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okay i am freaking out so this may be fucked up to read so i am sorry

We have tried and tried adn treid and worked our asses off , the only dumb stuff we bought was me getting my hair cut and some dvd rentals, we should have been $200 ahead of the game tommorow after i made my payment but instead we are atthe very least $600 behind, why why why why why why why

Well part of the answer (and well part of my question why?) is we were suppossed to sell the truck, and the people who were supposse to buy it were/are "friends"(???) they offered to buy it out of the blue, and we were like well oaky we need the $, They were supposed to pay for it this past FRIDAY, they even sent me a yahoo im about it on wensday about getting together Friday or Saturday to exchanger it, and then bam late sat night Brian finally get ahold of them and oh they cant buy it, Dave had to get tires on his other truck. WTF, UMMMMM shouldnt you have known you needed tires a few eeks ago and honestly you couldnt wait another two weeks unless some how they all four were slasshed and i think if that happen someone wuld have been ben like listen to this shit......., I mean seriusly WTF, I relied on that money to get the bulk of what i need for this next payment, Brian had to repay days of work so he basically worked for free for a week, and the truck was covering those days, the rest would come from his other days worked and what ever i sold on ebay, i should have been $200 ahead of the game, still even after me getting my ahir cut and the $ for gas and dvds and stuff ya need for life, if they would have stuck to there promise and boughtthe fucking truck this week. BUt no...... some how we have made enough to be $600 shy, which by the way is less then what they were paying for the damn truck. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH,

Well the blk of my question is WHY is this not owrking out right i mean we have been putting in the eeffort, HEll my #'s show i have been doing very well, no we are not all caught up but the most imediate needs were being worked on 100%, and i know even after i make that first on time mortage payment i still have allot of catching up to do, cuz as i sit here sticking all my $ into the house the other utilities are so screwed, But i knew we could do it, we were doing it or atleast trying.

Why does bad crap have to happen to fuck it up, i mean seriosly i cant even think the right way right now to even devleope a plan of attack, why does stuff have tohappen that is so large that is ruins my hope kills my motvation all i feel is like no matter how hard we try this will not owrk

LOL i sit here writting all this and really i dont even know any of you, so i dont even know why i am here writting it, I dont mean that to be rude in any way, i just you guys dont reall ydeserve to here me spewing all my crap.............



any ideas how i can make $600 by tommorow legally cash i nhand send em my way

I am tapped

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LOL i sit here writting all this and really i dont even know any of you, so i dont even know why i am here writting it, I dont mean that to be rude in any way, i just you guys dont reall ydeserve to here me spewing all my crap.............

It is often a comfort merely knowing that someone else can sympathize...and it's hard to find an audience without ever speaking. So don't worry about posting here - those of us who are reading because we chose to, not because it got imposed on us. Plus, it's healthy to get it out.

On the subject of financial issues, I would like to officially weigh in on thy side of the ring: they suck!

Almost everything that is any fun costs money. When money is involved with something things only seem to get a little bit worse for the lack of it. I mean, if there's anything that can make a person want to pull out their hair (even if they're bald) money is going to be somewhere near the top of the list.

I shake my paw at them.

Things have to screw up because--well, they don't have to screw up, they're just cranky. Ornery in fact.

Fortunately, people to rant with is free.

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it does help to spew it but it just seems like that is all i spew now a days.

I really woudl love it if some oen wuold point out to me the lessons i am supposed to learn cause really i cant figure it out cause nuttins really changeing all that much and i am trying.

back to looking for tha damn title cause i aint where it should be and well i cant sell nuttin with out a title. Oh and i still need a buyer for the truck $1000.00 good project truck fun hot truck, ladies love it.......


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I think the real lesson is: do thy best to stay on top of things, and when the seas get choppy and rough, trim the sails, hold on, and stay afloat; when the sun comes out again thou may have scant moments to enjoy it--but defenitely don't forget to--because soon thou may be running up the Mizzen and storm canvas and running ahead of another squall.

Project truck? (Not that I can buy one, but I'm curious.)

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i wanna live in the desert!

check the truck out  here

she is fun a one to ride in  We call her maggie


Hrr... Don't get me started on desert metaphors. They're scarier than my mariner metaphors -- mostly because I'm a Sonoran Desert native.

Hey, that is a really cute truck.

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Harmony, I so feel for you.

I know too well that "here comes the money ----- there goes the money" situation. Been through it many, many times myself.

My husband and I learned our lesson, and things have been getting much, much better for us. Though we still have our setbacks here and there, it's happening less and less as times goes by and we learn more.

I wish I could think of more ways you can get some money. You're already doing so much. The eBay was such a smart move.

The only thing I can suggest for now is that it's not prudent at this time to make eBay your ONLY income, as you suggested in another thread. I worked a part-time job while Jon worked full-time for the first couple years I did eBay. It wasn't until things were well established that I was able to quit an out-of-the-house job and do eBay full-time.

As for how to make that $600 by tomorrow, the only thing I guess I could suggest is a pawn shop. But you won't get near the value of what you're pawning there, and if you pawn vs. sell, then you have the added pressure of coming up with the additional cash to go get your stuff out of hock.

I really, really wish there was something better I could think of...

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Hrr... Don't get me started on desert metaphors. They're scarier than my mariner metaphors -- mostly because I'm a Sonoran Desert native.

Hey, that is a really cute truck.

LOL thanks you made me laugh

Harmony, I so feel for you.

I know too well that "here comes the money ----- there goes the money" situation. Been through it many, many times myself.

My husband and I learned our lesson, and things have been getting much, much better for us. Though we still have our setbacks here and there, it's happening less and less as times goes by and we learn more.

I wish I could think of more ways you can get some money. You're already doing so much. The eBay was such a smart move.

The only thing I can suggest for now is that it's not prudent at this time to make eBay your ONLY income, as you suggested in another thread. I worked a part-time job while Jon worked full-time for the first couple years I did eBay. It wasn't until things were well established that I was able to quit an out-of-the-house job and do eBay full-time.

As for how to make that $600 by tomorrow, the only thing I guess I could suggest is a pawn shop. But you won't get near the value of what you're pawning there, and if you pawn vs. sell, then you have the added pressure of coming up with the additional cash to go get your stuff out of hock.

I really, really wish there was something better I could think of...

What did You learn? Take in to consideration only all you know from me from this site and what do you think that you have learned that i might need to learn, i do feel some how that i am missing something here but i dont know what it is.

I think with ebay i might be on some type of high cause well i think i hav done good so far and i really do have so many things i have no use for that i dont mind selling for a decent price, I do see when my things start to dwindle where it will not bring in as much cash as it is now and i will have to do a part time thing. I do think for hte moment since it is showing signs of bringing in good money for me, and the kid r still home from school, it will be the biggest thing i do for a few weeks, But when the kids r back in school all three will have full days so i was already thinking about a day job part time probally.

FC i wish ou could see the amount of things i could actually try to sell on there, i have already sold 7 things and i am currently auctioning off like 77 other things, and 14 of those are currnetly selling, and i still have more to add. Dont get me wrong i know it is not a cure all, it just going really good so far and i dont wantto ruin it in a way, kinda ride the good wave till it slpashes ashore.

2 more boxes of papers to search through, if i dont find that damn title i will pull my hair out, then i will probally thump my self on the nose for wasting $ on a hair cut for hair i dont even have any more. :blink

I feel guilty about the hair cut


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All my fingers & toes are crossed right now in hopes for good luck for you (and yes, it makes typing a bitch!)

Anyway, as to what lessons we've learned? Well, this applies to us, and possibly not to you, as you appear to be pretty tight with your money.

But some lessons we've learned are pretty basic. First, that just because we have money in hand doesn't mean we can afford to SPEND it. We've gotten a lot better about stopping ourselves from spending money just 'cause it's there. Mind you, we're not perfect, we still slip up - and often. But we KNOW what it takes. Just not as good at putting it into practice as we should be.

The good thing is, we're no longer in the red. We're just about above breaking even. If we get better about sticking to that we've learned, we could get ahead pretty quick.

Also, we've learned what is and is not important to have. When we first started on eBay, besides the stuff we garbage-picked, a lot of what we sold were things we personally owned, kinda like you. I have lists of everything we ever sold on eBay, and a shocking number of things were things of MINE. Beatles dolls, jewelry, keepsakes, memorabilia, you name it. Letting go of that stuff HURT.

But now, it's become easier to not be so into "things". It's VERY easy for me to see something cute or nice, realize it's cute or nice, and NOT need to HAVE it just 'cause it's cute or nice. A big thing I ask myself is, "will that be displayed/used/cherished or stuck in a box?" And another is "would I rather have that or Michigan?" Both of those questions help me realize how unimportant that "stuff" really is.

But again, I'm not perfect. We go yard saleing on Saturdays for things to sell on eBay. But we also spend a decent amount of $$ on things we find that "would be nice to have". Like I said - still learning. :wink

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thank you brenda

I found the title phew!

Now just have to wait for Brian to get home to see if that guy called him, (we only have one phone and he needed it for work today) and i left that # with the guy who emailed me. What a day what a day.........


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I am still waiting for the one guy who emailed me to get back to me on it, so i have no idea if it will sell today or not. I reposted my ads on craiglist and i have went to all local shops here and left a flyer. I also had some guys stop out of the blue last night to look at it, but nothing has been sold.

I am asking $1000 firm, as the truck will come with all the replacemnt parts we have already bought for her ( a new tail gate, new grill and headlight trim those cost me $400 alone), she has had at least $1000 in fixes and replacements ( new rebuilt holly carb, replaced all diferantial/spider gears, battery cables, and general maintence and repair) since we have owned her and we paid $1000 for her.

If she dont sell today i have no idea what we will do, we might need her to haul all our stuff.

I wil let ya all know whats up when i know something.

Plzz keep those fingers crossed.


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Why is life so hard sometimes... Very good question with many answers. I think the best one is... that moment, when everything clicks and everything goes right. That feeling that you have overcome yet another of life's great tests. Sweet victory tastes so much better when you have been eating failure and dissapointment for a while.

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Why is life so hard sometimes... Very good question with many answers. I think the best one is... that moment, when everything clicks and everything goes right. That feeling that you have overcome yet another of life's great tests. Sweet victory tastes so much better when you have been eating failure and dissapointment for a while.


i am sooo craving a good meal and victory is still cooking.

I hope who ever is cooking made enough for left overs too!

thank you for your words i did need to be reminded that when things do go well again they will be just so much better and i will apperciate it more.

I do know these things i just get so mad and pissed at hte crap sometimes i just run around screaming WHY WHY WHY WHY. It beats slamming my head on the wall like i wanted to. :nut


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i completely agree with the dark. it doesnt make it easier to go through the hard shit when it is happening but in the end you will see that you got through it and you are a strong person.

i worry for you and your kids and your husband though. :( i really do. it makes me think of when we go through stuff like this (my kids, husband and i) and how everything just seems hopeless/impossible or we fight and it seems like everything is just coming to some sort of end ... then we pull through, some how, some way. all i can do is hope you have the strength to get through it all- sometimes that is all you can really hope for while waiting to pull through. strength. and remembering you and your husband are in it together and not get at each others throats. stress can make you lash out instead of pull together.

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so i was sitting here and i got a feeling to check my email and i found this......

I will give you 900.00 for it hassle free, I can be there by 6:00 with $900.00 cash in hand

please let me know


it is the guy who emailed me yesterday and he is offering $100 less but i accepted it and i am for the moment relieved.

I really dont know what to say but thank you guys i will probally keep saying it over and over THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU i really think al lthe well wishes have helped.


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