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Chopping Mall Flea Market @ Kelly's Bar 8/21/23


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3 hours ago, et-novum said:

It's a daylife event, but Jex Blackmore is pretty cool. Popup flea market at Kelly's Bar on Saturday, October 21st supporting the Hydra mutual aid fund and reproductive rights.






I don't see a start time, but that's cool, and she is also cool.  I might pop out if i have no other plans.

EDIT: She said it runs from 2-8

Edited by Scary Guy
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10 hours ago, et-novum said:

It's a daylife event, but Jex Blackmore is pretty cool. Popup flea market at Kelly's Bar on Saturday, October 21st supporting the Hydra mutual aid fund and reproductive rights.





I love jex blackmore. 

best 👌 👍 

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2 hours ago, gwen said:

in case some if you kids don't know who she is

she has big balls.

stands up to death threats for what she believes is right 





Better info:


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7 hours ago, gwen said:

n case some if you kids don't know who she is

she has big balls.

stands up to death threats for what she believes is right 


She is notably no longer affiliated with the Satantic Temple. There was a big fallout around 2018 or so. Which is probably for the best, TST as a whole is a pretty shady organization.

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3 hours ago, et-novum said:


She is notably no longer affiliated with the Satantic Temple. There was a big fallout around 2018 or so. Which is probably for the best, TST as a whole is a pretty shady organization.


The TST of seven years ago was a real powerhouse but unfortunately internal drama and power grabs really screwed things up.  Not these days though AFAICT.  They've been trying to rebuild TST Detroit and distance themselves from the national organization.


I can't remember who came to talk about it at a Michigan Atheists meeting but she was nice, and Helena brought some members when they came out to protest the National Day of Prayer when they had a fullon church service in the Warren city hall atrium (government property.)


I hope they can catch some of that old magic from way back, but that remains to be seen.  So far it's looking pretty good though.

Fuck I can't find the website again though.  TST Detroit had it's own and it even said on it that it was "trying to distance itself from the national organization" (or something like that anyway, I'm paraphrasing because I can't find it and I could have sworn I bookmarked it.)

I'll post it when I find it, but I'm not having much luck, but I swear it does exist.

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ya ima not too crazy bout tst right now either

just like every other

organized religion It's gotten all butt hurt political stuffs happening within its ranks

and jex is now doing her own thing out there

actually making a difference in the world as far as individual freedom rights n stuff




the actual tst leader of some area not sure

nationally I dunno


he's a big mouth and he pissed me off and seems a bit sexist 

so I don do the tst thing no more

I am an atheistic Satanist so 

my thoughts are

wtf ever wut  impure to you? hm?

I don't worship

the ground God,  daddy now?




always THAT argument between Satanists...

your not a true if your not lighting candles to a deity...



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On 9/28/2023 at 6:02 PM, Scary Guy said:

TST Detroit had it's own and it even said on it that it was "trying to distance itself from the national organization"

Probably pre-2018 when Jex left. I'm not sure when the current congregation started but it is wholly separate from the old Detroit chapter. From what I've seen first hand, TST Detroit now is lockstep with national. Also old TST wasn't significantly different than new TST. It's still owned (yes, owned) by the same two people it always has been.


Also I'm going to drop this here: https://www.newsweek.com/orgies-harassment-fraud-satanic-temple-rocked-accusations-lawsuit-1644042



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No, it was this year, wouldn't have said it if it wasn't.


In fact when looking at information on the new venue for Mid-Michigan Atheists I found that they're having meetings at https://thefledge.com (though I'm not sure whether the mid-Michigan group meeting is connected to the national org.)


I didn't ask Helena at the Warren NDoP protest because I wasn't aware of the national drama at the time, just the local drama.  Later at the event that Lorelei came to speak at I asked her directly about the drama during the short Q&A and that's when she mentioned about the distancing.  So unless she was lying through her teeth I think there is at least some hope.


Now you might know more than I do since I'm not actually a Satanist.  I just really appreciate the good work that they do/have done and have a few friends/acquaintances who are involved.


In any case, Satanism (or at least Atheistic Satanism) is too cool of a thing to let assholes abuse, misuse, and drag through the mud.


I'm also not sure anyone can "own" a religion.  There is no way to own the ancient symbols that have become associated with it I'm sure, since they exist as prior art.  The only things I think that can be owned is the name "The Satanic Temple" and any realestate/physical objects.  That's not to say that the law doesn't grant religion a gigantic amount of latitude, so I suppose it is possible.  Seems more like a question for a really good lawyer, but the first amendment might tie into it too.


I think that while unfortunate it would be kind of funny if a third Satanic Atheist organization came out complaining about the other two assuming it turns out that it is wholly owned and can't be used.

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I only just noticed but the date is wrong in the title.  It says 8/21/23 instead of 10/21/23.  It's an easy mistake to make since October SHOULD have been the 8th month (thus having the prefix of Oct), but July and August got shoehorned in there because of the hubris of Caesar Julius and Agustus.


I'm only mentioning this because I get to bitch about the calendar system which I hate.  Though ironically the best system is not a ten month one but a thirteen month one (which one I'm not too sure of though.)

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