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tell me yours and I'll tell you mine

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ADHD.  controlled by watching what i eat.

cutting chemical crap out of diet works wonders.

and i am obsessive, and i think i get my paranioa from my old habit.

i have a very short fuse, but after loosing someone i still to this day very much care for by going off in a blind rage (thankfully i still wont strike a woman in this state even) and blanking her for a month or three (thats how long it took me too cool down from anger blackouts whenever i saw her)

the temprement and the obsessivness is from the celtic bloodline.  i belive the ADHD came from the roma side of fthe family

HW.... My diet sucks. Would you mind elaborating on the diet thing for me? Or PM... I'd be interested in trying something different and see the effects.

I have been diagnosed with ADD but my feeling, based on experience and reading makes me think I don't. I'm highly sensitve and many of the sympoms for that read like ADD.... Hmmmm. In any case... ADD meds didn't do shit.

As much as everyone here drinks... and with all the family/childhood issues admitted to, I'm surpriised no one admits to having any addictions. I guess I'll be the first: I'm a recovering sex/love/relationship addict. Diagnosed about 5 years ago... Did a lot of work for a few years. Not currently doing too much 12 step stuff or therapy due to money issues which should soon go away. I also have compulsive behavioral issues with food and spending.

Less formally, I have mild self-esteem, anger and other issues I've been working on.

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Since Msterbeau was willing to admit his addictions, I will admit mine. I'm a sex addict, was an alcoholic (maybe still am, but I don't think so, I only drink on the weekends, for the most part), and I had a cocaine addiction about 2 years ago, and I was addicted to muscle relaxers for awhile.

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Since Msterbeau was willing to admit his addictions, I will admit mine.  I'm a sex addict, was an alcoholic (maybe still am, but I don't think so, I only drink on the weekends, for the most part), and I had a cocaine addiction about 2 years ago, and I was addicted to muscle relaxers for awhile.

Hate to tell you this ... addictions are for life. Even when they no longer *seem* to cause problems.

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Anxiety, bi-polar (manic depression), ADHD, borderline psychosis, the list goes on, all diagnosed as a child, bound in juvenille records, now i'm just a walking time bomb.


we would get along fine as long as we respect each other :fear

even then you would'nt be that terable

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Schizo Affective Sociopath diagnosed medicated.  I think this takes the cake.


I agree dude thats a big cake

I my self have been sociopathic and might still be but i doubt it

I am psychodic and have lots and lots ot tendincies

never treated refused medacation and further testing

smoke a little with lots of friends. seems like I need a certian fix of violent content like people need cigeretts.

honor :fear like ol girl said lots of personell reality checks

you got me beat with not being able to trust your own minds perception of reality

I got friends who took a bunch of neurontin to get a buzz.

sociopathic is the big one realy I feel sick now thinking of what it's like

but how can I? :fear

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I think that the only thing that I suffer from is anxiety. That's pretty rare, despite what I'm dealing with as far as the ex is concerned.


I have noticed that strong emotional pain couses anxiety your body freaks out and then the mind in turn but it all stems from dammage to the soul like a strong bond tearing apart.

I notice when I see my x sometimes my left hand might shake from nerves and my adrenaline goes off. The fight or flight reflex. like why frogs don't go near bee's after they been stung :fear

as for a cure well i am willing to work with you on that couse I have only come across temporary fixes time helps as you become accustomed to it but the fear that couses anxiety of that reminder of pain is powerfull and useless :fear

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Anxiety, Depression, Paranoia, Self-esteem issues, Anger management issues, split personality, hypertension,

I think most of it roots from childhood crap though....

I have been doing alot of soul searching and alot of self-evaluating lately, and I find after talking to people, most people feel the same way......

So now I don't feel so bad, and also I try to read self help stuff...

I find I talk myself into a rage or anger or depresion or whatever. 

I have tried some stuff like Xanax, and well-butrin, and lexipro, but it made things worse for me.  made me want to kill myself.... and hurt myself. 

Tehn I got off of them, and talked it out. 

I also find that keeping a jouranl can help re-cap and you can see where you go wrong, or analyse yourself later when you are more rational.

We is all crayzay!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nut  :nut  :nut  :nut  :nut  :nut


na your cool. you should try some martial arts. all your strugles will be managable to you in the wake of your empowermeant

if you need help finding the right art read Tao of jeet kune do by bruce lee who suffered as you do in same symptoms. a hero you must be?

I can not suggest a form right for you but you would really like a soft style like Akido. very fun and you will allways like it when done for the day leaves you eager to sociolize and learn more

who are some fictional hero role model types for you?

A friend was trying zoloft samples for two weeks and aced himself. harsh blow for the community and the doctor gave him samples with no documentation

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I usually don't discuss personal matters like this to strangers but what the hell.

Manic Depressive. But I'm more depressive than the mania part of it.  One way of conquering this for me is to write or play games. I love computer games because it's a problem solver for me.

Obesessive/Compulsive.  :erm

Anxiety. One thing that feels like the air is being cut off from me is being in crowds or crowded areas. I can't stand that. I guess that's my feeling of clausterphobia. I have no problem with small places as long as it's not crowded by people. One reason why I don't do concerts or other large gatherings.


noble attitude

what the hell?

i love it man say Fu%k it do what you fuc&ing gotta do man.

respect on that front :fear

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I think people tend to group different mentall illnesses together unfairly

some are ailments of the mind others are of the soul others the body. all are related somehow and it is not catagorized enough as far as diagnosis of couse are concearned.

in most cases your your own best therapist and i'ts hard but it's true

some casses and illness you can not overcome enough to function as with in reason in society on your own and you would be wise to request suppervision.

the power of the mind over the spirit is the effect of faith in what ever

what you believe effects your soul in a way.

to lose what you believe as reality, can break your heart.

a broken spirit has its effects on the mind and body in turn

parts of this system mailfunction

other things are not even related on that level of couse and effect

those things denote toword your personality and natural allignment. (I feel trying to correct that with medacine is disrespectfull to my ability to councel myself.)I feel it's unnatural to alter such traits like add couse thats a part of how your mind works and you would in effect not be..........YOU.

my little bro is add and adhd learning disabled. I naturally get along well with that in others and can teach them stuff easilly.

I tend to opperate with a fine tuned auto piolet in my mind that stays on tasks for me when my mind wanders

please reply :fear

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Clinical depression... dysthymia actually, can't remember the DSM code anymore.

& I wish people would not equate learning differences with mental illnesses or even with perceptual "disorders" (like dyslexia- which is all about perception & has nothing to do with ability to learn)... we realize now that not everyone is able to learn effectively via the traditional "lecture & read" method. It has nothing to do with anything being "wrong" with the individual, it's just that we are all different and we learn in different ways. One of the hardest things I deal with as a special ed teacher is the stigma attached to learning differences... It's good that my LD kids can get the individualized attention they need to catch up after years of falling behind academically... but on the other hand I really hate that they have to be labelled with a "disability" to get that attention.

So, all that is to say... Fierce Critter there's nothing unusual about not learning effectively from reading texts... the truth is, that's a very inefficient way for most people to learn, and we are rapidly moving away from having that method be the main focus in the classroom.

And FUCK this "diagnosis of the month" culture we've fallen into... wtf, all ov a sudden no one is "normal" & everyone needs to be on medications? I am not anti-medication by a long shot but it seems we are starting to view the human condition itself as a pathology. The number of kids on stimulants is apalling, so is the astronomical increase in kids, many of them TODDLERS, diagnosed as bipolar in the past 10 years. Don't even get me started on "adult ADD".

OK I'm finished.


addictions may never "go away", but you can get to a place where addiction does not define who you are any longer... Contrary to the 12-step party line. But I'll save my anti-NA rant for another day.

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Clinical depression... dysthymia actually, can't remember the DSM code anymore.

& I wish people would not equate learning differences with mental illnesses or even with perceptual "disorders" (like dyslexia- which is all about perception & has nothing to do with ability to learn)... we realize now that not everyone is able to learn effectively via the traditional "lecture & read" method. It has nothing to do with anything being "wrong" with the individual, it's just that we are all different and we learn in different ways. One of the hardest things I deal with as a special ed teacher is the stigma attached to learning differences... It's good that my LD kids can get the individualized attention they need to catch up after years of falling behind academically... but on the other hand I really hate that they have to be labelled with a "disability" to get that attention.

So, all that is to say... Fierce Critter there's nothing unusual about not learning effectively from reading texts... the truth is, that's a very inefficient way for most people to learn, and we are rapidly moving away from having that method be the main focus in the classroom.

And FUCK this "diagnosis of the month" culture we've fallen into... wtf, all ov a sudden no one is "normal" & everyone needs to be on medications?  I am not anti-medication by a long shot but it seems we are starting to view the human condition itself as a pathology.  The number of kids on stimulants is apalling, so is the astronomical increase in kids, many of them TODDLERS, diagnosed as bipolar in the past 10 years. Don't even get me started on "adult ADD".

OK I'm finished.


addictions may never "go away", but you can get to a place where addiction does not define who you are any longer... Contrary to the 12-step party line.  But I'll save my anti-NA rant for another day.


YES! Everything you posted rings true, couldn't agree more.

So many of my clients are over medicated, and they are only young children..to "control" them..aarg.

Right now I'm trying therapy, and I have done fairly well controlling my illnesses, and if you knew me for long enough, you would see that I really am bipolar, lol. As far as the sex addiction..I'm a lot better than I used to be.

I can control my drinking, for the most part. I used to get fall on my ass drunk daily, but now I limit it to Friday and Saturday. I still have a problem stopping drinking once I start though, and I stop that night when either I run out of money, or last call is over.

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Ditto, Kichijoten on many points, including the "addictions going away" point.

I was hesitant to include the possible dyslexia, but figured it might fit the thread, if not totally.

As far as admitting addictions, alcoholism runs in my family. My father stopped drinking cold turkey when he married my mother, and most of his children continued the trend.

I find myself susceptible to compulsive behavior. I had a period of too much drinking in my early to mid 20's, and followed my father's example and just stopped.

I'm having fun with some uber-rare drinking at home tonight. But that is, very much, rare for me. You will definitely see me drunk at the club, but I no longer get to the blackout stage, and when I do drink "too much", it's, believe it or not, a choice. I can leave alcohol alone for months at a time.

I find myself susceptible to things that will easily solve a particular problem. For instance, 2 years ago when Jon had foot surgery, he got a Percocet prescription. He only took 2, and didn't need the rest.

I also left them alone. Until one day, when I thought it might help the morning back pains I'd been having. The euphoric, buzzy feeling it gave me, and the easy sleep was very, very intoxicating & hard to resist. I emptied the bottle of 30 tablets in about 2 months, and when those were gone and no refills available, I moved on to over-the-counter sleep aids. I missed the euphoria/buzz, but the sleep help was a good "weaning off".

Still, when Jon had the screws removed from his foot a year later, it was tempting to fill that new prescription for percocet. We both decided it was best to just throw it out unfilled.

I stand by that decision, but sometimes, sometimes, when sleep just hasn't been good for days, I wish...

I stay away from all drugs for this reason. I do not want to experience the "good" parts of them, I do not need that temptation in my life. So at my house parties, and there will be plenty, there will be no drugs of any kind allowed. Keep them in your cars - they are not welcome in my home, but YOU are. :wink

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It was one too many blackouts and ending up VERY lucky to have truly Good Samaritans take care of me each time, and realizing that one of these days, said person wasn't going to have such good intentions, that made me quit.

I learned to not put myself in that position anymore, and allowed myself to once again imbibe.

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I black out, a lot, when I drink.  Example...I remember nothing after around 2 am,  this last Saturday night.


I used to... outgrew it by my late 20s. Went through a very scary unhappy period around then when I started blacking out & becoming a very mean drunk which I had NEVER been before. (always wondered why people sound so HAPPY when they call you the next morning to tell how you picked a fight w/some total stranger or got permanently 86'd from another club). Stopped drinking, got the unhappiness out ov my life, & was able to start drinking again in a much healthier way.

I wish I could still drink like I used to... I really miss just hanging around in bars... not clubs, just grungy little old-fashioned neighborhood bars. Never liked the show "Cheers", but I loved the theme song line about "everybody knows your name"... there's nothing like having the bartender start mixing your favorite as soon as you walk in the door.

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OMG, the bartender gets my drink going when she sees me (is she's not already making a drink), she doesn't even have to ask what I want, Lmao. The blacking out thing scares me sometimes, because I go to City Club alone, and I pass out in my car there, alone. But I do know some people that go there, and I will assume that they look out fot me when they can. I guess I'm glad I don't get mean when I drink, but I do other things lol

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OK I'm finished.


addictions may never "go away", but you can get to a place where addiction does not define who you are any longer... Contrary to the 12-step party line.  But I'll save my anti-NA rant for another day.

I totally agree that if you do the work needed... it (mostly) ceases to cause problems. (Or define who you are) But you're still an addict. My feeling is that the underlying physiology that got us there in the first place never changes and we will always be suscepible to relapse if we don't stay mindful of that. That said... My addiction might be a little different then most because it revolves around needs that all humans MUST have. ie love, companionship.. etc. (And yes, I did say MUST).

A couple further comments as I read BW's and FC's responses.

I think it's fairly well established that the amount you drink has nothing to do with weather you're alcoholic or not. My grandfather had a drink every day at the same time. EVERY DAY. That's addiction. If you pass out sometimes from drinking, that's not neccessarily a sign that your alcoholic. It may be a sign that you have other issues to deal with.

I'm also on the anti-med bandwagon. I use them when my allergies get REALLY bad in the spring. Sometimes nothing works and I just deal with it. Lately, I've become fond of saying that I don't need stimulants (caffine) mind-altering drugs or aphrodisiacs. I have em all built in. :wink

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Windy, my mom is Agoraphobic as well. Her fear of public places was so intense at one point that she only allowed my dad to take her to the grocery store and family gatherings. She's gotten better, but she'll never be cured. Now that I think about it, I periodically feel fear when I walk out the door. This came from having a knife held to my throat when I was 14. This same ass that did this to me came back when I was 15 to "finish the job" (his words-he intended to rape me. He didn't "finish the job" again). I've never needed meds or counseling. I just take the bull by the balls. I don't take any shit. I get what I want, if I want it badly enough. Sometimes I wonder if I really am okay....

I think I am. So far.

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Holy crap...you guys are all insane!!! I feel like the sane guy that just walked into a looney bin!!  :laughing


that makes you the insane one.....you're different

Like in EVERY twighlight Zone, when everyone else has changed but you're the same


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that makes you the insane one.....you're different

Like in EVERY twighlight Zone, when everyone else has changed but you're the same



It IS the twilight zone damit!!! NOoooooooooooo!!! *plays creepy twilight zone music*

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