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I love Car Accidents


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So around 12:45 today I get into a car accident. I look, and it is clear for me to turn, so I turn, and here comes this car, flying down the road. We both swerve to avoid each other, but not fast enough, and SMASH! Her car: '91 Dodge Spirit....medium sized dent near her door. My car: '01 Dodge Stratus...big hole in my bumper where part of it got ripped out, and there is a big gap on the left side where the bumper is supposed to be attached to the car. It's going to cost like $700 to get it fixed...ha ha.

We both get out of the car and this girl, with her phone held to her ear, gets in my face and starts yelling at me. Fuck that. We yell at each other for awhile, then exchange insurance information.

I have a headache and my neck hurts, and I have a bit of a bruise from my seat belt.

It's only Monday and my week sucks. Whats going to happen tomorrow, I wonder. What, am I going to find out cocksucking causes cancer? For fucks sake!

You can all carry on with your day now.

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it has been one of those days i know but it will get better, just keep thinkking it will get better.

Might keep an eye on your self how ever with a headache and all, probally just stress but if ti does not go away ya should be checked out.


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Actually I'm really dizzy right now, and I feel like I'm going to throw up..so I think Im gonna lay down for a bit.

Thanks, Lilith and Brenda (oh and I came really close to beating the fuck out of the girl) :blink

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glad you didnt hit the woman, even though, phone to her head and her spped its her fault (same thing happned to me 2 years back that scuppured a trip to atlanta to see the cramps with a friend)

keep calm, file reports.

at least she was insured,

but take it easy, sounds like that gave you a serious mischief

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So around 12:45 today I get into a car accident.  I look, and it is clear for me to turn, so I turn, and here comes this car, flying down the road.  We both swerve to avoid each other, but not fast enough, and SMASH!  Her car: '91 Dodge Spirit....medium sized dent near her door.  My car: '01 Dodge Stratus...big hole in my bumper where part of it got ripped out, and there is a big gap on the left side where the bumper is supposed to be attached to the car.  It's going to cost like $700 to get it fixed...ha ha.

We both get out of the car and this girl, with her phone held to her ear, gets in my face and starts yelling at me.  Fuck that.  We yell at each other for awhile, then exchange insurance information.

I have a headache and my neck hurts, and I have a bit of a bruise from my seat belt.

It's only Monday and my week sucks.  Whats going to happen tomorrow, I wonder.  What, am I going to find out cocksucking causes cancer? For fucks sake!

You can all carry on with your day now.

I'm very sorry to hear this, I Hope you are going to be OK we're there for you!

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Thanks to everyone who posted...update...I just woke up not too long ago, and my head is really killing me and I'm still dizzy...I was only going like 20mph when we hit, so I don't know what the hell is going on...I'm guessing it's just stress, but if I still feel this way in the morning, I'm gonna have to cancel all my meetings and get this checked out. Thanks again, everyone.

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I have been doing insurance for 6 years...perhaps I can help you with getting a settlement, or offer you some advice on how things MIGHT Turn out......?! So, Who got the ticket, who hit who first? Did she in essence, Rear-end you? Side Swipe?

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I have been doing insurance for 6 years...perhaps I can help you with getting a settlement, or offer you some advice on how things MIGHT Turn out......?!  So, Who got the ticket, who hit who first? Did she in essence, Rear-end you? Side Swipe?


The accident wasn't bad enough for the cops to be called...so I shouldn't be fucked up from it, but I was (anxiety thing kicked in). My left front hit her right side, near the front. I talked to the insurance and the way it was explained is that the accident was deemed both our faults, so I fix my car, she fixes her car....but thanks, I appreciate the offer.

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Ok, last night I was still really dizzy, was feeling disoriented, and when I blinked I saw flashes of light, and I was chatting with someone online, and I guess I was typing all odd, and he told me I should go to the er and get checked out. Well, my nose started bleeding, so I figured this was just another bad sign I shouldn't ignore, so I called my friend who lives a few miles away and asked her if she could drive me to the hospital. Of course I feel like an idiot there because the accident was nothing..I've been in worse ones before and I was ok. Well it turns out my blood pressure was through the roof, because I've been so stressed out, and that is what was causing my sypmtoms. (I forgot to add) They did a brain scan as well, which is so not cool when you have claustrophobia. They also said I pulled some muscles in my neck. Anyway, they gave me a shot and some pill and I was ok after that.

I'm fine now, actually had a decent day...got to check out the hot guys who were working on the sidewalk on my street today..haha.

Thanks again, everyone!

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I've been in 30 plus car accidents. sounds to me like whiplash. if you got to look at your x-ray you might have noticed a dark spot or shading around the afflicted area. nasia and fatigue most likley due to a concussion. if you fade out when you feel nausia from impact you might incurr permanent brain damage.

I'm no doctor but hay.

concussion and whiplash. whiplash can cause a concussion. best thing to do is to keep moving and stay awake till nausia dissipates. even if it's all night. call off work and drink plenty of water no alchohal take vitamens. of course thats the immidiate care needed.

whiplash is a neck injury involving the muscles and nerves or grinding of the plates in the spinal cord bruising of the bone. hard to detect on x-ray. offten affects are not immidiate. what would happen is that you would turn your head a certian way and get either a bad muscle spasm and or a headache, in severe cases nausia.

none of this is to irregular. going to sleep was bad and could be responsable for the long term affects youv'e been feeling.

now after the fact there is little i could recomend, sorry i didn't respond earlier.

I have had whiplash probably 4 times. when you rotate your neck in a circle a year from now you might feel a very subtle grinding sensation around the base of your neck and spine.

as far as nose bleads I don't get em so I don't know.

was boxing on friday and cought a concussion nothing new though.

stress is probably not the cause of your symptoms. but I'm no doctor. your tough

your a stone cold killer on the streets of the D, mahn. don't stress that bitch, fu$$ her. your tougher for living through it. you should worry about what you like on your next pizza. or who you could bum a smoke off of. if that shit didn't hurt you and you watched your temper enough to not hit her then your strong.

with power (like yours) comes responsability. stress thats not real is it? is it?

I personely would worry about the legal aspect. how shity would it be if you got that notice in the mail that you were geting sued.

i would worry about making the next accident really count. a foul is a foul so make it worth it.

besides they say whiplash could lead to instant peralisys just couse you turned your head a certian way. Iv'e never seen it so I don't think thats the case and your fine, I'm fine too.

so stay awake when you have a concussion and feel nausia or you get braindamage.

doctors need to hear the right thing to be accurate but you might not Know what to say so they still cost the same amount of money right or wrong.

stress ?

you got hurt stress couses nose bleeds and loss of focus? no not to my knowledge


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Thanks. Well the nose bleed was from my blood pressure getting too high, and I've always had problems with nose bleeds anyway, but for another reason. I had whiplash, and it still hurts a bit when I turn my head, but other wise, I'm fine. I'm just waiting to get my bumper fixed.

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