried as of now.

Sorry I can't be of more help here other than I would if I could.

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2 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

I really should look into it, but the executive dysfunction and lack of insurance stemming from that and my hatred of the healthcare system are limiting factors.  Also I hate taking pills because Autism.

Not to mention I had a friend with Autism who got on Adderall and dropped 300 pounds.  I'm already skinny as hell so I imagine I'd waste away to nothing.

I'm not "insane" as far as I can tell (though others might disagree) so I'm not too worried as of now.

Sorry I can't be of more help here other than I would if I could.

Holy shit if I could drop 300 lbs I'd be so happy

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7 hours ago, Destroit said:

I'm going to start by saying my family is from the UP, we're Finnish so it's ALL about being proud to suffer (we even have a word for it,  "Sisu").  My family heavily looks down upon any kind of mental health help.  It's all about being quiet about it until you end up dying somehow and then it's "oh we wish we could have done something" and people move on.  I've had persistent depression that had led to addiction issues for at least the last 20 years, along with ravaging ADHD that makes it so I can't remember even the slightest things like paying bills, and when I do the executive dysfunction makes it so I don't.  My mother in law used to be completely against anything like that as well, and eventually she realized she has ADHD and went on Vyvanse.  I'm familiar with Vyvanse because I also have binge eating disorder and the idea of that being able to be STOPPED would be a godsend. 


What I'm getting at here is I've had it so engrained in my head that I'm going to be a "crackhead" (basically what my mom told me) and she went on this huge flurry of disappointment that I'd even  CONSIDER going on antidepressants or something like Vyvanse because then I'm "weak" and "needing pills".  I'm also afraid, like, what if she's right?  What if it just leads to another addiction? 


So I guess I'm asking for input, has anyone had their lives changed for the better by getting on pills?  Did anyone see a drastic change in personality that would be traumatic?  What happens if I try to get off them?  Have you had any negative side effects or experiences? 


I also don't have the insurance to see an actual therapist, so it would be my doctor who is a general practitioner throwing pills my brain hoping something works.  I've never been down this path before so any advice or guidance would be great, thanks.  

Have you had your hormone levels checked? Thyroid and cortisol specifically? I am always  curious about that because it seems to correlate highly with mood and anxiety disorders based on what I have seen just in the past working in mental health. Some psychiatrists will do a whole workup to see where you are with that in order to rule out and/or get the physical stuff in check before doing meds..mine does. She's very good about treating you as a whole but she's in Wayne County. 

As far as meds, I am on Vyvanse as I have BED and ADD. I was on adderall for years and yes, I became addicted (It was actually right after I joined DGN) I honestly cannot even stay awake without my Vyvanse. It's not a stoned feeling being on it like adderall was (granted that I was mixing it with stuff that should have killed me)

Anyway,  the Vyvanse is very helpful. There's a Doctor in Warren, Sandaire, he may be able to work with you financially but if this is your first time doing mental health he not be the person to start with. Macomb County CMH may be able to help you find more resources for funding, etc....




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I have controversial views on this stuff.  But my view is that ADD and ADHD is a feature, not a bug or disorder that needs to be medicated.  My understanding is that SSRI's were a giant Big Pharma scam based on fraudulent studies, and I never found much help with any of the mood disorder drugs I took, including those, when I was going through more severe depression a decade ago.

These days my depression is more lack of motivation than emotional, I won't pretend legal THC doesn't have cons.  And I personally follow the law and don't drive on it like all these 20-somethings seem to.  But with the right dose of it I am actually more motivated and my depression is temporarily gone. 

So as for things you can take for depression, I think some people would be better off with legal CBD, and/or THC at home, if they are 21 or older, dose it responsibly which can include finding the right strain since a lot of people have THC cause them anxiety but that can be partly strain-dependent.  And it's important to watch for allergies because Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome is a very rare allergy that heavy users have developed and died from.  From what I understand, CBD regularly taken as an edible can also cause liver damage, Tommy Chong has some ad about this and he claims to take some form of it that is scientifically messed with to not do this.

Anti-inflammatory food/supplements, as long as you don't thin your blood too much, is helpful for depression too, potentially going along with eating more like a hunter-gatherer:

Edited by Class-Punk
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2 hours ago, Class-Punk said:

I have controversial views on this stuff.  But my view is that ADD and ADHD is a feature, not a bug or disorder that needs to be medicated.  My understanding is that SSRI's were a giant Big Pharma scam based on fraudulent studies, and I never found much help with any of the mood disorder drugs I took, including those, when I was going through more severe depression a decade ago.

These days my depression is more lack of motivation than emotional, I won't pretend legal THC doesn't have cons.  And I personally follow the law and don't drive on it like all these 20-somethings seem to.  But with the right dose of it I am actually more motivated and my depression is temporarily gone. 

So as for things you can take for depression, I think some people would be better off with legal CBD, and/or THC at home, if they are 21 or older, dose it responsibly which can include finding the right strain since a lot of people have THC cause them anxiety but that can be partly strain-dependent.  And it's important to watch for allergies because Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome is a very rare allergy that heavy users have developed and died from.  From what I understand, CBD regularly taken as an edible can also cause liver damage, Tommy Chong has some ad about this and he claims to take some form of it that is scientifically messed with to not do this.

Anti-inflammatory food/supplements, as long as you don't thin your blood too much, is helpful for depression too, potentially going along with eating more like a hunter-gatherer:

No, for you and some others it might be a feature and maybe you can manage with it.  For the rest of us it's an albatross weighing us down and randomly teleporting in front of us too soon for us to notice so we trip over it.

"Just eat right" Oh wow, we've never thought of that!  I don't know which is the better subreddit so here, you can have both of them: https://old.reddit.com/r/wowthanksimcured/ and https://old.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/ (there are probably others but I'm too lazy to look them up, because I have ADHD which apparently just means I'm lazy.)

One of the things I've always found hilarious is "jump through all these hoops to get assistance" and I'm either all "fuck all of that" or the executive dysfunction kicks in and I just don't even if I want to, so no assistance for me (again not that I want it but there are others who actually need it.)


The problem with people being disabled and still looking like they have complete agency over their lives prevents them from either progressing in their careers or getting the care they need.

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On 7/29/2023 at 4:46 AM, Scary Guy said:

No, for you and some others it might be a feature and maybe you can manage with it.  For the rest of us it's an albatross weighing us down and randomly teleporting in front of us too soon for us to notice so we trip over it.

"Just eat right" Oh wow, we've never thought of that!  I don't know which is the better subreddit so here, you can have both of them: https://old.reddit.com/r/wowthanksimcured/ and https://old.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/ (there are probably others but I'm too lazy to look them up, because I have ADHD which apparently just means I'm lazy.)

One of the things I've always found hilarious is "jump through all these hoops to get assistance" and I'm either all "fuck all of that" or the executive dysfunction kicks in and I just don't even if I want to, so no assistance for me (again not that I want it but there are others who actually need it.)


The problem with people being disabled and still looking like they have complete agency over their lives prevents them from either progressing in their careers or getting the care they need.

I will say that I generally like to leave an opinion online and leave it at that, because if I go into all my reasons for some stance I have, I will have to basically write an essay.. you only get so much cognitive energy in a day; I want to divert most of that energy to Substack and Rumble to whatever degree I can motivate myself to do it, because that feels more meaningful than having a debate, even if it is civil, which will most likely have the feeling of being unproductive for both of us.

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7 minutes ago, Class-Punk said:

I will say that I generally like to leave an opinion online and leave it at that, because if I go into all my reasons for some stance I have, I will have to basically write an essay.. you only get so much cognitive energy in a day; I want to divert most of that energy to Substack and Rumble to whatever degree I can motivate myself to do it, because that feels more meaningful than having a debate, even if it is civil, which will most likely have the feeling of being unproductive for both of us.

Okay, see now that sounds like ADHD to me.  :P

Debate is also never unproductive, especially in a public forum as others may learn something from it.

I like to think most of us are here to expand our worldviews as otherwise we could get the same effect from just writing in a text document.

Also I didn't mean to imply that a good diet doesn't help because it is healthy.  However it certainly is not a replacement for therapy and proper medication.

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Primary docs typically aren't trained on psych meds. Sometimes you'll find one that is. That being said, a psychiatrist would do the same thing as a regular doctor: prescribe meds, see how it works, change it if it doesn't. It's just that psychiatrists know what to ask and know symptomatology better.


I don't know if you'd qualify for Medicaid...that's a whole process, but if you go through the CMH in the county you live in they can help with that. 


There are better ADD meds than Adderall: Concerta, Vyvanse...others I'm blanking on right now. Yes, there is potential for addiction, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll become addicted. 


My personal experience with meds: I was on Wellbutrin. It made my migraines worse and I felt numb emotionally, so I stopped taking it. When I was in the hospital for attempting suicide in 2015, I was put on Effexor. I still take it. It has been a literal life saver. I know I wouldn't be here today if I wasn't still taking it. Do I still have days when I feel sad? Absolutely. That's life, and I work through it. It's not the crippling depression I had before.


Taking psych meds does not make you weak. It takes a lot of strength to say " I need help," and take the steps to get help.


Going off meds is a process of titrating down until you're off of them.

Edited by Bean2.0
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