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I'm drinking...

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I wish I had booze... leaving for the Gathering in the morning & right now I'm tearing the house apart looking for the 128mb memory stick for my camera... just don't think the 32mb will be enough. No idea where I put the damn thing. It prolly fell on the floor & became a cat toy =( I think a nice Jack & Coke would do wonders to either help me find it or not give a flying fuck anymore...

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Parisian Absinthe

Bermudan Black Label Rum

decent irish whiskey

all sorted for a night out with my older alter ego "scary chris"


Parisian-is this the distillery or is it maybe La Fee, you're drinking? La Fee's the stuff that you can shoot because it has added sugar. Or do you have Pernod (the good stuff!!)

I've been drinking Huegot (Andoran) lately. Quite nice at 30 Euros a litre...

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yeack... pernod is absinthe without the only reason i drink it.

la fee is a parisian absinthe, and its my most common bought stuff, but stuff from paris streets is far much more potent and smoother when properly prepared


I know of Pernod that contains maximum wormwood allowable by French law-perhaps it's just not so common in the UK...Of course none of it is common here, it has to be ordered from over seas...

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i'd love to see a drunk critter ;)


I'm a lot of fun. And funny. Very 'devil may care'.

I sometimes think alcohol is a good thing for me. I've got a lot of repression built up from my upbringing. I've worked on trying to overcome that without chemical/intoxicant aid, but it can be so hard in social situations. Alcohol allows me to dance without care of how I look, be flippant & goofy, and oddly, comforting & pampering.

I have Jon to look out for me now, and the maturity to not drink to the blackout stage. 'Cause what fun is that???

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i don't drink much but when i do get drunk i am very honest and in my honesty i always tell people how much i like them or what i like about them and i go on and on about it. i don't *think* i am annoying about.. at least i hope i am not ;) but i do tend to tell people how much i love them and why.

on the other hand i have told people i think they are/were an asshole and why. :laughing

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I'm extra-friendly when I'm drunk. This is why I rarely drink. That, and I don't enjoy vomiting too much.

I'd love to see Critter drunk, though!!

I've learned how to get to the extra-friendly stage without getting anywhere close to vomitting... or even the drunk stage... Which is why I stick with JUST beer... Otherwise I lose track too easily. :tongue:

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